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Forced to work without pay.

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Consider the movie Karate Kid...Daniel-san and Mr. Miyagi at first have verrrry different views of what consitutes the simple, easy job of painting a fence, as Daniel-san is not observant, discriminating, or experienced...



Please be kidding, because I'm :lol: over here! :D

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Hmm.....you can get certified as a home daycare provider. I think in my state you can watch up to six including your own, with some regulation of how many of what ages. If your business takes off and your husband loses his job because you make too much, you can hire him to work for you and take in even more kids. :D Seriously, daycare providers get good money in my area and this isn't exactly a prosperous area.


The OP can't be alone with other people's kids because of her epilepsy, which makes it harder to do day care.

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What I'm wondering and no one has mentioned, who is paying for day care (not cheap or free) while the OP works 20 extra hours a week unpaid?



Right?! Sheesh! If I nurture, take care of, teach etc. my own children it's not a "job". But they'll pay someone else to watch my kid and I bet what that person gets paid for is called a JOB! :banghead:


What about getting work at/volunteering at the daycare they pay for? If they're going to pay someone to watch your own kid(s) why not YOU?

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Hmm.....you can get certified as a home daycare provider. I think in my state you can watch up to six including your own, with some regulation of how many of what ages. If your business takes off and your husband loses his job because you make too much, you can hire him to work for you and take in even more kids. :D


Seriously, daycare providers get good money in my area and this isn't exactly a prosperous area.


The OP stated that she cannot watch other people's children because of the seizures. This is perfectly understandable.

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The program has a daycare reimbursement aspect to it as well.

Which makes absolutely no sense. It makes more sense to give the family help and let mom stay home than to pay for child care knowing that the mom may make the same amount the state will spend on childcare or less.

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Which makes absolutely no sense. It makes more sense to give the family help and let mom stay home than to pay for child care knowing that the mom may make the same amount the state will spend on childcare or less.



agreed. its nearly impossible to get a lower paying job that pays more than what you pay for someone to watch your kiddos.

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The OP can't be alone with other people's kids because of her epilepsy, which makes it harder to do day care.

If the OP has epilepsy and that is at least part of the reason she is not working, then she need to begin the long process of applying for disability. It took 2 years for my db to go thru the entire process. By that time her child will be 5 and she can stay home this way. Plus the disability will provide her the medical coverage she needs.

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If the OP has epilepsy and that is at least part of the reason she is not working, then she need to begin the long process of applying for disability. It took 2 years for my db to go thru the entire process. By that time her child will be 5 and she can stay home this way. Plus the disability will provide her the medical coverage she needs.


The OP has already stated she has looked into this and can't apply and the attorneys have told her the same thing. She has to be on medications for 3 months and the medications cause her to becomes worse.

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It shouldn't be an issue. You know they won't offer you a job since you're always late to interviews, present yourself sloppily and give terrible interview answers, don't you? ;)


:iagree: It might not be bad to start off with asking them if they could please turn off their fluorescent lighting for the interview as it may cause a seizure. ;)

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Which makes absolutely no sense. It makes more sense to give the family help and let mom stay home than to pay for child care knowing that the mom may make the same amount the state will spend on childcare or less.


Well, to be fair, daycare wage is less than minimum wage, so financially speaking, it doesn't. And that's obviously what the state cares about. You can get a group home job here with zero experience and start at $10.50+ an hour (and this isn't working with anyone dangerous or anything like that). I was told the state daycare reimbursement pays $4/$5 an hour to the daycare provider.


None of this helps the OP if she is medically unable to work, of course. Just trying to fill in the information that I know.

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Well, to be fair, daycare wage is less than minimum wage, so financially speaking, it doesn't. And that's obviously what the state cares about. You can get a group home job here with zero experience and start at $10.50+ an hour (and this isn't working with anyone dangerous or anything like that). I was told the state daycare reimbursement pays $4/$5 an hour to the daycare provider.


None of this helps the OP if she is medically unable to work, of course. Just trying to fill in the information that I know.


Depends on your area also and how much the person is able to bring home due to the amount of hours they are able to work as well as what the going rate in her area for childcare is. I used to be in childcare and the rates are not the same everywhere nor for every kind of situation.

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Depends on your area also and how much the person is able to bring home due to the amount of hours they are able to work as well as what the going rate in her area for childcare is. I used to be in childcare and the rates are not the same everywhere nor for every kind of situation.


I live in MN. This is how much the state pays for the daycare assistance program. Regardless of how many hours you work, minimum wage is still more than the state pays your daycare provider. You had said that it made more sense to just pay the mother to take care of her own child. That is the only thing I was addressing, not whether or not someone will or will not be able to find a job. I believe the OP lives in a rural area, so I have no idea what options there are out there.

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I followed one of the links and this is what is says:

Most MFIP participants will work with a job counselor to develop an employment plan. You must also look for a job at least 30 hours per week for up to six weeks. You must take any suitable job offer.

It seems to me that if you are looking for a job than that satisfies the requirements. If you apply for a job, receive an interview and state your medical needs at that time, chances are you won't get hired. If an employer offers you employment and is willing to meet your medical needs than you may just be better off.


If it is worth it to you, play the game for 6 weeks.

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Just wanted to point out that on the SSA website regarding disability qualifications they state


A. Epilepsy. In epilepsy, regardless of etiology, degree of impairment will be determined according to type, frequency, duration, and sequelae of seizures. At least one detailed description of a typical seizure is required. Such description includes the presence or absence of aura, tongue bites, sphincter control, injuries associated with the attack, and postictal phenomena. The reporting physician should indicate the extent to which description of seizures reflects his own observations and the source of ancillary information. Testimony of persons other than the claimant is essential for description of type and frequency of seizures if professional observation is not available.

Under 11.02 and 11.03, the criteria can be applied only if the impairment persists despite the fact that the individual is following prescribed antiepileptic treatment. Adherence to prescribed antiepileptic therapy can ordinarily be determined from objective clinical findings in the report of the physician currently providing treatment for epilepsy. Determination of blood levels of phenytoin sodium or other antiepileptic drugs may serve to indicate whether the prescribed medication is being taken. When seizures are occurring at the frequency stated in 11.02 or 11.03, evaluation of the severity of the impairment must include consideration of the serum drug levels.


Should serum drug levels appear therapeutically inadequate, consideration should be given as to whether this is caused by individual idiosyncrasy in absorption or metabolism of the drug. Blood drug levels should be evaluated in conjunction with all other evidence to determine the extent of compliance. When the reported blood drug levels are low, therefore, the information obtained from the treating source should include the physician's statement as to why the levels are low and the results of any relevant diagnostic studies concerning the blood levels. Where adequate seizure control is obtained only with unusually large doses, the possibility of impairment resulting from the side effects of this medication must also be assessed. Where documentation shows that use of alcohol or drugs affects adherence to prescribed therapy or may play a part in the precipitation of seizures, this must also be considered in the overall assessment of impairment level.






Specifically, the most important words are "individual is following prescribed antiepileptic treatment". Yes, it does talk about the drug aspect of that - but allows for physician to make as statement stating why drug levels are low and providing more information.


If you are seeing a legitimate physician and following the prescribed treatment, you should be able to apply for benefits. Since this is a life-long problem and a true medical ailment, you are likely to eventually get some benefits (although it certainly could take years - but later is better than never!).

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Doesn't matter what the compulsory age is. In PA it's 8yrs. However, if you are on food stamps, you don't have to look for a job or go to school, etc until your child is 6yrs. There's a 2yr gap and homeschooling doesn't matter. The agency simply sees that there is a public school and your child is now old enough to attend and free you up to get a job or go to school. Doesn't matter how bad the school is, family values, etc.


I was just answering a question someone asked, not saying it would be a way out of the problem.

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Hi, everyone. Sorry it took me so long to get back online. I had to wait until my dh had a night off so he can watch our dd so I can sneak out and use the coffee shop's wifi. :) (Outdoor seating, in case anyone was wondering about the lights, lol.)


Anyway, thank you all so much for the thoughtful posts, and for making me feel like I'm not wrong to be a bit irked by the whole thing. That helps a lot. It's so frustrating when you feel completely helpless about your own life.


To update you all, I went to see my doctor on Wednesday and explained the situation to him. Between all the bs with the program, my epilepsy, and my dd's issues, he felt a note explaining that I need to be in the home right now is completely warranted. I dropped the note off the same day and haven't heard a word from our employment counselor, so I'm hoping she'll accept it. I don't know how long it will be "good" for, but for now, we should be okay.


Dh is planning to meet with his boss at the company to tell them that he really, really needs to become a regular employee. If they haven't hired him by the end of summer, we're thinking about possibly moving up to Duluth, where we have family, and looking for work for him there. That's a long way off though.


So thanks again, everyone, for all the kind wishes. :) I'll let you all know if anything more happens down the road.

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Okay, let me get this straight. You get no cash assistance from them (other than the "job" itself for your husband), and to continue having this job which pays half what other workers make, YOU must work 30 hours either paid (which would force your husband to lose HIS job in the program), or unpaid.


So basically, if you are providing free labor too, all to maintain his job, you are putting in doubletime hours for his paycheck, so his rate is no longer half what the others are making, it is more like 25 percent. (if we count your free work for no other reason than to keep his job)


That quickly puts it into the "not worth it" category.


I hope you are able to find a workaround for this. Praying for a loophole for you! I'm sure others are coming up with some ideas but your situation sounds plain crazy nuts! So sorry.


Yes, this sums up the situation perfectly. If I were to have to do the "volunteer" work, it would be like we were each working for less than four bucks an hour, basically.


Luckily, we seem to have our loophole now. Hopefully it sticks.

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Hi, everyone. Sorry it took me so long to get back online. I had to wait until my dh had a night off so he can watch our dd so I can sneak out and use the coffee shop's wifi. :) (Outdoor seating, in case anyone was wondering about the lights, lol.)


Anyway, thank you all so much for the thoughtful posts, and for making me feel like I'm not wrong to be a bit irked by the whole thing. That helps a lot. It's so frustrating when you feel completely helpless about your own life.


To update you all, I went to see my doctor on Wednesday and explained the situation to him. Between all the bs with the program, my epilepsy, and my dd's issues, he felt a note explaining that I need to be in the home right now is completely warranted. I dropped the note off the same day and haven't heard a word from our employment counselor, so I'm hoping she'll accept it. I don't know how long it will be "good" for, but for now, we should be okay.


Dh is planning to meet with his boss at the company to tell them that he really, really needs to become a regular employee. If they haven't hired him by the end of summer, we're thinking about possibly moving up to Duluth, where we have family, and looking for work for him there. That's a long way off though.


So thanks again, everyone, for all the kind wishes. :) I'll let you all know if anything more happens down the road.


Sounds like a plan!! :grouphug:

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Hi, everyone. Sorry it took me so long to get back online. I had to wait until my dh had a night off so he can watch our dd so I can sneak out and use the coffee shop's wifi. :) (Outdoor seating, in case anyone was wondering about the lights, lol.)


Anyway, thank you all so much for the thoughtful posts, and for making me feel like I'm not wrong to be a bit irked by the whole thing. That helps a lot. It's so frustrating when you feel completely helpless about your own life.


To update you all, I went to see my doctor on Wednesday and explained the situation to him. Between all the bs with the program, my epilepsy, and my dd's issues, he felt a note explaining that I need to be in the home right now is completely warranted. I dropped the note off the same day and haven't heard a word from our employment counselor, so I'm hoping she'll accept it. I don't know how long it will be "good" for, but for now, we should be okay.


Dh is planning to meet with his boss at the company to tell them that he really, really needs to become a regular employee. If they haven't hired him by the end of summer, we're thinking about possibly moving up to Duluth, where we have family, and looking for work for him there. That's a long way off though.


So thanks again, everyone, for all the kind wishes. :) I'll let you all know if anything more happens down the road.


Hang in there, keep us updated. :grouphug:

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