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braces: removal question

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Background: dd had braces for two years and was a model patient. We heard this from everyone at both the ortho office and the dentist office. dd flossed every day, never missed an appointment, never broke a bracket, wore rubber bands constantly, never cheated with forbidden foods etc. She was very responsible and accepting of the braces and never felt self-conscious. She was her happy smiling self from day one.


dd had her braces removed and she hates the results. She won't smile :crying: and doesn't want anyone to see her teeth. dd thinks her teeth look fake. (she does NOT have marks from the brackets) I'm so sad for her. Also, we never were told ahead of time about the 'permanent' retainers attached to the backs of the front teeth (top and bottom). The perm. retainers mean she still can't bite into an apple etc and still can't floss normally. She also has a removable retainer 24/7.


Question: Has anyone else gone through hating the results of braces? Does it get better?

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It is completely normal to be taken aback by the new look. Everyone I know who had braced thought their teeth looked HUGE and FAKE when they got them off. It takes a while to get used to. Most kids get over it in a couple days and their teeth begin to look normal again. It's all a matter of perspective. Does she usually try not to draw attention to herself?


About the permanent retainer thing ... I have only heard of the permanent retainers on the bottom teeth. Almost every kid I know has them. I have never heard of that for the top teeth unless they were holding a fake tooth in place of a missing tooth. My niece has that and ds15 will also. Both are missing some permanent teeth - they just never developed. (Ds will get an implant when he is older.) Most people either get a retainer with wires attached to a palate piece or an Invisalign-like mouthpiece that they wear only at night. I would ask about other options for the upper teeth.

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I don't know if seeing some "before" pictures might help so she can see the changes.


Regarding the "permanent" retainer, it's worth it. I had one for only about 2 years before it popped off (tootsie roll!) and my lower teeth have popped back out of place slightly. She could possibly just wear the old retainer at nights, but I think the longer the teeth stay in place, the more likely they'll stay for good.

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It is completely normal to be taken aback by the new look. Everyone I know who had braced thought their teeth looked HUGE and FAKE when they got them off. It takes a while to get used to. This helps to know, we weren't expecting this at all. dd is the first in her circle to have braces off. Most kids get over it in a couple days and their teeth begin to look normal again. This is encouraging! It's all a matter of perspective. Does she usually try not to draw attention to herself? She's reserved with new people but not once she's comfortable. She's never hid her smile before, even when the braces were new. That's why this was so surprising/distressing.

About the permanent retainer thing ... I have only heard of the permanent retainers on the bottom teeth. Almost every kid I know has them. I have never heard of that for the top teeth unless they were holding a fake tooth in place of a missing tooth. My niece has that and ds15 will also. Both are missing some permanent teeth - they just never developed. (Ds will get an implant when he is older.) Most people either get a retainer with wires attached to a palate piece or an Invisalign-like mouthpiece that they wear only at night. I would ask about other options for the upper teeth. dd has permanent on top and bottom and the removable one with the wires/palate thing. We never knew about the permanent ahead of time so I will ask about options. Thanks!



I don't know if seeing some "before" pictures might help so she can see the changes. Good point.


Regarding the "permanent" retainer, it's worth it. I had one for only about 2 years before it popped off (tootsie roll!) and my lower teeth have popped back out of place slightly. She could possibly just wear the old retainer at nights, but I think the longer the teeth stay in place, the more likely they'll stay for good. This helps. Thanks!


Thank you both so much! Your responses are truly a big help.

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I cried when I got my braces off. I was probably in 7th grade. I hated how I looked. It didn't last long, though.


Thanks for sharing. It helps dd and me to know she's not the only one who has felt this way. For our personalities, knowing ahead of time that there might be an adjustment period would've helped immensely!

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I've never heard of permanent retainers on the top teeth. Did she have severe top teeth misalignment or overbite they are concerned about returning through shifting? If not, I would request a different option on the top teeth. I still have a permanent bottom retainer 17 years after I got my braces off. It does not affect what I can eat. It is annoying to floss, but I'm used to it. My top retainer was removable. I wore it all the time as recommended (1-2 years I think) and then at night for about 5 years. My top teeth have stayed where they belong since. I'm guessing the appearance will just take some getting used to.

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I had a permanent retainer cemented behind my front two teeth. It finally broke when I was 30. I still miss it!! Unfortunately, due to heredity (I was told) one of my front teeth still turned ever so slightly. No one notices it but me.


I absolutely adore my teeth now. Braces are a blessing.

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I'm sure it will just take some getting used to. I had braces for 4.5 years so I didn't care what my teeth looked like I was just glad to finally be rid of them. (I had them put on in 6th grade and taken off midway through my Junior year in high school)


I'd never heard of a permanent retainer until I read your post, it must have been something my orthodontist didn't do or hadn't come around to using yet. I did have the spring retainers for a while, but once they told me I didn't need them anymore one of my bottom teeth rotated back out again. I've gotten to the point that I just don't care anymore, at least the gap between my two top front teeth is gone and the missing tooth to the left of it has a permanent bridge.

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I think its so sad she is not happy.


My daughter got her braces off 3 weeks ago and she can't stop smiling. Her front teeth are in danger of separating again ( something to do with her gums) but for now we are doing full time retainer and will wait and see about a permanent one behind her front teeth.

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When my braces come off I will have a permanent retainer on both top and bottom so my teeth will not shift. I have had my braces on for 6months and I already think my teeth look funny [im 35]. BUT when I look at my before pictures they look so much better! I can't wait to see the end product!

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I've never heard of permanent retainers on the top teeth. Did she have severe top teeth misalignment or overbite they are concerned about returning through shifting? If not, I would request a different option on the top teeth. I still have a permanent bottom retainer 17 years after I got my braces off. It does not affect what I can eat. It is annoying to floss, but I'm used to it. My top retainer was removable. I wore it all the time as recommended (1-2 years I think) and then at night for about 5 years. My top teeth have stayed where they belong since. I'm guessing the appearance will just take some getting used to.


I have permanent retainers on the backs of my top and bottom teeth. No overbite, I think the orthodontist was worried about shifting. I also have an invisalign-type retainer for nighttime.


I eat apples and corn on the cob and such.


Good to know! dd doesn't care about gum or candy...she wants to bite into an apple!

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I'm sorry your dd is unhappy. I'll guess her teeth look great. I had braces as an adult and have upper and lower permanent retainers cemented to the backs of my teeth. I was told (and do!) I could eat anything. I bit into apples, for sure! I have to floss a bit differently but it's really no big deal. Hopefully over time, your dd will grow to love her new look.

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I'm sorry your dd is unhappy. I'll guess her teeth look great. I had braces as an adult and have upper and lower permanent retainers cemented to the backs of my teeth. I was told (and do!) I could eat anything. I bit into apples, for sure! I have to floss a bit differently but it's really no big deal. Hopefully over time, your dd will grow to love her new look.


Yay! dd is happy.

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