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Busking...Begging or working?

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Appaently I am the only one here who doesn't know what "busking" is.:confused:


You are not alone, though I think I've figure it out! ;) I've never heard the word before. I'm with the pp and would put it in the category of "random people that want something from me". It seems like not quite begging, but one step up maybe? Perhaps it depends what part of the country/world you are from and what is locally acceptable. I would definitely be more likely to contribute if I knew they had a specific goal.

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No offense taken.:001_smile:


Yes, it was a study done in the NYC subway. I read about it in a magazine though I forget which one. The problem is that the average person in the NYC subway probably has no idea who Joshua Bell is (stick Justin Beiber in the subway OTOH) and if they did, who would suspect that the guy playing violin in the subway is actually him anyway. He was wearing street clothes and a baseball cap in the photo with the article so he wouldn't have particularly stood out except for what he was playing.


In the article it said something about young children trying to stop to listen and their parents dragging them away in a hurry to get on with their day. I honestly don't think the average person in the subway, or anywhere really, appreciates or understands great classical music either. Not saying that to be uppity or anything because before dd began playing, I wouldn't have known the difference between what a really great musician played and what someone who is above average is playing unless it was pointed out to me or I heard them at the same time to compare. Just look at some of the comments on youtube videos or the people put on talk shows and you'll see that people are often more impressed with flashy/fast playing than really great music and are easily swayed by what other people tell them is good playing.


I think this is the issue, really. In a subway station, people are attempting to go somewhere and don't have much time to spare. In a park, people are more likely to be able to slow down and enjoy.


But no, I don't think busking is begging.

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My children have been trying to raise money for their trip to Ireland to compete in the All Ireland by playing music in parks, in pubs, and at local festivals. At festivals they are paid a fee but in pubs they generally work for tips (sometimes with a fee as well) and in parks they busk (which I consider the same thing as working for tips).


We have mostly met with positive encouragement for their efforts. There is no way we'd be able to afford to take them without their help with fundraising and I think it is an important lesson for them to learn that it takes work to do something you want to do...not having everything given to them.


The kids love busking and were the ones to initiate the idea of playing in the park. My dd says she loves "to make people happy by playing for them" and they love the little kids who dance in front of them while they play. It really is a lot of fun for them and they play until they get tired then we go home. They've played in a park 3 times since they qualified to go to Ireland the first weekend of April (it's not like they are out there everyday or anything).


The other day, however, an older woman sat down next to me on a park bench mumbling something about parents "making" their kids beg and child labor laws, looking at me to see if I agreed with her. She had no idea I was the parent until I said, "Oh, they're mine." Then she changed her tune a little but still looked at it as begging.


In our area it is not uncommon to see firemen, baseball teams, cheerleaders, and football teams standing at intersections causing traffic jams or in front of shopping centers with a can asking for donations for their cause. They aren't selling anything or "doing" anything. To me, this is begging. I don't see how being paid to provide a service can be considered the same thing...people listen to their music and if they enjoy it, they leave a little money in the case.


What says the hive?


Not begging! Perfectly OK. :D


Oh, my! Your DD is amazing!


Forgive my ignorance but is she musically gifted? The average 8/9 yo can't play like this, right?

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Forgive my ignorance but is she musically gifted? The average 8/9 yo can't play like this, right?


The "average" 8/9yo doesn't play like this but there are others who do. Some things with music come very easily to her and she loves to play so, yes, she is musically gifted.


She also works very hard (though to her it is play) and practices a lot so it isn't like she just woke up and started playing this way or anything. Being able to focus and enjoying practice is probably the biggest gift she has. She's been lucky to have wonderful teachers/people come into her life to guide her (and me) as well.

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I love buskers and its great when kids busk (unless they terrible then its a bit embarrassing but I still try to give them something for their spirit!).

Of course it's not begging!

The world would be a poorer place without buskers.

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Guest Dulcimeramy

I'm glad to see all this support for busking. I've been around busking musicians for all of my life and have never heard it called begging before now.

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Busking is not begging, particularly if the "busker" is talented. And your children are AMAZING! I love Irish music and would pay good money to listen to them :001_smile: Hope they have a fantastic time in Ireland!




Thank you, Mary!


Thank you to everyone else for your support and kind words.


I was a little shocked by the woman's comments about busking being begging so just was wondering if it was a commonly held opinion and I was justifying what my kids were doing based on the need to do it. :001_smile:

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Interesting. What word do you use? The word "busking" is used all the time here. "Street performing" is generally used for people who busk professionally.

Sorry for going off topic.

I don't use a word for that. I don't think I've ever had a conversation about it.

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