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Trying To Shake A Nightmare

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Had a nightmare this morning. Its still replaying in my head. I mean, to the point that its going beyond just what happened in the dream and onto what would have happened next.


Anyone else ever have nightmares that don't dissolve in the light of day?

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I have always, always had terrible nightmares - even as an adult. However, the most lasting and anxiety producing ones have been while I was pregnant. For whatever reason, pregnancy brings out serious anxiety in me and I have to work pretty hard to tap down the crazy.


For dreams like that, I usually pick a bible verse and repeat it over and over and over until my head is so full of that verse that there isn't any room for the bad dream.


This is what I normally use


"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Phil 4:6-7)


And I seriously just repeat it over and over in my head (or outloud) until I can get my head back on straight.


Hope that helps and I'll be praying it goes away quickly. :grouphug:

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I'm guilty of that too...:blushing: It's hard to shake a bad mood when I dream stuff like that.


I've also had some horrible dreams about my kids getting hurt that linger for DAYS.



Mine don't linger for days, but that particular day, I have moments of panic, and the emotions/brain chemicals are there.

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This is a regular occurrence for me, but I must admit they got worse during my pregnancies. :grouphug:


I have also suffered from recurring dreams. When I was pregnant with my youngest, I had a recurring nightmare that I threw her out with the trash on accident. I had a celebration party because she was born but the next morning I would wake up, clean up the house (picture party mess everywhere), and toss the trash into the can. Then later when I couldn't find her, I would realize I must have tossed her out too. I'd wake up in a panic, wanting to jump out of bed and run outside to the trash cans! My DH decided the dream meant I felt in over my head having my 3rd baby. I certainly didn't feel that way, so that dream deeply disturbed me. I can still "see and hear" it in my mind if I think about it, and that was 13 years ago. Egads!


I hope your dream fades to vagueness. :grouphug:

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:grouphug: Hope you're feeling better! Is it harder to shake because the dream is about something you actually are struggling with/or fearing? I find this true for me. Sometimes my dreams reveal something I've been worrying about, but I've been too busy to deal with. Usually it is an unfounded worry, but that doesn't make it any easier to deal with!!!

I really hate the dreams that are so real for me that it takes me all morning to convince my emotions that it was "just a dream"! It's weird how much my feelings can be affected by a dream!

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I find the dreams that effect me the most are the ones I need to pay attention to. I had one recently where DH said he was leaving me because he didn't love me anymore. I asked him how to fix this and he said there wasn't anything left...just nothing. I woke up crying. I was sad all day. I called DH at work and he was nice to the crazy sad lady and reassured her he loved her didn't have any desire to leave.


Sidebar---Dh owns his own business and we are almost never together. I see him on the weekends but we are so busy with church and children we rarely have alone time.

This dream made me reconnect with him and we are working at spending more time talking and touching.



However---the wacko dreams I had while preggers I just ignored--they were too weird to gleem anything positive from.


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Anyone else ever have nightmares that don't dissolve in the light of day?


Yep, used to have horrible ones about ds2 having been abused. I had about 3 different versions of this when he was young. It made me sick to think about, but prayer did help.


Yes. Dh will dream about me cheating and be mad at me in the morning.:glare:



I used to have these dreams. I'd be half awake telling dh I was mad at him for being mean to me and seeing someone else. :lol:

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I have this happen, and the worst part is that it is usually something about my husband being hurt or something and he's always on deployment when it happens, so then I suffer through until the next time I hear from him. I hate dreams like that. My mom has them too and it's usually about my brother or myself ending up in a car accident or something and we'll both get calls at weird hours of the night to reassure her that we are ok and then she can go back to sleep.

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