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Anyone have any experience with restless leg syndrome?

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I've been having very annoying feelings in my lower legs lately; usually when I'm either relaxing or trying to fall asleep. Not all the time; just sometimes. It's a 'I have to move/stretch my leg RIGHT NOW' sort of feeling, that travels from my knee down to my toes. So then I stretch or move my leg. But that movement only helps temporarily, and I get the weird, wavy/creeping sensation again in my leg.


It's super annoying, and kept me from falling asleep last night. :glare:


My sister has restless leg, but her's is a side effect of renal failure. I'm just trying to figure out what's going on with me, and how to get it to STOP.


Did I mention it's annoying? :tongue_smilie:


Should I see the doctor? I did some Googling, and RLS seems to be a not-very-well-understood sort of condition.



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Generally, if you don't have RLS due to genetics then it is either an iron deficiency or medically induced due to medication being taken or to another medical condition.


I've got the genetic-got-it-from-my-dad-had-it-all-my-life-and-passed-it-on-to-my-dd kind of RLS.


Yes, it is a huge pain when it isn't controlled.


Try either heat or cold. If my legs below the knee are hot I become symptomatic. If I take any kind of sleep aid besides Ambien I become symptomatic. Imagine having taken a Unisom and having to walk for two hours trying to get the legs to calm down. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.


There is a pretty good website if you are interested at RLS.org

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I had it while pg with my last baby. I think it was due to mineral deficiencies. I don't recall what I did, but I think I took calcium and magnesium supplements. It went away before I gave birth. (It's all very vague...sorry I can't be more specific.)

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Generally, if you don't have RLS due to genetics then it is either an iron deficiency or medically induced due to medication being taken or to another medical condition.


I've got the genetic-got-it-from-my-dad-had-it-all-my-life-and-passed-it-on-to-my-dd kind of RLS.


Yes, it is a huge pain when it isn't controlled.


Try either heat or cold. If my legs below the knee are hot I become symptomatic. If I take any kind of sleep aid besides Ambien I become symptomatic. Imagine having taken a Unisom and having to walk for two hours trying to get the legs to calm down. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.


There is a pretty good website if you are interested at RLS.org


Hmm. I didn't know that about the iron defficiency. That could be something, seeing as, uh, where I am in my cycle.

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Taking Calcium/magnesium in the evening seems to help with restless legs. I have had issues with that for years.


:iagree: I started having this in a bad way. My doctor ran some blood tests (for other issues) and found I was very deficient in calcium and magnesium. The restless leg issue goes away if I am faithful about taking my supplements.

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Hmmm, I always got it when I was pregnant. I'd try to eat bananas more often, but there wasn't much I could do. I don't know if it helped or not. I guess I was thinking potassium and cramps, but it's not really the same thing as rls.

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Generally, if you don't have RLS due to genetics then it is either an iron deficiency or medically induced due to medication being taken or to another medical condition.


This happened to me. It started as a side effect of blood pressure medication. Improved when I went off the meds but it didn't go completely away until I completely had eliminated caffiene from my diet for a month.

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Mine is aggravated by caffeine AND whatever is in Coke Zero. When I cut down or totally eliminate Coke Zero, the issue dissipates.


I know there are other triggers (Advil PM, Aleve) so I try to avoid them.


This past week I discovered quite by accident that a couple of ounces of red wine (which has never been a favorite of mine) eliminates the problem.

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Yes...I agree with lots of these posts. Mine is aggravated with sugars, caffeine and stuff like that.


My dad says he read all about it for my mom and the calcium/mag. combo works for her.


I just avoid all coffee and sugar late (like after 3 ) and Im pretty good. I have cut tons of sugars out of my diet and havent had an issue for a while now.


When I do feel it coming on I can usually take 2 advil and it stops it! That doenst work for my mom...but it always works for me.

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