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Kitchen timer *without* magnet and no ticking noise?

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Does this exist??? Please recommend a model if you know of one! lol


We like to use timers for our kids' computer time, but do NOT want a magnet near them. I guess even a good downloadable timer function to have on the computers themselves would also work, but we have other uses for an actual timer that they can carry around.


It doesn't work to use a strict "Child A gets computer B from 3 pm to 4:30 pm" because, well, life is different every day and things happen, etc. and we've got 6 kids wanting their share of 2 computers all the time. It's maddening, I tell you.

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I have a digital timer sitting right near my computer right now for the very reason you mentioned. :D I was able to easily pop the magnet off the back. I think I got this timer at Walmart or Target for maybe $5.

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Do you have a cell phone or an iPod with a timer on it? My kids like me to surprise them with the alarm sound (dog barking, bells chiming, etc) when i set my iPod timer for them.


ETA: If you have Firefox, there are some timer add ons you can download, too.

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Because magnets and computer hard drives and/or screens is not a good mix? Sorry, we've had a tiny magnet zap an external hard drive and won't let that happen again. We're using the timers to limit computer time, not stick on the fridge in the kitchen.

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We just recently picked up a little digital timer at the Dollar Store! no magnet, portable and even has a little stand on the back you can use to prop it up if you want. It was such a last minute, cheapie purchase that I don't know a model number or brand. Anyway, you might check a Dollar Store near you! :-)

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We just recently picked up a little digital timer at the Dollar Store! no magnet, portable and even has a little stand on the back you can use to prop it up if you want. It was such a last minute, cheapie purchase that I don't know a model number or brand. Anyway, you might check a Dollar Store near you! :-)


:iagree:Yep, I got one w/out a magnet for my toddler at Dollar Tree so he'd stop running off with mine!

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