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Anyone here own a "Shi-poo" (****zu/poodle) dog?? Opinions?

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We are considering getting another dog (we already have a "golden-doodle") because a friend of ours dog just had a litter of sh*itzu/poodles (mom is shi*tzu, and dad was a toy poodle).

Just wondering what the temperment is of these dogs, and how you like them??


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No, you spelled it right. :001_smile:


IMHO, crossing two purebred dogs like that to attain what's known as a designer dog (hybrid) is not a good practice. Unexpected health and temperament problems often arise.


Either a purebred dog (bred by someone whose goal it is to improve their breed) or a plain ol' mongrel is a better bet. Your average mutt, which is the result of many, many random crossbreedings, has a far better chance of being healthy and not subject to dire health issues, compared to a first generation cross.


Purebreds, when bred with an eye for improvement of the breed, are another good choice. A quality breeder will guarantee the health of his/her puppies, too.


Just my two cents. :001_smile:

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no, you spelled it wrong :) It's Shih Tzu.


Now, I LOVE Shih Tzus and I think Shih Tzu-Poodle crosses are CUTE! However, I would never get a miniture poodle or a miniture poodle cross. They are WAY different creatures than standard poodles.


BTW, you'd either end up with an ideal dog or the worst dog on earth. You have to think of the possible combinations of temperment, intelligence, etc. This is especially true, imo, when you are thinking of a small breed dog and small-ish children (looking at your family picture, quickly, it looked as if you had some young'uns).


JMO, of course.

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We have had that mix in the past, and she was terrible! She bit three children who came into our house, with no provocation. However, we got her as an adult, and I think she learned to be terrified of children in her first home.


We now have a Miniature Poodle/Jack Russel Terrier mix, and she is WONDERFUL!! I love this dog as much as our Border Collie. That, plus she doesn't shed and is tiny (5 lbs. at a year old)


Sorry, I probably haven't helped much, huh? :confused:

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I think you were a lot of help. It helps to get another side. NEVER in a million years would I think a poodle-JRT mix would be a good dog even under the best of circumstances. I definitely wouldn't guess it'd rank with a Border Collie! So I think it helps to have another point of view :)


Part of it is what qualities you like in a dog. I am very much a quiet laid back person IRL and want my dogs to be also. Poodles, JRTs, even Border Collies aren't necessarily my cuppa, ya know (though I'd be 100 times more likely to get a Border Collie than the other two)...


I think you added a LOT to the discussion esp since I was so negative!

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No, you spelled it right. :001_smile:


IMHO, crossing two purebred dogs like that to attain what's known as a designer dog (hybrid) is not a good practice. Unexpected health and temperament problems often arise.


Either a purebred dog (bred by someone whose goal it is to improve their breed) or a plain ol' mongrel is a better bet. Your average mutt, which is the result of many, many random crossbreedings, has a far better chance of being healthy and not subject to dire health issues, compared to a first generation cross.


Purebreds, when bred with an eye for improvement of the breed, are another good choice. A quality breeder will guarantee the health of his/her puppies, too.


Just my two cents. :001_smile:



And what amazes me is the PRICES people will pay for these hybrids! I researched my first Leonberger's bloodlines back to 1922 (yes, the year 1922~) flew to Belgium and brought her home, whereupon she went on to earn numerous breed and working titles and she STILL didn't cost what a former teaching colleague and her husband, brand-new to dogs of any kind, are charging for their "Labradoodles."


If you want a dog and don't care about showing or competing with it (for which you'd need a purebred, NOT a hybrid) why not adopt a rescue dog?


Just my two cents.

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I think you were a lot of help. It helps to get another side. NEVER in a million years would I think a poodle-JRT mix would be a good dog even under the best of circumstances. I definitely wouldn't guess it'd rank with a Border Collie! So I think it helps to have another point of view :)


Part of it is what qualities you like in a dog. I am very much a quiet laid back person IRL and want my dogs to be also. Poodles, JRTs, even Border Collies aren't necessarily my cuppa, ya know (though I'd be 100 times more likely to get a Border Collie than the other two)...


I think you added a LOT to the discussion esp since I was so negative!


Aww...thanks for that! Actually, our mini. poo/JRT is fairly calm, considering she is only 11 months old. She definitely does not fit the typical breed profiles. I think we just got lucky with her! :) Our Border Collie, on the other hand, is a bit over the top. She is 4 years old, and has a squirrel fetish. She just cannot calm down once she spots one out in the yard. She really wears me out. However, I would never get rid of her just because she once warned us when we had a peeping tom at the house. She is my security system!

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And what amazes me is the PRICES people will pay for these hybrids!


Preach it, sista! A df of mine told me that her cousin wanted to purchase a supposed biewer to breed with her yorkshire terrier because (her quote) "she'd get, like, $2,500 for each pup." :eek: What is up with that?! $2,500 for a hybrid is pretty scary, if you ask me. Breeding dogs should never be considered lightly nor thought of as a money-making proposition.


FWIW, I hope to be more involved with my favorite breeds (danes and standard poodles) someday, perhaps even as a breeder...hence my little drop o' passion there. ;):001_smile:

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Thanks ladies for your insight! We will research this matter further. I will say that our goldendoodle is the BEST dog I have ever owned (I have had quite a few!)

So, I am now in favor of poodle crosses (esp since my dd is allergic to shedding dogs).

I have heard that hybrid mixes have less health problems than pure breeds. Its called the Heterosis effect or hybrid vigor which results in a healthier, more vigorous dog with a reduced chance of genetic disease. Here is a quote from a vetrinarian website that i thought was interesting:


"Pure breeds and inbreeds often carry genetic disease. Heterosis is the phenomenon where crossing two inbred lines can yeild a progeny with superior genetic constitution. This increased health and vigor does not create a superior breed, but the advantages obtained from it are what produce hybrid vigor. This goal in this scenario is not to create a new breed, but to create a happy and healthy pet.."


Not sure if it is true or holds water, but all i know is I adore our poodle cross!

I also believe that one should adopt from a rescue first and foremost! Unfortunately we tried that road, and it didnt work out. It was a sad experience.

Thanks again for all the info!!!:D

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I'm a huge, HUGE poodle fan. But, not a Shih Tzu fan. I've known only three, but they were all very snippy dogs. The ones I knew were much more suited to "one-owner-only" type families and didn't like new people at all.


I read what you posted about the purebreds having genetic disease and just wanted to post an FYI. We're currently on our 5th poodle. Excepting one poodle who was prone to ear infections (which he outgrew after his first birthday), we've had zero with any health issues. Just wanted to post that in case you might be considering a pure-blood poodle. :001_smile:


Our current poodle (who is awesome) actually showed up on our front porch right before Christmas last year. :D He was lost, and had been for some time. We posted flyers everywhere, notified the pound, and put an ad in the paper. Still, no one called for him. He's such a wonderful little dog, I'm amazed every day that no one was out there looking for him. :confused: He's ours now, though! LOL

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PLEASE research because a standard poodle (which a golden would be crossed with) is a MUCH different kind of dog than a miniture poodle (the one a shih tzu would be crossed with). They are NOT just two sizes of the same basic kind of dog. A person who likes one would not necessarily like the other.


BTW, your goldendoodle is cute. Do you always keep it cut shorter like that? Just asking.

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Well, we cut it short in the summer (however, somtimes much shorter than we desire due to a matted coat) and let it grow out for the colder weather. She looks like 2 completely different dogs with long hair and short hair. If you look on my posts that are at the beginning of my blog (you have to go back a bit) I posted a before and after haircut shot...oh my ...it was drastic!

She is so good with the kids! We adore her.

So, I didnt realize this about the different sizes of poodles, that the temperments are different. Does this hold true for the "toy poodle" as well???

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PLEASE research because a standard poodle (which a golden would be crossed with) is a MUCH different kind of dog than a miniture poodle (the one a shih tzu would be crossed with).


I am no expert, but according to the American Kennel Club, the only difference should be in size.


I am sure there are subtle differences and preferences, though. What I hate to see is the claim of various and sundry types of "rare" and "fancy" versions of each size, particularly toys and miniatures. :glare: Still, having owned all three sizes (albeit not the finest purebred specimens), I found no drastic difference in general poodle temperament, sturdiness, or tendencies between the varieties.


I can't believe I'm enjoying dog chat this late on TWTM boards! :lol:

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Really! Well, it seems like a lot of what i am researching on the shihtzu seems to be in agreement about them having a snippy nature. This would be reason enough for us to forgo this breed or cross breed. I got too many young ones that would tests its patience...KWIM??

THats why i love our goldendoodle, she lets the kids do whatever to her, and she keeps coming back for more! lol!

Maybe we should just get another golden doodle, however...the kids really want a toy size dog to love on and be able to walk themselves:-).

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Thanks for additional information Debra.


I was told differently and that was my experience so of course I just believed it. I had no reason to look it up. Of course, if it's gonna be mixed....well...


I LOVE Shih Tzus. They are definitely my type of dog, hubby's too. We've had two in the past (one was stolen and one died :( ).


Right now we have a Lhasa mix and a Lab mix. The former I paid too much for to save him from a backyard breeder and he's a terror but we love him dearly and can't imagine life without him. The latter was "coerced upon us" with the promise that they'd take her back if we didn't want her. Of course, they wouldn't take her back. But we've come to love her. She's a great dog though scared of her own shadow due to a bad first year (3 owners, attacked as puppy, bad man, etc).


I'm not sleeping these days so I'm up too late and probably posting WAY too much. Everyone's gonna be like, "SHUT UP ALREADY" soon :p

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Hmmmmm, I'm trying to think of a little dog I would say for young children and I just can't though many people do like poodles (my mom has one though and BOY do they have energy!).


What about something like a Sheltie? They are on the small side of medium so would be handle-able by kiddos. They have good stamina to handle kids and other dog....would enjoy fetch, games. Aussies and Border Collies are great too....


Maybe some sort of bulldog? Maybe a spaniel of some sort?

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You know, I think it depends on the particular dog more than the breed. And it's important to establish good behavior habits right away so the dog respects all the family members as leaders (that's my little Cesar Millan plug!)


I have poodle mixes bec. of allergies and I love 'em! We have a labradoodle we adopted from the shelter and he's the best dog in the world! I doubt he was crossed with a standard poodle, bec. he's on the smaller side. I'd pay big bucks if I had it to get a great dog like him.


We also have 2 rescue cockapoos. Very different from the labdoodle, but wonderful, too. Very lively and super smart. My kids do great with them and the smaller dogs have done a lot to increase the kids' confidence and leadership ability.


We did have a toy poodle for about 10 days, once, but had to return her to the rescue group bec. she did not get along with the kids at all. She was a neurotic tyrant.



Our former neighbors had a shih tzu. She was funny and cute, but liked to bark. She was best buddies with their golden retriever. An improbable pair! I don't really like shih tzus, but that's my particular preference. They seem bossy. I don't like pomeranians, either, but there was one in our obedience class that surprised me and changed my opinion about the breed a bit.


So, I think often it's more about the individual dog and it's training background.


Just my 2 pennies

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We had a Lotsofpoo (Lasoapso(sp?) mixed with a cockapoo(sp?)) for 14+ year and he was a delightful dog. Accidental mix up with a breeder and he was a freebie due to his mixed parents. But he was a joy. I'm a get a mutt kind of gal. Oh, gosh I miss that old dog.

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....as the daughter of someone who bred and showed poodles, I wouldn't characterize standard poodles as being "much different" from toy or miniature poodles.




PLEASE research because a standard poodle (which a golden would be crossed with) is a MUCH different kind of dog than a miniture poodle (the one a shih tzu would be crossed with). They are NOT just two sizes of the same basic kind of dog. A person who likes one would not necessarily like the other.


BTW, your goldendoodle is cute. Do you always keep it cut shorter like that? Just asking.

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