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Sugar, flouride, and artifical sweeteners are safe for children

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Just ask the dietitians who are being trained by Coca Cola.


Here's a link to the program. I also found the program advertised on PCNA.net, which indicates it is the Preventative Cardiovascular Nurses Association; apparently they get CE credits for taking the course.


And to the Alliance for Natural Health website/article about it. This article has been copied and pasted all over the internet. Apparently, some people are quite unhappy about Coke providing formal training to medical professionals.



I think these professionals need to spend a few days caring for a few kids who go berserk when they get artificial sweeteners. While my kids don't seem to have any ill effects from them, I do believe those parents.

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Just to be clear, I'm not one who avoids these things.


I have a major sweet tooth and make dessert way too often. We do use fluoridated toothpaste, simply because I haven't found one without it that I like. I won't let me kids eat/drink anything with aspartame, in general, though I believe it is in the Pediatlye that the doctors wanted me to push on Madelynn when she was sick/dehydrated recently. I avoid high fructose corn syrup for the most part but not completely. My family isn't on board with pure maple syrup so they are all using Mrs. Butterworth's, for example.


However, I do not believe these things are completely harmless, especially for some people who are more susceptible to their effects.


I do think it is silly for Coca Cola Company to be training dietitians and other medical professionals.

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Just ask the dietitians who are being trained by Coca Cola.


Here's a link to the program. I also found the program advertised on PCNA.net, which indicates it is the Preventative Cardiovascular Nurses Association; apparently they get CE credits for taking the course.


And to the Alliance for Natural Health website/article about it. This article has been copied and pasted all over the internet. Apparently, some people are quite unhappy about Coke providing formal training to medical professionals.




Oh, that's just sick.

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LMAO...Coca Cola


Ok I admit I do feed artificial sweeteners (but not aspartame) to my kids from time to time. I feel like it is less evil than too much sugar. Flame away!!



Can you elaborate some? DH bought some Sprite for the girls to have as an occasional treat and I can't decide which is worse/better - diet or regular? Rebecca does go nuts with too much sugar and we do avoid HFCS as much as possible.

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Well my only elaboration is that I eat products with fake sugar in them and bake products with fake sugar in them and I don't tell my kids they can't have any. I rarely buy soda. I look for the soda with Splenda verses aspartame. Maybe that isn't any better. I don't know.


Regular is worse in my mind because it has a lot more (empty) calories, and sugar is bad for your teeth.


I don't consume a boat load of these products, but I do have them from time to time. For example, I started buying sugar free syrup. I make homemade ice cream using Xylitol. I use Splenda in my coffee.


My reasoning is I don't want to live without some sweet goodies in my life and this is my compromise so I can still have a few of them. It doesn't make up the bulk of my diet.


I know some people use things like honey, but those affect me like sugar does. Stevia tastes horrid to me. I don't see any other way. :001_smile:


Thanks, that does help. I drink diet soda myself and put Splenda in my coffee, but any baking I do is just regular sugar. The girls use the "less sugar" (but no artificial sweeteners) jelly and natural syrup. When I was pg I switched to regular sodas. Just one of those things, I guess.

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Thanks, that does help. I drink diet soda myself and put Splenda in my coffee, but any baking I do is just regular sugar. The girls use the "less sugar" (but no artificial sweeteners) jelly and natural syrup. When I was pg I switched to regular sodas. Just one of those things, I guess.

There are people with sensitivities to artificial sweeteners. Dh can't have any or he loses most of his mind and my dad gets pretty weird after consuming too much.


Just to be on the safe side I refuse to allow dd to put chemicals in her body as a substitute to sugar.


I do buy, as often as I can find it, organic unbleached, sugar or raw sugar or honey or agave nectar to use to when I need a sweetener.

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To my way of thinking... an I know not everyone will agree :D Artificial (man made) stuff can't all be good for you. Perhaps, just perhaps, in very small doses it will be fine. However people aren't consuming these things in small doses anymore. It is in soda, yogurt, cereal, vitamins, gum and various other things I can't think of. Shoot you can buy artificial sweeteners to cook with. There is no way that consuming all these artificial things and processed things can good for you or safe.


I choose to limit any processed or artificial stuff.


Coca-Cola and health *snort* they shouldn't be used in the same sentence.


ETA: Oh and not to mention I can't stand artificial sweeteners *bleh*

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There are people with sensitivities to artificial sweeteners. Dh can't have any or he loses most of his mind and my dad gets pretty weird after consuming too much.


Just to be on the safe side I refuse to allow dd to put chemicals in her body as a substitute to sugar.


I do buy, as often as I can find it, organic unbleached, sugar or raw sugar or honey or agave nectar to use to when I need a sweetener.


So you would say, regular Sprite, not diet? I know neither is great. Up until now we've never given the girls artificial sweeteners.

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Well man made. Something like Xylitol is a sugar alcohol. Yes there is some chemistry there and a process, but it's only sorta man made.


Something like aspartame..I don't even know what on earth that is.

Aspartame is made from Aspartic Acid, Phenylalanine and Methanol (AKA Wood alcohol)

From Wiki on Methanol

Methanol has a high toxicity in humans. If ingested, for example, as little as 10 mL of pure methanol can cause permanent blindness by destruction of the optic nerve, and 30 ml is potentially fatal[11], although a fatal dose is typically 100–125 mL (4 fl oz) (i.e. 1–2 ml/kg of pure methanol[12]). Toxic effects take hours to start, and effective antidotes can often prevent permanent damage.[11]
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So you would say, regular Sprite, not diet? I know neither is great. Up until now we've never given the girls artificial sweeteners.

Oh, yeah. I actually buy the throw back Pepsi with sugar instead of HFCS.


If you want to read about the dangers of aspartame, this article is one of many found on the internet.

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Flouride is a horrible thing to have in your system as well. It has never been truly proven to prevent cavities. Actually to much will ruin your teeth. To much in your body will reek havoc on your thyroid, and will displace iodine ( the actual element you need in your body) and can actually cause hypothyroidism. Wish I would have known that years ago. Actually wished my mother knew about it as I was made to chew and swallow flouride pills as a kid in school. Now, I have hypothyroidism and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

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Dh took the girls out to lunch and brought me back some lemonade. I got a nasty headache. I asked him if the lemonade was regular or diet. He said it was "sugarfree but not diet" and I explained that those are both code for "artificial sweeteners." My head still hurts over twelve hours later.


I don't buy stuff with artificial sweeteners or HFCS. On the rare occasion that I buy soda, I buy Hansen's.

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Can you elaborate some? DH bought some Sprite for the girls to have as an occasional treat and I can't decide which is worse/better - diet or regular? Rebecca does go nuts with too much sugar and we do avoid HFCS as much as possible.


Regular sugar over artificial sweeteners, absolutely. Even better, get club soda or a sparkling mineral water and squeeze some lemon and/or lime juice into it; that's what I do when I want a soda type beverage. We will sometimes mix club soda half and half with apple juice for the kids and call it "baby wine". Not that I think this is the best beverage for children (or adults), but it's certainly far better than regular or diet soda.


This whole thing makes me shake my head. Can't say I'm surprised though. It doesn't seem that much different than pharmaceutical companies sponsoring classes for medical professionals that push a particular drug treatment. Hardly a set up that leads to unbiased education.

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So you would say, regular Sprite, not diet? I know neither is great. Up until now we've never given the girls artificial sweeteners.


Regular sugar, every time. I refuse to let artificial sugar in the house. Dh insists on soda, but buys the sugar kind.


Sugar is at least a real food- your body knows what to do with it, it has normal pathways. The chemical stuff- just google side effects of aspartame. Not good. Especially for growing, sensitive kids.






blindness in one or both eyes

decreased vision and/or other eye problems such as: blurring, bright flashes, squiggly lines, tunnel vision, decreased night vision

pain in one or both eyes

decreased tears

trouble with contact lenses

bulging eyes



tinnitus - ringing or buzzing sound

severe intolerance of noise

marked hearing impairment



epileptic seizures

headaches, migraines and (some severe)

dizziness, unsteadiness, both

confusion, memory loss, both

severe drowsiness and sleepiness

paresthesia or numbness of the limbs

severe slurring of speech

severe hyperactivity and restless legs

atypical facial pain

severe tremors



severe depression




personality changes





palpitations, tachycardia

shortness of breath

recent high blood pressure




diarrhea, sometimes with blood in stools

abdominal pain

pain when swallowing


Skin and Allergies

itching without a rash

lip and mouth reactions


aggravated respiratory allergies such as asthma


Endocrine and Metabolic

loss of control of diabetes

menstrual changes

marked thinning or loss of hair

marked weight loss

gradual weight gain

aggravated low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)

severe PMS



frequency of voiding and burning during urination

excessive thirst, fluid retention, leg swelling, and bloating

increased susceptibility to infection


Additional Symptoms of Aspartame Toxicity include the most critical symptoms of all


irreversible brain damage

birth defects, including mental retardation

peptic ulcers

aspartame addiction and increased craving for sweets

hyperactivity in children

severe depression

aggressive behavior

suicidal tendencies


Aspartame may trigger, mimic, or cause the following illnesses:

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Post-Polio Syndrome

Lyme Disease

Grave’s Disease

Meniere’s Disease

Alzheimer’s Disease



Multiple Sclerosis (MS)



Mercury sensitivity from Amalgam fillings





Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)


These are not allergies or sensitivities, but diseases and disease syndromes. Aspartame poisoning is commonly misdiagnosed because aspartame symptoms mock textbook ‘disease’ symptoms, such as Grave’s Disease.

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Regular sugar, every time. I refuse to let artificial sugar in the house.


This is me, too. Apart from the reasons listed above, I've come across too much other anecdotal evidence that worries me. I've got friends who freely admit that when they have regular sugar, their bodies seems to know when too much is too much; the artificial sweeteners seem to confuse the body and they just keep wanting more.

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Yup. Regular sugar, every time. The exception is that my husband prefers stevi in his coffee. On the very rare occasions I or he kids drink soda, it's Maine Root. (I absolutely love their Ginger brew - crazy spicy!)


I do appreciate xylitol mouth rinses and add it to my anti-plague throat spray, though. It starves bacteria and makes mucous membranes slippery.

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