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I know no one is pregnant forever...

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... but if one more person starts a conversation with "Weren't you due Wednesday?!? You poor thing!!" I will probably completely lose it :glare:


Add in the hysterical, panicky phone calls from my mother (yesterday's conversation included an implication that I'd let the baby die because I was over my due date and planning on a home birth - though I'm fairly sure she didn't realize that she'd implied that until I pointed it out to her) I am seriously considering turning off my phone, refusing to check my email, and hiding in my bedroom with a stack of books and a pan of brownies until the baby decides to make his or her appearance.


While at this point of course I'd love to have a brand new baby to snuggle, I actually like being pregnant so this whole "going over my due date" thing really isn't bugging me at all. DH is just impatient to meet the newest family member, but even he can't leave the apartment without being assaulted with "Any baby yet? No? REALLY?!?!?" or (from about 5 minutes ago) "You have more patience that me - I'd drag her to the hospital and have them induce her!"


Really?!? Really?!?!?!? :banghead:

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I hear you.


My MIL has never been pregnant, and is, quite honestly, pretty ignorant about the whole process. She seems to think that a due date is a 'best before' date. :glare: Cue the insanity a good 6 wks before I'm actually due.

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I remember my good friend leaving an outgoing message on the machine something to the effect that, "No, the baby isn't here yet. No, I'm not in labor. Don't even ask. Don't leave a message."

She lived thousands of miles away from me at the time and I just wanted to give her a hug. I called back later and she answered the phone, "NO! No baby!" She laughed when she realized it was me. :)

Hang in there!

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:lol: Your post title cracked me up, doesn't it FEEL that way?


I was 39 weeks with twins... imagine the comments. "Hasn't your SHIP come in yet?" :glare:


Do you notice, I am not laughing?


Or how about, "Wow, how do you sleep at night? Good thing you and hubby got a KING sized bed. Does hubby sleep on the sofa now?"




Hang in there. :grouphug:

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So... when are you due??




Seriously, our society is so fast paced, rush here, rush there, planning everything to the half hour. Good for you for slowing down, living this moment with peace. You will be very busy in the months to come, it's hard not knowing when baby comes. Enjoy this time with your family.


That being said, there is a limit to how long a placenta is healthy, so do take care of yourself (as I'm sure you are).


Wishing you the best,



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This is why we told everyone (especially grandparents) that dd was due about 2 weeks later than she was. ;) We didn't given an exact date, just said, "in mid-April".


It worked very well. ;) You know, for future reference...


:grouphug: That's why I'm vague about when the baby is due. I vote for brownies and books. :)


I remember my good friend leaving an outgoing message on the machine something to the effect that, "No, the baby isn't here yet. No, I'm not in labor. Don't even ask. Don't leave a message."

She lived thousands of miles away from me at the time and I just wanted to give her a hug. I called back later and she answered the phone, "NO! No baby!" She laughed when she realized it was me. :)

Hang in there!


These are such great ideas, I wish I had thought of them years ago. Good tips. :D

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This is why we told everyone (especially grandparents) that dd was due about 2 weeks later than she was. ;) We didn't given an exact date, just said, "in mid-April".


It worked very well. ;) You know, for future reference...

Wolf told MIL I wasn't due until before Christmas.


Unfortunately, he neglected to tell ME. So when she asked, I told the truth. :glare:

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Put me in the "you have more patience than me" boat. ;)


I hate being pregnant, especially at the end. I have big babies and have had sciatica the last two pregnancies, so the last few weeks are just misery. I'm in my 36th week right now and already feeling about ready to be done. My OB and I have both agreed that I'll go to 41 weeks before we talk induction if the baby doesn't come on his own--although I think he will, because DS came on his due date, and DD a week early--but I'm hoping it doesn't come to that, because it's quite possible I'd spend the last week crying.

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This is why we told everyone (especially grandparents) that dd was due about 2 weeks later than she was. ;) We didn't given an exact date, just said, "in mid-April".


It worked very well. ;) You know, for future reference...


I started out doing this. I told everyone "sometime in the first part of July". DH got so excited over the fact that we were having a baby that he let the actual date slip once before I stopped him... unfortunately, all it takes is once :lol:

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Oh, dear. I feel your pain. DD#1 was three weeks "overdue" and I showed no signs of labor. (Finally they got her out after three attempts at induction and the vacuum aspirator, but that's another story.) At one point during that three weeks, I was walking across our church courtyard and someone, from all the way across the courtyard, yelled at me, "Haven't you POPPED YET?"


My response was not appropriate for a church setting. :lol:


Hang in there!

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... but if one more person starts a conversation with "Weren't you due Wednesday?!? You poor thing!!" I will probably completely lose it :glare:


hey! are you my friend!? She's due too, and still waiting. Hmmm... you could be her, since she also homeschools. Now I'm getting nervous ;-)

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:grouphug: I'm "overdue" too, and actually kind of dreading going to church tomorrow :tongue_smilie: (assuming baby doesn't appear before then). I was 3+ weeks over with last ds, and really got tired of the "you're still here?" comments. But I know people generally mean well, and I need to be gracious and patient. :) We had a great homebirth with him and are praying for another one with this little one. I'm thankful for midwives who let baby come when he's ready and don't rush to induce me - I was induced with my first, and it was an experience I don't wish to repeat.

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I hear you.


My MIL has never been pregnant, and is, quite honestly, pretty ignorant about the whole process. She seems to think that a due date is a 'best before' date. :glare: Cue the insanity a good 6 wks before I'm actually due.


Imp, your MIL is completely, 100% certifiable! It pains me that she is allowed to roam free amongst civilized people. Shouldn't Canada do something about her???? Gulag in the Yukon, work camp in the Arctic, or cleaning bird doodoo off a runway in Guam?????? Something!


As for the pregnancy thing, I always reached that place when we stopped going anywhere except for prenatal checks with the midwife and we let the answering machine screen the calls. Literally, I went into a hole and dh ran interference because I.could.not.take.it.! Go into hiding, don't talk to anyone, lay on the couch and eat bonbons if you want! You have my permission.



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:grouphug: I'm "overdue" too, and actually kind of dreading going to church tomorrow :tongue_smilie: (assuming baby doesn't appear before then). I was 3+ weeks over with last ds, and really got tired of the "you're still here?" comments. But I know people generally mean well, and I need to be gracious and patient. :) We had a great homebirth with him and are praying for another one with this little one. I'm thankful for midwives who let baby come when he's ready and don't rush to induce me - I was induced with my first, and it was an experience I don't wish to repeat.


DH just actually informed me that he'd made the "executive decision" that we are staying home from church tomorrow, whether baby is here/ I'm in labor or not.


We had a really awful, pushed induction experience with DS so we're both perfectly content to wait for the baby to be ready. Though, right now we're considering having the midwife sweep/strip my membranes at 41 weeks if baby hasn't put in an appearance - mainly to head off any stupid, panic-driven comments my mom might make that would probably make it hard to be completely polite with her when my family is out visiting in a couple of weeks.

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Imp, your MIL is completely, 100% certifiable! It pains me that she is allowed to roam free amongst civilized people. Shouldn't Canada do something about her???? Gulag in the Yukon, work camp in the Arctic, or cleaning bird doodoo off a runway in Guam?????? Something!


As for the pregnancy thing, I always reached that place when we stopped going anywhere except for prenatal checks with the midwife and we let the answering machine screen the calls. Literally, I went into a hole and dh ran interference because I.could.not.take.it.! Go into hiding, don't talk to anyone, lay on the couch and eat bonbons if you want! You have my permission.




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I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND!!! I went 9 days overdue with 2 of my children, one was a day later than expected and one was two days later than expected. Personally, I got frustrated but my frustration was multiplied by 100 by having to listen to those comments!!! It seems that most people go early- either by design or their dr convinces them it's a good idea. I can understand the desire to cut-off communication until the baby decides to come. Hope you won't have to listen to it much longer. You can always tell them EDD stands for ESTIMATED due date not EXPIRATION DATE!!

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