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Help us pick a name for our new horse

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Help me think of some name suggestions for my 16 year old daughter's horse. She loves Italians and wants to be an Italian and marry and Italian and name all of her children with Italian names. Anyway, her horse is a big, dark brown boy and the only marking he has is a white spot on his face. He is an arrogant horse and he likes to bite people which she thinks is adorable (we'll save that topic for a later date). If he were a person, I quite think he might be an Italian!!!! So here are the names I came up with...








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I voted for Luciano, that way when she's irritated at him she can call him Lucy. :lol:


Pick the name that sounds best with your stable name or your dd's name, that way when they announce the rider in the arena it will sound good. My dd is leasing a horse right now, I like his name but the announcers CAN NOT pronounce it correctly. :glare: It's not even that difficult but nope they can not do it.

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