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We started homeschooling the first week of June. We did three weeks and then took this week off so DS5 could go to karate camp. I was planning on doing three more weeks and then we are going to a family reunion at the beach for a week. I am going to my parents' house (about 4 hours from here) for the weekend. My mom just offered to watch the two older kids next week for "Grandma camp." I asked her if she would consider doing it another time (like next month or Sept) and she said she would, but she sounded really disappointed. I know the kids will have a blast, but I am really nervous to take 2 weeks in a row off without school when we are literally just starting to get into a groove. I know that homeschooling is supposed to give you flexibility which we plan to take full advantage of. This was just a little last minute and I had a lot planned for this coming week (I have purchased supplies, went to the library, etc).


I would love to hear your advice! Thanks!

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I would probably let them go to Grandma's. I think getting time like that is so important and around here at least, when things like that get put off, we never get back to them. I am working from a definite sentimental point as I lost my Dad almost two years ago and now I never underestimate how much time there is and I so wish my kids had opportunities like that with their Grandpas.

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I am of the school of thought that says summer is for fun not school. So I'd say let Grandma have at it.



We are schooling through the summer (most of it anyway) because we take a lot of trips in the spring and the fall and I am planning on taking most of Dec off. The week off isn't a big deal. I am just worried since we are just starting out and have already had a week off.

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We are schooling through the summer (most of it anyway) because we take a lot of trips in the spring and the fall and I am planning on taking most of Dec off. The week off isn't a big deal. I am just worried since we are just starting out and have already had a week off.

That is all well and good, but it is just kindergarten, yes?


I know you want to start out as you mean to go, but these times with grandparents are so important.


Would Grandma sit for an hour with your K'er and do the work each day?

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kristinannie don't slap me for this.


I have a 5th grader, & I wouldn't say no to a week w/ Grandma. ;)


Ok, sometimes I might, but a week? Really, I can't think of anything that would make me say no to that. So far, though, Grandma hasn't offered. :lol:

I was thinking along the same lines. I betcha when her oldest is 12 she won't be able to get them out the door to Grandma's fast enough. :lol:

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Seeing that you're concerned for a boy of his age, I say go to Grandma's!!! He will benefit from it more than what you will 'lose' by taking another week off. Kindy is not so rigorous, ya know :) If you have some books picked out, could you send a bookbag with those? He'll learn so much from there and will build a better relationship with Grandma. Do it!

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Well, this crazy mama is sending the kids to Grandma camp next week. My mom sent me a text and said she was sorry if I felt pressured (I do like planning and this was very last minute) and we could it next month. However, I realized that maybe I am crazy and they are going. :D

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Good choice. It's summer. He's only 5. It's okay to be flexible, relaxed, and to realize that learning happens in all sorts of ways. Grandma camp among them.




P.S. I agree with those who said I'd make the same choice for my 5th grader (who is going into 6th grade in the fall). I'd even do it over the school year, not just the summer, if such an opportunity arose. I love that as homeschoolers we CAN be flexible and we CAN take advantage of various opportunities that come our way. And I do believe that life and learning are pretty inextricable. All the time, throughout life. But especially when you're only in Kindergarten. :)

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Kindergarten is definitely a flexible year! Grandma time is super important too. :)


If your kids were older I'd say you're fine the way you want to do it but you're oldest is just 5. Heck, some of us don't even start school work until the kids are a few years older then that. Let'em go.:)

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Well, this crazy mama is sending the kids to Grandma camp next week. My mom sent me a text and said she was sorry if I felt pressured (I do like planning and this was very last minute) and we could it next month. However, I realized that maybe I am crazy and they are going. :D




You aren't crazy...just a concerned mom. I am sure you won't regret your decision.

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OK, I guess the consensus is that I am CRAZY. :auto:


Nope. :) I think you're a possibly a newer homeschooler who's really concerned with being diligent and focused on your children's education.


We're just giving out POVs based on our own experience.


I bet that if you asked most experienced homeschoolers what they wish they'd done more of when their kids were the age of yours the answers would be things like more play, more relaxation, more time with extended family. It's hard to see when you're relatively new and trying (and rightly so) to get a routine established but that does come anyway and for the next 13 years. Those very early years when the kids are young explorers and the grandparents are still capable of keeping up with them and the academic demands and extra-curricular commitments are low don't come again. This is it. Enjoy it. :)

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I would let them go with Grandma. I also agree that time with grandparents is priceless and it is just kindergarten. (though I'd let them go even if it were high school)



(and I have let my dd go in high school...multiple times)

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They are only little once and I have a feeling that if you're the type of person struggling over whether or not to let them go, they aren't going to suffer in their schoolwork at all. ;)


DH and I both have way too much "type A" in us and I know that the kids can suffer from it sometimes so I try and let them spend time with people who are more naturally fun and carefree and I also try and shake up my way of doing things for their benefit.


Childhood passes way too quickly and I think if you ask most homeschool parents, more of them regret not taking time to play and let their kids be kids during the Pre-K and K years than those that regret not being more stringent about formal learning.


Remember, concepts taught at 3 and 5 will be sucked up even faster as they grow a bit and they are at the age where they will be taking info in like crazy just being out of their own environment.


We do "classical education" here to a large extent, but for a 3 and 5 year old, playing really is learning on a lot of levels. ;)

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Well, this crazy mama is sending the kids to Grandma camp next week. My mom sent me a text and said she was sorry if I felt pressured (I do like planning and this was very last minute) and we could it next month. However, I realized that maybe I am crazy and they are going. :D





Nope, not crazy at all. Just diligent, and thoughtful. Two hallmarks of a fabulous home school mom! :001_smile:


And your mom sounds pretty terrific, too.

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