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Kids clothes....where in the world do you keep them all?

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I've finally figured out a good system for clothes that we are currently wearing. It's all the other ones that are driving me nuts.


I save nice outfits from my kids so that if another baby comes along, we'll have clothes. Well, another baby girl is due in October so I've been looking through our saved clothes, trying to find smaller ones. I put a box of those in the "nursery in progress" closet.


I got fed up with all the clothes in my kids closets, so I decided to take out all the winter stuff and put it away in a box until we need them again. So I have two under-the-bed-sized boxes for those. I have them stacked in my girls closet.


But then, I have clothes that my older DD has outgrown, but my younger DD cannot fit into yet. Those are just sitting on the playroom floor! Ugh, I'm going nuts with plastic boxes, finding places for them, and organizing.


My kids probably have too many clothes, which I have weeded out as much as possible. I just won't buy as much in the future. But right now, I'm having a hard time finding a place to put them.


If I put them in the attic, I'll probably never get them back out. :glare:

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We use big clear plastic bins, each with a label--"James to grow into", in the sides (wings?) of the kids' closet. The center are the current clothes in use.


It's hard to weed out, but you'll just have to narrow it down to what you can store. Your hand-me-downs will bless other friends, and soon . . . vice versa.


Our clothes would ruin if stored in the attic.


It feels great (in March and September each year) when we've swapped out all the seasonal clothes!

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I hate it when I have clothes that fit in that "too small for older boys - too big for younger boys" lot. Typically what I do, is box them in rubbermaid and label the outside - Open September 2011 / 4t/5t fall clothes for Sam - or similar. Then they go to the garage. I do keep a list of those boxes to make sure I don't forget they are out there though.


I love love love when we totally outgrow stuff and I can take it to the local clothing place. :D

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Half of my kid's closest is boxes and plastic totes of old baby or in-between clothes. I have a small chest of drawers in the other half that as soon as the toddler bed is done being used will be pulled out to make room for more boxes and toys out of rotation. I also keep the little kid toys, swing, matching nursery bedding under the bed.


I don't think that was much help, though...

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I take a rubbermaid tote and label it with the size of clothing. All the boy 2T is in one box, all the girl size 5 is in one box...etc. Then I stack them in the basement. When the season changes, I know where to look for the next season clothes. When they outgrow clothes, I know where to put them as I take them out of the laundry. It seems to work for us!

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I label big plastic bins "Girls 3-6 months" or "Boys 2T". I buy clothes in advance. When they start growing into a new size, I get the next bin out and box up the old size. I keep them in the basement. If you wanted to be more organized, you could add a season to the label "Girls Winter 3-6 months".

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I don't keep anything! When they are outgrown, they go to Goodwill or a yard sale or to a friend. I have one boy, and one girl so hand-me-downs are not an option. I do buy used clothes, but only what we need at one time. I don't typically buy things for my kids to grow into because they are older, 7 and 14, and they are wearing things for a little longer now. Plus I don't have the space! It literally stays in our house for the time it fits, then it goes out the door. I just can't hold onto everything!

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We use big clear plastic bins, each with a label--"James to grow into"


Typically what I do, is box them in rubbermaid and label the outside - Open September 2011 / 4t/5t fall clothes for Sam - or similar. Then they go to the garage. I do keep a list of those boxes to make sure I don't forget they are out there though.


I used to do something similar to this ("upcoming fall/winter", "upcoming summer"), but I have 4 kids and it got to be too confusing for me. Just recently I reorganized all their clothes by size and gender instead, which I like a lot better. I keep the plastic bins in the basement; they used to be in the garage at our previous house.


We also try to keep the amount of current clothes down to a minimum (all the kids clothes fit in one 6 ft closet and one tall chest of drawers with room to spare). At the end of each season, I aggressively cull items so we only save things we really like.

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3 girls, good luck with that! ;)


We live in a pretty small house, so we store a lot of things up at MIL's. We use the Rubbermaid clear bins and I put a label on each one (6 F/W, 7+ S/S, etc.). I get to do The Great Closet Change-Over twice a year. Things that Sylvia has outgrown go to my Ebay TA for selling (I make a pretty penny this way). Rebecca's clothes are stored for Sylvia. I have gotten to the point where I don't have to buy anything for Sylvia!

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Mine are all not only labeled in space bags but then placed in labeled clear plastic containers. They go into the attic in the order I will be needing them.


I have 2 boys so I've kept all the older clothes for the younger one. Between the clothes and all the toys that I rotate regularly out of the playroom, my attic is packed!

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I store out of season or future clothing for my three littlest kids in plastic totes labeled with size and season either in the side of their closets out of the way or above the cabinets in the laundry room. I've done this for years. I don't like to put too many things in the attic because it gets so hot and sets stains on already worn clothing.

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In plastic totes, sorted and labeled by size. I'm pretty good with the too big stuff, but i really have to work hard to keep up on the too small stuff... Sorting into toss, donate, sell on craigslist or give to the cousins. And then actually following through so it gets out of my house!!

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I have six daughters so believe me, I have asked this question many times. This is what I've done in order to keep my sanity. We have only one or two rubbermaids for out of season clothes. When we change seasons, we go through clothes, getting rid of clothes they don't like or that have rips or stains, and then throw every child's clothes in the same bins. Then, when that season comes back around, we go through the bins, and we see what fits who, and who likes what. We then make sure that everyone has what they need, see who is missing certain necessaries, who has more clothes than they really need, what fits whom, and what children like or don't like. I always pare some down because with Christmas, birthdays, and hand-me-downs from friends and relatives, we always seem to get more clothes than we can handle. And if I am expecting another baby, people always seem to get new clothes for the baby so I only keep very special or favorite outfits to hand down to the new baby. These can go back in the out of season bin too, for reevaluation next season. I say, forget complicated labeling. You can always go through the bins and reevaluate needs and sizes next season--especially since different children grow differently.

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I've finally figured out a good system for clothes that we are currently wearing. It's all the other ones that are driving me nuts.


I save nice outfits from my kids so that if another baby comes along, we'll have clothes. Well, another baby girl is due in October so I've been looking through our saved clothes, trying to find smaller ones. I put a box of those in the "nursery in progress" closet.


I got fed up with all the clothes in my kids closets, so I decided to take out all the winter stuff and put it away in a box until we need them again. So I have two under-the-bed-sized boxes for those. I have them stacked in my girls closet.


But then, I have clothes that my older DD has outgrown, but my younger DD cannot fit into yet. Those are just sitting on the playroom floor! Ugh, I'm going nuts with plastic boxes, finding places for them, and organizing.


My kids probably have too many clothes, which I have weeded out as much as possible. I just won't buy as much in the future. But right now, I'm having a hard time finding a place to put them.


If I put them in the attic, I'll probably never get them back out. :glare:


I figured out why I don't have a problem storing kids clothes. Both my boys are close in age 5 1/2 and a new 7. Last month they had a piano recitial to go to. I discovered that my eldest son doesn't have a single pair of just ordinary pants. He had two pairs of double lined slush pants. That's It. And winter was just ended. He is my boy who wore shorts all year long. If it was cold he would put snowpants on top of his shorts. I never realized it.


Boy did my neighbour/piano teacher laugh when I had to rush over and say, "Ummm, about your dress code - what if C. doesn't own any pants. " :$ She also admited that in the 1 year teaching him piano once a week she can't ever remember seeing him in pants.



And now you know why my eldest is wearing shorts at the recital. And since my eldest didn't have to wear pants, my youngest one didn't want to either.

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I take a rubbermaid tote and label it with the size of clothing. All the boy 2T is in one box, all the girl size 5 is in one box...etc. Then I stack them in the basement. When the season changes, I know where to look for the next season clothes. When they outgrow clothes, I know where to put them as I take them out of the laundry. It seems to work for us!

:iagree: That's what I do and it works fine. Also, I only keep only one bin per size. If there's too many clothes, I let them choose the most favorite ones to keep, the least favorite go to the cousins, friends etc.

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