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SWB - Thank you for attending the RFWP Valley Forge Conference!

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SWB - I know what a busy schedule you have so it is from the bottom of my heart that I say THank You for attending the RFWP Valley Forge Conference. It was a small, intimate gathering of like-minded folks. We all learned so much from you. I know many of us were feeling burnt out from the year and some were even asking, can I do this another year? I think most if not all left the conference feeling rejuvenated, motivated, and dedicated to educating our children, thanks to you! You are truly an inspiration. Your dedication to the homeschooling community is awe-inspiring.


Before I get too mushy, THANK YOU!!!!!!!


Capt Uhura

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And then, after you had rejuvenated them, they came back and rejuvenated those that couldn't make it!


Thank you!


Yes, because even though I didn't attend, it was great to hear Captain Uhura say that there are others out there feeling burnt out. So nice to know I'm not alone...


Wow. My oldest is in FIRST GRADE, and I'm thinking these thoughts. :lol: It's the thought of having twin Kindergartners next year that is freaking me out.


Breathe in, breathe out...

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And also, from another who couldn't make it at the last minute, thank you for providing audio recordings of your lectures at a reasonable cost. I wish I could have heard you in person, but at least I'm not missing out completely. I listen to them when I'm cleaning out my office (when I should be writing... ha ha... :)).

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Not sure the kiddos are thanking Dear SWB, though....!!!!!!


I am energized and re-focused and basically psyched. Even got some new energy to deal with my beloved teens, so that's all good. One of my personal highlights was the anecdote of SWB contemplating one of her kids'

academic future. Pretty similar to our path here and I named it the Peter-Pan-syndrome!!! Boys!


Thanks as always for sharing of yourself and being part of so many people's homeschooling journey, Susan.


On a different note, then it thrilled me to no end to see how selfless Sybil (and others) set this thing up and just was so plain helpful. It just seemed so, well, American actually, to just help and go above and beyond out of kindness.

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Not sure the kiddos are thanking Dear SWB, though....!!!!!!

My son won't know what hit him! :lol: Time to get writing kiddo!!!



Yes, thank you Susan! And thanks for hauling the mug for me!

I've been re-energized and re-sold to the classical method.


thank you kindly!


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Another thank you here. I am very grateful to you, SWB. I hope I wasn't too much of a groupie. And thank you to you Sybill, and many others. I keep meaning to post some thoughts about my experiences, and say hi to everyone, and to ask quite a few questions. But summer arrived in all its sandy glory when my plane landed and life hasn't slowed down since. Looks like rain for the weekend so I'll be back.

Edited by yellowperch
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Adding my "Thank you!" to the big pile. And I will thank you on behalf of my children, who are very appreciative although they don't realize it yet. ;)


I learned that I was making them do too much narration (their least favorite activity). There will be much rejoicing in the fall when they discover they only have to narrate WWE and not history too. This will definitely free them up to enjoy history more.


Also, I appreciate the reminder that my kids are PEOPLE with real feelings and needs. Although I don't usually go "global", I have gotten into a war of the wills, which is quite unproductive. Stepping back and gaining perspective like you provided at the conference will help me focus on what's important.


Thank you again!

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Those days of professional development were sorely needed and appreciated. Thank you :)


:iagree: That is exactly what made this different from conventions. It is sorely needed and SWB and MCT knew exactly how to fill that niche. I can't WAIT for home conferences to start!!

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Another thank you here. I am very grateful to you, SWB. I hope I wasn't too much of a groupie. And thank you to you Sybill, and many others. I keep meaning to post some thoughts about my experiences, and say hi to everyone, and to ask quite a few questions. But summer arrived in all its sandy glory when my plane landed and life hasn't slowed down since. Looks like rain for the weekend so I'll be back.


Same here. lol! I think I failed miserably at not being a groupie though. :tongue_smilie: It was hard!! All these questions built up over the years and when faced with the opportunity to get face-to-face answers I just couldn't make myself shut up. :lol:

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