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I need help with DD11, please (female content)

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my dd just came to me and said it stings "down there" very bad. I asked her if it stung when she went to the bathroom, she said "no." I asked her if it stung when she wiped, she said "yes." I looked and it appears to be red and a little swollen on the OUTSIDE, appears to be normal internally. It started today while she was at a friends. She slept over there and they were pumped up with junk and sugar. :glare: I'm thinking a topical yeast infection. Could anything else cause stinging, raw, redness on the skin with some minor swelling?


I can call the pediatrician but I just don't think this is an ER situation. I also think I'd like to try something topically before I bring her in. I honestly have NO idea what to do! Does monistat treat topical yeast infections?


Could it be ANYthing else?

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I would start with a baking soda sitz bath. Our ped has recommended that numerous times, since dd was little.


I no longer have the thing you sit on a toilet. If I put her in the tub, how much baking soda should I add?


I just looked for diaper ointment and I have none.


I know I'll have to head out shortly but first need to figure out what to do! Dh says to call a pharmacist. I'm checking here first. :001_smile: I'll call the ped. if I have to.


She also said there was no itching and it's only on one side.

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Has she taken any bubble baths lately? Since it is external, my doctor told me it was vaginitis, and that she should sit in a baking soda bath. My dd felt relief rather quickly after the BS bath.

:grouphug: to dd11...


no but I just asked her if she makes sure she rinses VERY well in the shower, and she said yes, she rinses for a long time.

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I no longer have the thing you sit on a toilet. If I put her in the tub, how much baking soda should I add?



I'd run the bath, have her get in and dump some baking soda (maybe 1/8 c or more if the water is deeper? this is not an exact science ;)) in the water close to the affected area.

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she is sitting in a warm tub with baking soda in it. I was afraid to put too much in, afraid it would sting. Still, I put a pretty generous amt in and she's doing fine.


I asked her what color the TP was at her friends, she said white. She also said it didn't have a scent to it.


I'm wondering if all that sugar could have caused this?


ETA: She did not shower over there. The girls were dressing up in her friend's dance costumes and making movies all night. I'm wondering if sweat, if the costumes were chemically treated, if sugar could be the cause?


I hope the bath works!

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When I was young, I had that problem occasionally. It was usually due to a combination of not bathing for a day or more and not wiping well enough. This always happened when I was in a busy situation like a sleepover or camping, usually when I was having fun and just couldn't be bothered to worry about things like that! Hopefully it will be something as simple as that for your dd.

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I would use the bag balm. My dd had something like this happen a few weeks ago, and I too was unprepared. I used diaper cream (not desitin, that BURNS my kids) and lavender essential oil. That was enough to calm her down (shes 4) and the next day I got some monistat to put on the redness. I also used some vinegar in her bath water, maybe 1/2 cup or so.

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