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Misspelled name on airline ticket - help!

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I'm about to have a panic attack. I'm supposed to be flying with my 2 kids in 2 days and just discovered that when I booked the tickets, I accidentally switched 2 letters in my last name. I'm on hold with Hotwire, who I booked the tickets with, but they are in no hurry to get to my call. I'm not even sure if they are the ones I should be calling. Should I call Delta instead? Am I going to have major trouble at the airport? This is so not what I need right now. Please tell me this can be fixed without a hastle!

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Don't know how to fix it but I don't think you are in for a big hassle at check-in. My dh routinely fails to use his real first name when booking tickets so his ID doesn't match his ticket name and he has not had any trouble...so far. If Hotwire isn't reachable, call Delta or email them. Good luck and deep breaths!

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I finally got through to Hotwire. The guy said he was making a note to the airline (Delta) about it. He said security should be able to pull up info from my boarding pass and see that it has been noted. Supposedly it won't be a big issue since we are flying domestically.


Has anyone had a similar experience and can tell me it will be alright? :001_unsure:

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That's happened several times with our last name--long, lots of consonants--;) and even our kid's first names, on occasion. We've never had a problem. No one's ever looked that closely. They just look at our ID, look at our ticket, pass us on. You could probably get it changed if you want to. I'm sure it probably happens quite a bit.

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I think you will be okay.


We did this to my MIL on accident, and she was fine on the first leg of the trip, then they caught it at the layover, hassled her over it, etc but let her on.


When we called to fix it for the return flight, they said it would not be a problem to reissue the ticket in the right name *had she not already flown on part of it* but to change it with half used up was an issue. In the end they did note it, switch her to a direct flight so that the name change could be done at the check-in and she wouldn't have any issues with layovers, and it was fine. That was international.


I'm assuming for domestic it will be even less of an issue, and if you are at all concerned, address it at the first airport (if you have a layover) just in case.

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My husband had a person on the phone misunderstand him once. We were all set to board home from vacation and they didn't have his ticket under his name. Mine was there. He had ordered over the phone. The person had understood his first name to be the first syllable of his last name and his last name as they 2nd syllable of his last name. His real first name was completely not there.


It was a bit of a hassle, but it got sorted out right there in the airport. Luckily we had gotten there the 2hrs before boarding as suggested.

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TSA is used to seeing minor typos. It shouldn't be a big deal.


I recently made the airline arrangements for a group of 100+, and I had a couple of passengers with unusual names. At the last minute, I realized that I'd misspelled one of the names. They said that in most cases, if it's clearly a misspelling (as yours is), it's unlikely to be a problem.


I'm sure it'll be fine, but it couldn't hurt to give yourself an extra couple of minutes for check-in. Don't arrive at the last minute.



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