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Unit Studies Curriculum


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SOW, a 6 year unit study, covering the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelations, basing every lesson possible, on the Bible text being covered that week.


Love it, love it, love it, especially the new beta worksheets.


The Bible is the Great Book and always agreed to be the foundation of every Western Great Books list

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I am hugely in favor of them.


Our favorite so far: Farmer Boy Unit Study http://www.homeschoolshare.com/farmer_boy_unit.php


We're currently doing a unit study thru In the Hands of a Child, but the 6 yro (who's working thru it) is not really getting into it.


I've really eyed Konos for years. If we have time in late middle school, we might have a Konos year. :D


My kids really retain a LOT when we do unit studies.

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My favorites in no particular order are:



Five In A Row

Christian Cottage Units


Christian Cottage is awesome if you're just breaking into unit studies. I think of it as Konos Lite. It also goes by chronological order and you can do all the kids (including high school) together. Five In A Row is great and since you can only do it when they're young I prefer it for the littles. And well Konos...what can you say? The biggest and the best. Don't be freaked out by people saying it takes a lot of planning. It really doesn't have to be that way at all. There are so many things you can do that don't involved hours of shopping, planning and going to the library with it.



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And well Konos...what can you say? The biggest and the best. Don't be freaked out by people saying it takes a lot of planning. It really doesn't have to be that way at all. There are so many things you can do that don't involved hours of shopping, planning and going to the library with it.



I hardly ever used the library when I did KONOS. I certainly didn't do hours of shopping. With the number of activities to choose from, it was possible to find activities that only used things I had right in my house, and no library books at all. The only time I planned activities that used outside resources was if I knew I would have time to go get them.

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Oh my goodness...I just looked at AWOA. I am so impressed. I am so torn as to what to do. I am having difficulty deciding between that and Cadron Creek. My younger students in 2nd and 3rd really want to do American History even though they are supposed to be doing Ancient, we've decided we want to have fun with American because they are so obsessed with it. But the AWOA volume 1 looks so fun I just know they would love it. Why oh why did I not find this sooner? Wishing I could turn back the hands of time for sure.

Now, my dd13 wants to do CC Where the River Meets the Brook-and we were planning on doing Pioneer Primer with the youngers. Leaving me unsure about ds12 whom we were debating using the Narnia from CC but I'm getting concerned I will not be able to handle all these various studies. Am I crazy? Should I stick with one unit study for my younger 3 (dd7,ds8 and ds12)and let dd13 do her thing. (she is very independent)

Or should I allow ds12 to have his own? I'm trying to stick with standards for him but I'm not totally convinced just yet that I should. I could always supplement areas if I feel the need. Ohhhhhh no offense to anyone but I knew I shouldn't have asked this question now I'm more confused than ever!  It's ok though it's all good-this will help make good decisions.

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