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AACK! my son an friend scared the cr*p out of me!!!

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We have a problem right now with rats getting into the garage, chewing holes in things, etc. Before we had a company seal everything up we also had them in the attic. I hate rats. Well, my son and his friend (the same friend that got the cops called on them yesterday) apparantly thought it would be fun yesterday to put a fake rat in my van. I got in it today, turned it on, and looked down to see a very realistic rat face staring at me from the display area. Inches away. I screamed like crazy as my son assured me it wasn't real. Had I not seen it until we were on the road we could have been in an accident, a fact I made sure he understood.




my husband is out of town, I'm exhausted, I'm planning out all the field trips for our homeschool group for the year, we are getting over colds, and I do NOT need this right now.


I don't even know what to do with him about this.

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Sorry they scared you. In light of yesterday's events I can understand you not seeing it as funny.


Personally, (the whole friend dynamic removed), I would find it very funny, and my son would be anticipating his mother returning the favor. But our family is warped like that.

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thanks everyone. I didn't punish him, but did make sure he understood not to repeat this, the possible consequences and danger if I had been on a busy road when I saw it, and the fact that as I am an adult he really shouldn't be playing jokes on me.

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It was a practical joke. One that backfired on him. But he's 12, right? He'll learn what is funny and what isn't. I wouldn't do anything more than talk to him like you already have. :grouphug:


:iagree: he may be in training for a career in the fire department.


It's a pretty darn good one, really. He'll learn about timing with maturity. ;)

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Sorry, I laughed out loud.


I got a nasty shock today when I felt a bit of a sting and looked to find a spider in my bookshelf. I screamed good and loud, ripped off the seatbelt and just about wet myself before I got it out. Thank goodness dh was driving. He thought I'd lost my mind.

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:iagree: he may be in training for a career in the fire department.


It's a pretty darn good one, really. He'll learn about timing with maturity. ;)


Or the military. Back when I was in, some guys in my section put a rubber snake in my desk. They were so bummed when I saw it and didn't scream. I didn't even jump. :D

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I had to LOL....I love practical jokes. DH and I take turns leaving this very realistic looking roach in various places around the house in attempt to freak each other out. And I also borrowed a life sized cut out of this guy (Zac Efron) and stood it in my DH's closet so that when he opened the door, he'd just about wet his pants....he nearly did LOL.


But yeah, I would definitely tell him that there's an appropriate time for practical jokes and that it could have devastating consequences if done in a vehicle.

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This is going to make for a great family story in years to come. ;) You'll probably be laughing about it before then too.


Yesterday's incident wasn't at all funny, but this was just a practical joke, not fully thought through. Glad you saw it before you were going down the road. And if my dd tried this ... I'd kill her!!! :lol:

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This story reminded me of something that happened to my mother once.


She was going out to feed the chickens. What she didn't know is that my brother had fed the chickens and put the lid on loosely. When she opened the lid to the chicken-feed, six large rats came leaping out, including a couple that ran up her chest and over her shoulder before jumping off. Her screams were probably heard for miles.



I told her the OP's story, and all she said was "He'd be dead. Dead. Dead. I'd kill him myself. If I let him live I'd ship him to an orphanage."

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