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Cops at of Our Neighbors House

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Late Thursday night, DH noticed our neighbor across the street packing up her kids and moving. Her (ex?)-DH moved out a few months ago. The little girl in the family is DD1's former BFF and the son is the bully (I posted about them awhile ago).


On Saturday morning there were a couple of people we didn't know in front of the house and then within a few minutes there was a cop car... and shortly after that a total of 4 police cars, 1 motorcycle cop. DH saw a woman carry out a broken window pane (small one, like in a bathroom) and put it in the trash.


WTH? If it was a simple break-in, there would've been just 1 cop on the scene. I know because our house was burglarized a few years ago.


DH thinks maybe the neighbors were renting and the people we saw on Saturday were the landlords. Very possible. But, 5 cops? That is ODD.


Safe neighborhood, quiet street, the house didn't look abandoned. It's driving me nuts. How do we find out what was going on?


After an hour or so the cops left, someone mowed the lawn and it's been quiet ever since. Curiouser and curiouser.....

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You can call the police and ask them. This might work better if you live in a small town.

:iagree: I have had to do this in the past myself. Did all of the police enter the home? It makes me wonder if they thought there was drug manufacturing going on in the home. Or it just may be that all of those other cops had nothign better to do and all showed up. Or that the people who called the cops made it sound worse than it was.

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How do we find out what was going on?


There will probably be something in your paper's "police blotter" in a few weeks, but I have found that to be terribly misleading. (The drug death next door to us was listed as "criminal mischief." :glare:)
Safe neighborhood, quiet street, the house didn't look abandoned.
We, too, life in a safe neighborhood on a quiet street. I know how you feel about wanting to know, for your family's sake, if nothing else. We woke up last summer to our entire street filled with police cars, fire truck, ambulance, animal control, local utility truck, medical examiner...


I would really call the police department. Just ask them if they can give you any information. Explain that you have younger children and were a bit concerned about their safety, is there anything you need to know - or should know - to keep your children safe.

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Yes, you can call.


About 6 months ago, I woke up around 2 AM to cops driving around my (usually quiet) neighborhood shining lights around. I was a little concerned, but not too bad. THEN, I hear a police helicopter overhead and see it shining a light around. Yikes!!! So we called the non-emergency number and asked what was going on and whether we should be concerned or not. They told us no, we were fine, and they were looking for a runaway child.

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When you find out, let us know. I hate not knowing the ending to a story on here. LOL



:lol: I'm the same way!


OK, just got off the phone and I got nuthin.


The nice lady I spoke to said that that information is confidential. Arrests are public records but I guess that police-snooping-around-my-neighborhood isn't.


This is going to drive me crazy and force me to make wild speculations about my "normal" ex-neighbors.


What if they were on the lam after a series of bank heists back east and the cops were finally catching up to them? (That would explain how they could afford to give a 7 yo an ipod touch for Christmas... just sayin'... )


Hmm.... so many possibilities...

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I need to know what happened to the window, LOL.


I know, right???


That makes me think someone broke into the house. But FIVE cops? Um, no. That's like 1/3 or so of the cops on duty for a simple break-in. Not realistic.


This is driving me nuts.


Maybe the woman who lived there had a stalker. He'd discovered her whereabouts and that's why she packed up and left in the middle of the night. Poor thing. :(


See. They should just give me the FACTS (probably perfectly reasonable, boring explanation) and then I wouldn't be forced to speculate like this :tongue_smilie: :001_smile:

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Could they have feared domestic violence? Sometimes multiple cars show up for those sorts of calls, especially if the home is already on their radar.


Possible. No one was at the house, though, so it wasn't a domestic violence call.DH thought the husband seemed like a very nice guy, but who knows what goes on behind closed doors. Their son was a BULLY. Very angry, FEARED his dad, was a very bad influence on the other neighborhood boys.


Maybe a crime was committed against this family at another location and they were just searching the house to see if there was any additional evidence at the house.


I'm going to stop now. This is just making me sad. I hope they're on the lam because of those bank heists back east. The other possibilities are too heartbreaking to consider. :(


The little girl that lived there was DD1's BFF up until a few days ago, when she started girly-bullying DD (excluding, "you're not in the group" type of language).

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Isn't there a neighbor assigned to mill around at the edge of the 'event' and ask questions until some bored cop answers them? Where was that person????




Yes, her name is Arlene and I don't know where the heck she was! The only person out was a kid hired to mow the lawn of the single lady next door to cop-house.


Humph. Arlene is now FIRED. ;)


(Back to productive activity now. This was supposed to be just a short break from cleaning DDs' room.)

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Could they have feared domestic violence? Sometimes multiple cars show up for those sorts of calls, especially if the home is already on their radar.



Two cars is now standard here for calls to a home. A police officer was killed a few years ago while responding to a call.


We had a couple that liked to fight loudly living across the street a couple years ago and whenever the police were called two to four cars responded.

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I live in a quiet,nice, old-fashioned neighborhood. One morning, while out for my morning run, uh walk... I came upon a house with the garage open and 4 motorcycle cops and 2 police cars. I was really concerned that something terrible must have happened. I knew from walking by so often that they had young children. I had to ask one of the neighbors standing by watching, what happened...


the dad left the garage open while getting ready for work, he came out to find someone inside trying to steal stuff and chased him out.


I guess it was a slow, slow day for the police dept. that morning. I could not understand why so many police.


It might be really minor like a break in and just too many police sent over, slow day.

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