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Tornado warning while at Walmart yesterday - wwyd?

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Dd18 and I were at Walmart last night when someone announced over the loudspeaker that there was a tornado warning and then directed all customers and associates to move to the center of the store. I know the center of the store is safest if the doors should blow out and glass is flying, but there was no place to really hide. We were near pots, pans, dishes, small appliances and I thought if the wind ripped through there, these things would be very dangerous. Also, if the roof caved in we were not safe from things falling - there were no counters or tables or anything to get under.


What would you have done to stay safe in that scenario?

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Maybe into the fitting room? Isn't that in the center of the store? I don't know how sturdy those walls are but atleast it would protect a little bit against flying objects. The bathroom would be a good spot also. If it has a bathroom in the back of the store (the ones by here have a small one in back by the old layaway area) that would be best because you still have the backroom behind that.

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Based on experiences of people in recent tornadoes... restroom or a walk-in fridge.


I imagine they're well aware that the middle of the store is not the safest place, but don't have a plan in place or enough room to deal with splitting up their customers and getting them into safer areas.


On a side note, I really can't understand you all who live in tornado-prone areas who say you wouldn't move to California because of the earthquakes.

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Honestly, I'm more afraid of roof collapse than anything else. The center of the store would be the last place I'd want to be.


That's exactly what I was thinking. Seemed kind of dumb to me.


I think the others who have mentioned the restroom have the right idea. I remember now seeing a Storm Stories episode where an entire company crammed their employees into a restroom when one of those F4 or 5 tornadoes leveled the rest of the building. No one got hurt. Next time (hope there never is one) I will head for the restroom. Wish I'd thought of that yesterday. I called ds22 who was home and asked him to check the path of the tornado and he coudln't find anything helpful at all. When I got home I was able to find out this was one of those warnings they issue when they see something on the radar indicating a tornado - no one had actually spotted one. That would have been nice to know too.

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I would have run into the bathroom or even the employee section in the back and looked for a storage closet or something to get my kids into. I don't know how realistic that is, but that would be my first thought.




Ditto. They say that the larger the building, the better the chance the roof will cave in. I wouldn't want to be in the center. The back of the store proved the best place in that Lowe's that was hit with the tornado. I would think the bathroom would be best and as gross as it sounds, if it actually did hit, the toilets would provide an anchor. Definitely wouldn't give that one a trial run. :tongue_smilie:


Oops. Forgot to mention I'd be praying up a storm - well praying the storm didn't come anyway. lol

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We were in a WalMart 2 years ago (maybe three, now??) when the tornado sirens went off.


Employees had no idea what to do (which was surprising, as you'd think a WalMart in Kansas would've been familiar with tornados), and they sent us to the back of the store, where customer service was. It was in the center, along the back, next to the restrooms. There was a long shelf I had the kids get under.


I don't know if WM has a walk-in cooler in the back? They don't really have a lot of backroom space. Typically, what's on the sales floor is what's in the store. The coolers have an open side where the shelving is, so I don't know if that's a good option.


Other stores that have enclosed cooler space would be better, I think.

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I just asked 2 of my sons, who both work at walmart. One works at a Neighborhood Market and the other at a Supercenter. The Neighborhood market has them go to the center of the store and the Supercenter has them gather at the back of the store. I told them to either go into the cooler or bathrooms next time.

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We were in a Home Depot once when the sirens started sounding. They asked everyone to go to the employee offices, too. I suppose that especially in a place with nails and other hardware everywhere, they want to try to get you away from the debris! I'm surprised they didn't take a similar approach at WalMart, though.

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It depends how far away we were from my house or the house of someone I know would be home. If we were close enough, I might have left and gone there. Otherwise... bathrooms. No way would I want to be surrounded by blenders.

On a side note, I really can't understand you all who live in tornado-prone areas who say you wouldn't move to California because of the earthquakes.

We're in VA, not as tornado prone as the mid-west, not as hurricane prone as further south, but we get tastes of both. Dh and I have both said that earthquakes would be one of the most terrifying things we could go through. The idea that the very earth itself would roll, possibly opening up in places (and heaven forbid close again on us) makes me nauseous.


I've lived on the water all my life. I love boats, love swimming, but I love getting back on solid ground even more. If that ground, that I've come to count on, started rippling like jello I might succumb to a complete nervous break down. I don't know how you guys do it.

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I don't know if WM has a walk-in cooler in the back? They don't really have a lot of backroom space. Typically, what's on the sales floor is what's in the store. The coolers have an open side where the shelving is, so I don't know if that's a good option.

If it's one of the walmarts with a grocery section, then almost certainly. I'd been forgetting that there are those that don't, as every one I've been to in the past few years does.


If there's a McDonald's in the WM, they'd probably have one, too.

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Thanks for posting this. I honestly would never have thought to head the restrooms or a walk-in cooler. I would have been one of the "sheeple" herded to the middle of the store :glare:. This will definitely come to mind if the sirens go off and we're in a big box store.

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