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Mom getting RIGOROUS workout --and kids too?

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Is it possible? Have y'all seen it work? I wish child-care at a gym included the kids also getting exercise. The ways I know to get exercise at the same time are biking, roller blading, walking, but with little ones it's not usually a rigorous workout for mom, with lots of starts and stops. And exercise videos- if you can't keep kids motivated and hoppin' along with you! Do you all have gyms where the kids are working out while mom is? Any other ideas?

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Put on music and dance! Seriously, I have worked up quite a sweat rocking out with my kids. We encourage "innovative" dance moves. It's a great way to sneak in a quick workout.



:iagree: Do you have a Wii or other game system? We all play Just Dance 1 or 2 together. You can set it up so that everyone dances at the same time, it's so much fun! I usually fall out from exhaustion because we're having so much fun that no one wants to stop. I'm always the party pooper, LOL.

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Once upon a time I belonged to the Y and the universe of children's sports converged to allow mom to have a good workout. My oldest (then 10) was in TKD. My middle (then 7) was on the year round swim team. My youngest (then 3) went to kids' gym and ran after balls and jumped in a bouncy house. All this happened while I went to the fitness floor and did the elliptical and lifted weights. 3 days a week.


And of course practice times of activities changed, the Y dropped activities. Never has there been a convergence of my 3 dc's activities in one place, let alone a chance for mom to do something for herself too.


I hope everyone can be blessed with such a convergence for a short time.

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Is there a bike trail near you? I used to have my kids out on ours every day, even when they were little. They would bring their razor scooters and I would walk briskly, but you could jog as well. We also used to bike together as a family in the evenings when my husband got home.


I have no idea how many kids you have or what type of area you live in, but my kids are on the homeschool swim team 2X/week at our local rec center and I could use the gym during that time if I wanted. They also offer homeschool PE classes.



Edited by LisaTheresa
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My kids are 6 and 4. The easiest way for all of us to get a rigorous workout is either swimming (I tread water the entire time) or more often the track. I can run and they will alternate running laps with me and playing in the middle.

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We're also doing C25K here. I did it on our treadmill over the winter, now I'm on week 5 running outside with the kids. They run faster than I do, but don't yet match me on endurance. Still, they seem to get a second wind when I catch up with them. Next week my workout will get more challenging as my disabled dd will be out of school and I'll have her in a special jog stroller thing. Not even sure I'm in good enough shape for that yet! I'm hoping that we can do some running at a track when public school is out. If I was a swimmer, I could do laps when the kids are in lessons--1/2 hour workout.

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I take my children on a 3.5 mile walk/jog around a lake most mornings after breakfast. The younger ones ride in a double stroller (3 year old hops in and out throughout walk), and the bigger ones run up ahead. We also have a rebounder (mini trampoline) which the children each take turns on to do their "fifteen minutes". The children also ride bikes, play on our property, and do creative projects in the afternoon. I strength-train and run independently in the early mornings before dh leaves the house.


ETA: My children also like to do some of my exercises with me like jump squats, jump roping, plank, push ups, etc.



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Our Y has classes specifically gear toward parents & kids - family strength training (boot camp style), family cycling, and Zumbatomic (which is really a kid Zumba class that some of the parent go to as well).


My husband and I usually trade off our serious workout times unless I'm training him. We did family lacrosse drills after supper.


Last year, we all trained for a 5K together. I sometimes take them into an empty studio at the Y and do body weight strength training - push ups, squats, walking lunges, abs, jumping jacks, that sort of thing.

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We joined the Y. For DD, they don't have much but she's 2. I take her swimming and she riders her bike around the house all day long.


For DS, besides swimming. The Youth and Teen Center tries to keep them active it seems. They also have a kids yoga classes and zumba classes for DS's age group.


On top of that they offer Martial Arts, Sports and Gymnastics. This fall they are offering a scouts type program for 5 and up.

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