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s/o, s/o, CC (hee!) Is a SOF even biblical?

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hmm......so we MUST all have identical beliefs to have a homeschool coop and allow in someone else's kids, but we can take our OWN kids to dance class, swimming class, gymnastics class, ect. alongside a whole slew of nonbelievers if it suits us, right? But no way are those kids getting into our coop class!




When I read the Gospels it said Jesus preached to everyone, he didn't ask anyone to sign a statement of faith before they were admitted to the Sermon on the Mount. Why do you want a kid's parents to sign one before he can take a language class at your coop?

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Still thinking about all of this.......soooooo, good Christians should isolate themselves from those unpleasant unbelievers, despite the example JC set in the Gospels because Paul said later (in a letter that he probably never thought would be read by a completely different group of people two thousand years or so later) that it was not cool. Got it. Paul trumps JC.


Wait, UNLESS of course those nice Christians are on a MISSION trip in some exotic foreign country, then it is okay to talk to and interact with the unpleasant unbelievers in the hopes that your lovely Christian example will influence the heathen to convert. But you better not try that in your own country! Save that example and all those good works for the people who live far, far away from you! It is just too stressful to set such a nice example of love and caring ALL the time. Especially towards those pesky non Christian kids who keep wanting to show up in your coop. Save it for the foreign kids! I mean, you don't want to be accused of setting such a wonderful example of the best of Christianity that those local kids might want to convert, because God only gives credit for converting foreigners.


I think I'm catching on........

Edited by Rainefox
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Paul's theology is not "second-hand." In no way does it contradict anything that Jesus taught.


Um, yeah. I think people forget that Jesus never wrote anything down. The disciples did. And some folk afterwards.




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It is just too stressful to set such a nice example of love and caring ALL the time. Especially towards those pesky non Christian kids who keep wanting to show up in your coop. Save it for the foreign kids! I mean, you don't want to be accused of setting such a wonderful example of the best of Christianity that those local kids might want to convert, because God only gives credit for converting foreigners.


I think I'm catching on........


A lot of the SOF discussion hasn't really been focused on non-Christians who want to join a Christian co-op but can't because of the SOF. Though that's certainly an issue. Much of the discussion is that the SOF is written in such a way as to exclude other Christians from joining because their Christian beliefs are slightly different. So not only are these groups excluding all those pesky non-Christians but also those pesky Catholics and pesky LDS and so on. Love? Unity? Forget it, we're going to focus on that equally yoked verse which I was always taught referred to marriage only... :confused:

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A lot of the SOF discussion hasn't really been focused on non-Christians who want to join a Christian co-op but can't because of the SOF. Though that's certainly an issue. Much of the discussion is that the SOF is written in such a way as to exclude other Christians from joining because their Christian beliefs are slightly different. So not only are these groups excluding all those pesky non-Christians but also those pesky Catholics and pesky LDS and so on. Love? Unity? Forget it, we're going to focus on that equally yoked verse which I was always taught referred to marriage only... :confused:


Yes, exactly. And, in the context of the Mass Briana started off with (and the one I heard this morning):


This was written in a time well before our relatively new culture of single-strain monoculture farming. There would have been many different kinds of wheat in the field. The directive was not to single out a particular variety of wheat for the barn and, with the weeds, send the other varieties to be burned.


Further, I would add that flours of mixed wheat bring a richness to our table that we very rarely have the pleasure of tasting in this day and age. Each contributes something of its very own to the wholeness of the bread. It's a shame when we choose the monoculture in our spiritual feast.

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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Yes, exactly. And, in the context of the Mass Briana started off with (and the one I heard this morning):


This was written in a time well before our relatively new culture of single-strain monoculture farming. There would have been many different kinds of wheat in the field. The directive was not to single out a particular variety of wheat for the barn and, with the weeds, send the other varieties to be burned.


Further, I would add that flours of mixed wheat bring a richness to our table that we very rarely have the pleasure of tasting in this day and age. Each contributes something of its very own to the wholeness of the bread. It's a shame when we choose the monoculture in our spiritual feast.


I heart this. Thanks.:grouphug:

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Well, I'll tackle your question first because I think it's pretty obvious ;-)




Curricula, co-ops, extracurricular activities; all must be exactly to our liking or we moan and groan about it. I've done my share of grumbling, and listened to more than my share ;), forgetting that when I chose to homeschool, I chose the road less traveled and should have no expectation of other people or groups rising up to support me in whatever way I deem appropriate.

If I find a support group or co-op that is a perfect fit~that is a bonus! Hallelujah! Praise God!


But if I don't, then it's not the other person or co-op's fault because they don't owe me anything.

Nor are they bad people for not owing me anything.

They are simply people trying to do the same thing I am trying to do, in a different way.




I don't really have a dog in this fight as I couldn't sign a SOF that required that I believe it (I might sign one that says I understand you believe that - see the difference?).


I think this issue of finding a CO-OP that has what you want should be just limited to curricula. For example: I might be excited that a local Co-op was offering science lab classes. Woohoo! However, if they were using any of the YE stuff, I'd probably have to skip it (and probably would just on principle). I might be okay with some of the OE stuff, depending on the actual text. So, I might be able to take Spanish with a YE group, but not science.


If the point is finding a SUPPORT GROUP, then yeah - I can see where being with the like-minded religiously could help. Certain groups avoid help that doesn't come from within the church or prayer. It might be useless for me to be in a Christian Science support group because when I hear you have the symptoms of some easily-treatable-with-modern-medicine disease, I'm going to recommend you go take some amoxicilian, not pray for forgiveness. KWIM?


If the point is a field trip group or a social play group, I think codes of conduct are enough. THere are several groups in my area that do this. I belong to one and we have all different folks. The parent conversations while the kids are running around the park are generally about current events (and yes, we vary politically), general parenting things, educational help, or just what's happening in our day to day lives. Your usual coffee klatch kind of thing.


Like I said - no dog in this fight. It's been interesting observing it from the outside, though, and seeing just how much infighting there is under the massive blanket of Christianity. You're not alone, though. There are similar conflicts within Islam (Shariah law or not? how to interpret it? etc). I'm pretty sure this is one of those eternal things.

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Well said!


hmm......so we MUST all have identical beliefs to have a homeschool coop and allow in someone else's kids, but we can take our OWN kids to dance class, swimming class, gymnastics class, ect. alongside a whole slew of nonbelievers if it suits us, right? But no way are those kids getting into our coop class!




When I read the Gospels it said Jesus preached to everyone, he didn't ask anyone to sign a statement of faith before they were admitted to the Sermon on the Mount. Why do you want a kid's parents to sign one before he can take a language class at your coop?


Still thinking about all of this.......soooooo, good Christians should isolate themselves from those unpleasant unbelievers, despite the example JC set in the Gospels because Paul said later (in a letter that he probably never thought would be read by a completely different group of people two thousand years or so later) that it was not cool. Got it. Paul trumps JC.


Wait, UNLESS of course those nice Christians are on a MISSION trip in some exotic foreign country, then it is okay to talk to and interact with the unpleasant unbelievers in the hopes that your lovely Christian example will influence the heathen to convert. But you better not try that in your own country! Save that example and all those good works for the people who live far, far away from you! It is just too stressful to set such a nice example of love and caring ALL the time. Especially towards those pesky non Christian kids who keep wanting to show up in your coop. Save it for the foreign kids! I mean, you don't want to be accused of setting such a wonderful example of the best of Christianity that those local kids might want to convert, because God only gives credit for converting foreigners.


I think I'm catching on........

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I think SOFs can be Biblical. Or not. I think that many times SOFs are used to be unkind under the guise of protection from false teaching.


Our sermon this morning was on the same topic.


Our sermon this morning was on the same text, but the topic was 'hope' and looking forward to the last days. It is really nice having the pericopes so that Pastors wrestle with material that they might not necessarily select, and also so that many churches are on the same Bible schedule and we can compare notes like this!

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Our sermon this morning was on the same text, but the topic was 'hope' and looking forward to the last days. It is really nice having the pericopes so that Pastors wrestle with material that they might not necessarily select, and also so that many churches are on the same Bible schedule and we can compare notes like this!


Yup -hope was also a theme. I couldn't pay enough attention because the kids apparently knew about the recent full moon.

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Our sermon this morning was on the same text, but the topic was 'hope' and looking forward to the last days. It is really nice having the pericopes so that Pastors wrestle with material that they might not necessarily select, and also so that many churches are on the same Bible schedule and we can compare notes like this!


Carol, how does one pronounce this word? :tongue_smilie:

Thanks in advance.:D

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Tonight's Mass was illuminating to our current topics of discussion for me. One of the scripture readings was on the wheat and tares, how they are supposed to grow together until the harvest. Father, in his homily, specifically said that we as Christians, can want to 'purify' everything in our lives, from the way we live to who we associate with, and how that is not what God wants, how "Protestants, and Muslims are children of God". That to exclude others in an attempt to make ourselves holy, or sanctify ourselves didn't allow God to work in our lives or others, because what might be our wheat is not what He sees as wheat.


In the light of that, is a SOF even biblical?


Hey! That's what OUR sermon was about today. What a coincidence!

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