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I caused quite a stir at the Dr.'s office today :)

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DD had her monthly OB appointment and she asked me to go along for the ride. She invited me in the room so I could the heartbeat (which I love doing). After the nurse had taken vitals and we had heard the precious beats, she left us to wait for the midwife. DD motioned for me to step over to the table. She placed my hand on her abdomen and...I felt the baby kick. It was the first time anyone other than DD was able to feel her move. I was so surprised and excited I started to laugh and ...I squealed, loudly.


The nurse and the midwife came running into the room, thinking something had gone wrong with DD.


Thank goodness DD's midwife is one of my best friends. It made the embarrassment a little easier (okay, a lot easier) to handle.



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How exciting! I wish I had someone to go with me to my appointments and share in things like that. :)

Let me know when your next appt is and I will be there.


What great memories you're creating! I'm sure you'll be sharing this story with your gd/gs in years to come. :)


The baby is a girl! I am blessed that my DD has included me from the beginning. It is amazing to be a part of this little miracle.


@Mariann - I don't have a name yet. DD doesn't like Gunner.;)

I am too young for the standard names. :glare: I have decided that I am going to be the cool one, though. I have already looked at bike trailers for her so she can go on rides with me.:D

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Let me know when your next appt is and I will be there.




The baby is a girl! I am blessed that my DD has included me from the beginning. It is amazing to be a part of this little miracle.


@Mariann - I don't have a name yet. DD doesn't like Gunner.;)

I am too young for the standard names. :glare: I have decided that I am going to be the cool one, though. I have already looked at bike trailers for her so she can go on rides with me.:D


Very cool about the bike thing! And I totally understand about the name thing.......that's how I ended up being called Big Penguin!;)

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