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I've heard lots of good things about the Discworld books and wanted to get one to read. It seems like there are tons of books out there in this series and was wondering which on I should start with. Thanks!

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When I started the series, about 14 years ago, I was told to start with Reaper Man. I was told that the first four would be hard to get in to... but you can start with any of them. It is a very funny series, if you get British humor.


Hope you enjoy them.

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yeah I don't think he is as funny at the beginning but I've just reread a lot of them and it is good to get the introduction the the characters. The Tiffany aching series is really good to read on its own too.


I have not read that series. I will have to add it to my list. Thanks for the recommendation.

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I was lucky and found them soon after they were published here. I have 2 of the British editions signed by Pratchett! :)


The Tiffany Aching books (young adult) can be good starts. We did the first 2 as read alouds. (Wee Free Men is first, then Hat Full of Sky)


I probably would aim for reading in order if possible.

The Color of Magic

Light Fantastic

Equal Rites


The first two do go in order.

In later books the character of the city seems to change some, so that's why I'd go in order. Pratchett does a very good job at giving enough info to be able to pick up at any point though.


Guards, Guards is one of my favorites (and the first with the Watch).

I think you'll do best to go in order at least with a series (so don't start with Soul Music if you haven't done Guards Guards first).


And by looking some of this up... Snuff (Vimes) is out in October. Pre-ordered!

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FYI, the recent Tiffany Aching one seems quite a bit sadder. I don't think we'll do it as a family for a while (and I'm avoiding reading it right now).


Nation is not Discworld at all.


Good Omens is great fun. Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman (author of Sandman comics & tons of books now). The premise is that the apocalypse is at hand, but due to a mix-up at the hospital,the antichrist is raised by a normal family in an England suburb. Great fun. I love how Famine has been passing time waiting. :D

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I highly recommend reading Guards, Guards! first. This made me fall in love with Pratchett. I find Color of Magic and Light Fantastic boring.


Wyrd Sister is a good introduction to the Witch Series.


Wee Free Men is a riot.


Here is a link to the reading order: http://www.lspace.org/books/reading-order-guides/the-discworld-reading-order-guide-20.jpg



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I love, love, love the Discworld City Watch novels, which begin with "Guards, Guards!", and build in brilliance towards "Night Watch" and "Thud!". I think you almost have to read them in order, so that you can participate fully in what's going on with Vimes and Carrot and Angua and the rest. They are such great reads. . .I envy anyone getting to read them for the first time!

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I just jump in with whatever book I happen to find & I haven't ever had a problem understanding it. LOVE his stuff.




Any book featuring Death is a good book. :D


:iagree: :D Death is an awesome character! My kids love him too. :lol:


It's so cool to see all these Terry Pratchett fans here. :001_smile:

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Any book featuring Death is a good book. :D



:iagree: Reaper Man is a gentle introduction; the Tiffany Aching series don't need prior discworld knowledge. For the rest, I think it's better to read them roughly in order, especially for the ones featuring Vimes & the Watch.

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Any book featuring Death is a good book. :D






Yeah anything with Death is a good read. I'm another lover of Pratchett but I'm not all that fond of Light Fantastic but I love the Watch novels. If you want a really nice intro I loved The Last Hero, it has some amazing illustrations as well.


Oh and Hogfather is a RIOT I always try to read it at Christmas.

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