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If you've seen The Passion of The Christ

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I didn't let Ds watch it until this year (he's 14) and I refused to watch it with him. I can conjure the torture scenes whenever I want :glare:. It was more than I needed to see as an adult. Ds took several "breaks" while watching it, but didn't want to talk. The day after he watched it he thanked me for making him wait (he'd been wanting to watch it for years).


I remember watching something on TV every lent that told the story of Christ. That had a profound effect on me and that movie didn't show it graphically like Passion did. It always bothered me. I would have nightmares and any time I heard a whip crack I would cringe and spine would tighten. I believe I've had everlasting effects from watching something like that at such a young age.


I know it's important to understand Christ's sacrifice for us, but IMO young children don't need it that graphically or in depth. I would have preferred Ds wait until he was an adult to watch it.

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How about The Gospel of John. It is rated PG-13 but is much milder than The Passion of the Christ, as well as more true to scripture. It goes word for word through the entire Gospel of John. It has been awhile since I saw it so be sure to preview it first. We also have one called Jesus of Nazareth that is pretty good, but it is very long.

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Heck no. Mel Gibson is psychologically disturbed. The violence is sadistic and way over the top.




Apparently, so were the Roman soldiers involved.


What should have been portrayed?


Even the Pope was quoted as saying "It is as it was" upon seeing the movie. And I believe the Vatican has access to much more documentation than the rest of us.


I realize that not everyone believes that Jesus was the Christ, but the historical record is there that he was a man from Nazareth that did have these brutal, horrific things done to him.


Is this movie appropriate for a seven year old? No, of course not. I don't think it's palatable for many people. I don't think most Christians honestly want to think through (eg: "walk the dog") of the sequence of events that led to the crucifixion of Jesus the Christ. I think most prefer the fuzzy lighting "Christ has risen" pale pastel poster version of Christianity to be quite honest. It's more... palatable.


But that's my opinion. And I tend to tick people off when I talk about religion, so I'll leave it there.






ps: Kid and I were discussing just yesterday that Gibson's career was moving along quite swimmingly until he did this movie. It's like it was his undoing. Interesting concept, that.

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Is it appropriate for my 7 & 8 year olds to watch? If not, is there something else you can recommend? My DD LOVES those old religious movies like the Ten Commandments, and we watched a movie about Noah the other night. She keeps asking to watch more but I'm not sure what is out there that's accurate and appropriate.


I have never seen it. I can't bring myself to watch it.

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Apparently, so were the Roman soldiers involved.


What should have been portrayed?


Even the Pope was quoted as saying "It is as it was" upon seeing the movie. And I believe the Vatican has access to much more documentation than the rest of us.


I realize that not everyone believes that Jesus was the Christ, but the historical record is there that he was a man from Nazareth that did have these brutal, horrific things done to him.


Is this movie appropriate for a seven year old? No, of course not. I don't think it's palatable for many people. I don't think most Christians honestly want to think through (eg: "walk the dog") of the sequence of events that led to the crucifixion of Jesus the Christ. I think most prefer the fuzzy lighting "Christ has risen" pale pastel poster version of Christianity to be quite honest. It's more... palatable.


But that's my opinion. And I tend to tick people off when I talk about religion, so I'll leave it there.






ps: Kid and I were discussing just yesterday that Gibson's career was moving along quite swimmingly until he did this movie. It's like it was his undoing. Interesting concept, that.


The man is mentally ill. He is a hate-filled anti-Semite and has a serious problem with alcohol abuse. Bad combo. He also fetishizes violence. Not just in this film, but the Passion is particularly twisted.


I have met him. He is a very strange and disturbed human being. The film ought to have been rated NC-17 for sadistic violence.



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The man is mentally ill. He is a hate-filled anti-Semite and has a serious problem with alcohol abuse. Bad combo. He also fetishizes violence. Not just in this film, but the Passion is particularly twisted.


I have met him. He is a very strange and disturbed human being. The film ought to have been rated NC-17 for sadistic violence.




I can agree with that.


But not for the same reasons.


I think it was historically accurate, not done for cinematic exploitation.




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I can agree with that.


But not for the same reasons.


I think it was historically accurate, not done for cinematic exploitation.





The inaccuracies with the Gospel stories have been well documented.


All films are done for cinematic exploitation. That doesn't mean Gibson isn't sincere, I'm sure he is. He also sincerely believes that the post -Vatican II Popes are illegitimate and agents of Satan. Same with his (equally disturbed) father. Did you know that?


He is also a sincere anti-Semite.


The fixation with violence (and almost total neglect of Jesus' message in the Gospels) felt pornographic to me. This film was the product of a very disturbed mind.



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The inaccuracies with the Gospel stories have been well documented.


All films are done for cinematic exploitation. That doesn't mean Gibson isn't sincere, I'm sure he is. He also sincerely believes that the post -Vatican II Popes are illegitimate and agents of Satan. Same with his (equally disturbed) father. Did you know that?


He is also a sincere anti-Semite.


The fixation with violence (and almost total neglect of Jesus' message in the Gospels) felt pornographic to me. This film was the product of a very disturbed mind.




Yes, I did.




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Heck no. Mel Gibson is psychologically disturbed. The violence is sadistic and way over the top.




I'd agree with that but I think it goes beyond Mel Gibson. Passion plays in general are like this and quite frankly, I'd like to see them disappear. Historically they've been used to incite violence against Jews. They just seem, indulgent and manipulative and I don't think they contain any great theology to justify them.

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I'd agree with that but I think it goes beyond Mel Gibson. Passion plays in general are like this and quite frankly, I'd like to see them disappear. Historically they've been used to incite violence against Jews. They just seem, indulgent and manipulative and I don't think they contain any great theology to justify them.


No argument there.



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I'd agree with that but I think it goes beyond Mel Gibson. Passion plays in general are like this and quite frankly, I'd like to see them disappear. Historically they've been used to incite violence against Jews. They just seem, indulgent and manipulative and I don't think they contain any great theology to justify them.


I thought I'd read that Mel Gibson based his depiction of the scourging and crucifixion on the alleged visions of St. Bridget who claimed Jesus received something like 5000+ wounds. I read the prayers attributed to her quite some long time ago so I don't remember the particulars.


Anyway, Mel Gibson is a sick, twisted man.

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I thought I'd read that Mel Gibson based his depiction of the scourging and crucifixion on the alleged visions of St. Bridget who claimed Jesus received something like 5000+ wounds. I read the prayers attributed to her quite some long time ago so I don't remember the particulars.


Anyway, Mel Gibson is a sick, twisted man.


He may well have based his particular version on that but it's still a passion play (hence the word passion in the title) and they've been around for a long time. They depict just what that movie did, Jesus' suffering before his death.

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I saw Saving Private Ryan and don't remember that scene so I guess it didn't affect me that much!


There were only two (realistic) movies that had scenes brutal/disturbing enough to stick with me long term. One of those was The Passion of the Christ. The other was American History X (think curb scene if you've seen that movie. Shudder).

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I saw Saving Private Ryan and don't remember that scene so I guess it didn't affect me that much!


There were only two (realistic) movies that had scenes brutal/disturbing enough to stick with me long term. One of those was The Passion of the Christ. The other was American History X (think curb scene if you've seen that movie. Shudder).


I couldn't eat well for days after watching this movie. It's the top of my list of most disturbing.

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He may well have based his particular version on that but it's still a passion play (hence the word passion in the title) and they've been around for a long time. They depict just what that movie did, Jesus' suffering before his death.


Oh, I wasn't saying it wasn't a passion play. (Have seen several and do not like them.) I was thinking about your comment that it wasn't 'great theology'.

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Yes Mel Gibson is a highly disturbed individual, I will agree with that. I can not stand anti semitism in any fashion. It never made any sense to me for a Christian to be anti semetic it is almost like an oximoron. Jesus himself was a jew, the jews are Gods chosen people, and we all drove Jesus to the cross(no particular fault to the jews, or Romans for that matter). Jesus went willingly.

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Maybe you could try Jesus of Nazareth. It's extremely well done. We also watched a series of movies about Genesis characters. I don't remember who the first one was, but I know it ends with Joseph. Each of them is a full movie and quite accurate. I think maybe Abraham, Issac and Joseph are the titles, but I may be remembering wrong. It's been awhile.

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I saw Saving Private Ryan and don't remember that scene so I guess it didn't affect me that much!


There were only two (realistic) movies that had scenes brutal/disturbing enough to stick with me long term. One of those was The Passion of the Christ. The other was American History X (think curb scene if you've seen that movie. Shudder).


Yes, that and the shower scene really got me as well, even though I was thinking he got what he deserved (kind of, somewhat, how could I think that?!). I don't like the feelings that movies brought out in me!

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