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10 yr LOVES space


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Hey guys,


My son is begging me to get him more space stuff for science. We touched on it briefly, however we visited a planetarium two weeks ago, he's checked out all the planets books from the library, and he is putting together a space craft mobile that he's painting and stuff.


I saw http://rainbowresource.com/product/sku/034895/1308342673-1618396 this book on Rainbow Resource and thought it would be worthwhile, but knowing my DS, he will speed right through it.


Any ideas? We're not doing any formal science at the moment till next school year, so I'm free to give him a hefty load.

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My dd10 is also really into space. She's checked out countless books from the library on the subject but she's not around for me to ask about her favorites.


Here are a few links she has bookmarked online:


http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/imagegallery/. You can subscribe to the Astronomy Picture of the Day and see incredible images which come with descriptions and info on current research each day.




http://skysurvey.org/ interactive 360 degree composite of the night sky


http://www.sixtysymbols.com/ astronomy and physics symbols


I don't know if you're interested in videos...If you have a Netflix subscription, The Universe, a History Channel documentary, is available to watch instantly. Astronomer Carl Sagan's Cosmos is available through Netflix, as well.


Hope these help!

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I realize some people are pretty anti-television, but there is nothing passive about Discovery Channel's "How the Universe Works" astronomy series. My 10YO eats up every episode, and will analyze and discuss each one for weeks, even taking notes and then using it for further research, all on his own (astronomy is a past topic for us; he's doing this all on his own time).


Also, if you have an ipod, there are some great apps for it (such as StarWalk and others) that will allow it to scan the night sky outside and show what stars and other objects you are seeing, and provide a wealth of other information about the sky you can see right above you at that time.


This is a new day and age, in which technology does not automagically shut off their brains, when used appropriately :)


The Learning Company also has a few really good series on space and astronomy, if your son can stomach the sometimes dry presentations. The Hubble set of lectures is at least accompanied by some really spectacular images. Yes, they are college lectures, but they can be doable for a motivated 10YO if taken in 10-15 minute bites.



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An excuse to buy an ipad (if you don't have one already). . . is the app


Star Walk.


It's insanely cool. When you aim your ipad towards the sky, it shows you exactly what is where, names, constellations, etc and you can click on any item to see more details. (Lots of details.) It also has a calendar feature showing all kinds of events (eclipes, meteor showers, etc). It has lot of other functions that we're just figuring out. (New toy, lol.) So cool!



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