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Trailer broken into on trip to Colorado

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We stopped in TN for the night and I discovered my trailer was broken into overnight. Mostly they stole some tools, all of our heavy winter clothes, dd's toys, and a little bit of other stuff.


The worst part is Sunday is father's day and Monday is dd 1st birthday and we are sitting in TN waiting for the cops to come and make a report. We won't make Colorado for father's day and dd's birthday is becoming questionable. Daddy is in Colorado already.


UPDATE: We were just north of Nashville and the cops showed up 8 hours later. We got back on the road at about 4:30. I doubt the cops will recover anything. We came up with a pretty comprehensive list of stuff and it looks like they got about $4500 worth of stuff (replacement costs.) A good chunk of it was arctic gear that my dh has used for working in Alaska when in the field. We didn't make it to see dh by father's day, but we will be there tonight for dd's first birthday. We are only 5 hours away now. My guess is that 95% of the stuff was probably dumped in the trash somewhere.


It has really left me with a feeling of why even bother to try to have anything. We were down to bare bones things that we wanted to have to live in CO for a few months to a year while dh works his current contract job.


I am thankful that dd and puppy and dm are safe and that the rest of the trip has been uneventful so far.


I do think Nashville is not a good place for me to be. The one other time I was there was with dm and grandma and 9/11 happened.

Edited by Mama Geek
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i am so sorry for your experiences here. It really is a nice place. I've lived here for 15 years and never had anything like that happen. I live 20 minutes north of Nashville.


(except once, I forgot to lock my car and someone stole 50 lbs of chicken food out of my trunk at the grocery store. I was like, really???? you stole my CHICKEN FOOD????)

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Just north of Nashville? Ugh, we are about 45 minutes NW of Nashville, which would be where our Boy Scout Troop had their trailer and all the gear in it stolen, sometime between last Wed and Friday. Stinks. But really, there are a lot of nice people here in TN.

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