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Ear Infection/ Chiro/ ENT... what do I do?

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I wrote the section beow about 20 minutes ago. Updating to say that the drum ruptured. UGH!!! So we'll go to the primary. But is our next step the chrio or the ENT?



I've come here about my 5 yo ds before. Here it is in a nutshell...


* Typically maybe 1 ear infection/ year.

* End of May = ear infection (ruptured) & meds.

* End of June = ear infection (ruptured - drained more than ever) & stronger meds - I was thinking infection just hadn't cleared all the way. Did Dr follow-up this time and it looked good. Got off meds around July 8th

* Said yesterday his ear is bothering him

* His ear infections are either middle or inner ear - not outer ear

* Typically for both of my boys they say their ear hurts and by the next am it's ruptured (I have been giving antihistamind this time and doing more massage)


? Have you found a chiro can give instant relief or do I need to get meds and then see the chiro?

? Has anyone see the chiro and then still needed to see the ENT?

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I would try the chiropractor. My dd had 9 ear infections when she was a baby and we were ready to meet with the the ENT for tubes. The ped suggested a chiro first. My dd had 2 adjustments and didn't have another ear infection again for 4 years. After the adjustment, the colic disappeared and my baby's whole personality changed. The chiro charged 25 a visit - worth every penny. Good luck!

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:001_smile: Anyone else? Chrio or ENT? Have you gone to a Chiro and then still needed to go to an ENT? How do you deal w/ your primary on this - I'm sure they're going to push for the ENT.

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I've been to a chiro a few times, but it never had an impact on my terrible ears. I vote ENT and tubes. Currently my left tube is working its way out. I have an ENT appt next month and will be getting it replaced.


If your kiddos are anything like me, they don't feel the beginning of fluid or an infection because it's so normal. By the time I notice there's fluid in my ears, I can barely hear. I will never again go without ear tubes!

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This is really not my first approach but this is what I did. After too many ear infections I was going crazy. I bought a large book on alternative treatments and it was too much info and I'm a nurse. The easiest thing to do was cut way down on dd's milk consumption. The miracle happened and she never had another infection. I hope you find something that works for you.

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I would go to the ENT and have adnoids and tonsils checked as well. My son's adnoids were so large that his ears couldn't drain properly. After removing his adnoids he hasn't been sick since.




I forgot this one. My ds had tubes at 18 months but was still getting infections. He has tonsils and adenoids removed at 3 and has been fine since.


I don't have tonsils or adenoids, so it isn't always a cure :glare:.

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Please, please go to an ENT. If I had seen the proper ENT as a child, I would not have had to have the 3 ear surgeries I have had as an adult (including the one 3 weeks ago).


Rupturing ear drums were my first sign I had real, life-long ear problems. Ear drum ruptures can heal improperly in a way that requires surgery. Please take him to an ENT, the best you can find. They are not all equally qualified so get some recs for the best with ears if possible.


ETA: Also, please keep in mind that when an ear drum ruptures, you cannot hear out of that ear for 6-8 weeks (says someone who has been through 15+ ruptures). That is a lot of language missed and can impact development if it continues. You really want to get this problem solved whether by tubes or some other means.

Edited by FairProspects
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Get your child to the doctor and get him on abx today. Ear drum ruptures can cause scar tissue to form on the ear drum (especially after repeated ruptures) and that affects the flexibility of the ear drum and your child's hearing. Significant impairment can result from multiple ruptures (and surgery is often required). It is not a casual thing. It sounds like your child may need tubes if this can't be resolved.

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I would do ENT in that situation.


If I could go back in time I'd do ENT for my own son much sooner than we did. We did chiropractic and I did think it was successful. It was successful until an ear infection that turned into mastoiditis. The wasn't was much worse than ear tubes alone would have been. Ear tubes are over-done but sometimes they are absolutely warranted. In those cases they are a good thing. My son was one of those warranted ones and it sounds like your child might be as well.

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Please see an ENT as soon as possible! With your child's history of frequent ear infections and now an ear drum rupture, there is significant risk for his hearing to be permanently affected. A significant portion of his language development period has already been affected by the frequent infections. After the infection clears and the ear drum heals, he should also be evaluated by an audiologist to check his hearing (PLEASE ask for them to check his hearing , even if he seems to be hearing okay. Since he has had so many infections, he may not realize what typical hearing really sounds like and how he should be hearing.)

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The ENT is only really necessary once the drum has been ruptured for an extended period. But with the strong history of ear problems, it might be worth it. I had my second tympanoplasty this past March. :grouphug:


I will say that the Chiro is indispensable for ear problems, though. They don't just crack your back. ;) We've had tons of luck (the kids) with ear infections cured rapidly by chiro treatment. My ruptures were both traumatic without infection, so my case is different for my surgeries.

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