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Filler up....EEK!!!

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We live 15 miles from the nearest anything and 40 miles from our church (we drive there 4-5 times a week). I now make a point to do all my errands on piano lesson day. That's quite a feat when you have six screws in your back holding you together. I am usually so whipped by the end of that day, I have to spend the next three recovering. I used to spread stuff out a bit to give my back a break (no pun intended), but we have to eat, too, so that's not an option any more.


I heard somewhere that gas in England is comparable to $7/gallon. YIKES!


I suppose we should be thankful.


Kathleen in VA


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Right before this huge gas hike we had just gone out and purchased a Ford Exhibition, yup, one of the biggest cars on the road. Dh said we needed it for our family size but now we are considering smooshing everyone into a compact.:glare: I go through at least $80 a week in gas! We live 22 miles from town so I've really cut down on trips, twice a week now so I too am shopping till I drop.

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Right before this huge gas hike we had just gone out and purchased a Ford Exhibition, yup, one of the biggest cars on the road. Dh said we needed it for our family size but now we are considering smooshing everyone into a compact.:glare: I go through at least $80 a week in gas! We live 22 miles from town so I've really cut down on trips, twice a week now so I too am shopping till I drop.
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Yep, I'm paying over $60 per week for my Honda Odyssey. My DH drives the Accord and since working from home, his gas bill has gone down tremendously.


I was so proud of my trade-in. I had a nice Nissan Altima that got great gas mileage. It was really difficult for the 5 of us to go anywhere as a family because of the size of the car. So I traded in my Altima for a high mileage Honda Odyssey. We were able to buy the Odyssey outright which meant no more car payments. I was so excited because this is the very first vehicle I've ever totally owned outright! And then gas prices started going up. Now I'm wishing we had stuck with the cramped Nissan.


My DH's Accord is so not a pretty car. It's old and the inside is just plain yucky. But I'm starting to drive it more often because the gas prices. My Odyssey isn't perfect by any means, but at least it isn't torn up with pieces missing inside!

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yep, it cost me over a $100 to fill up my diesel pickup. Of course, when we bought it diesel was cheaper than gas so we thought we were doing great. Now it's paid for and it's all I got :glare:. We are considering selling it but nobody in their right mind would buy it....urghh!!!

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My car had 11 miles left in the tank...so the meter said.


I stopped to fill up. $93.00!!!:ohmy::svengo:


This should last me 2wks...hopefully a few days more than that!!!!


I had 22 miles left on my tank the other day and it was $61 to fill up (Saab wagon). I jokingly told the woman at the pump next to me "That will teach me to not drive until it is nearly empty." I figure I can fool myself into thinking that I am not spending as much if I fill up at half a tank. :D

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I have a Prius, and I LOVE it. 45 mpg. One could easily fit 3 kids in the backseat. (Maybe even 3 carseats, haven't had to try that).


We just bought a Prius (I mentioned that on another thread). I *love* it! We got 50mpg on our first fill-up.


We are trying to decide if we should take it on vacation next month instead of our minivan. The problem is, it has an 880lb weight limit including passengers. Between the 4 of us, we are about 750lbs. (yikes!). I'm hoping we can pack light!

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Just have to brag a little here. I just got back from a road trip in my Buick Rendezvous with 4 kids and a large dog. We got 25.7 mpg! We traded for this in Dec. from a Durango that was lucky to get 18 on the highway.


It's hard with 4 kids....there aren't many options out there.

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We just filled up our Town and Country and it cost $60. We pulled up and dh asked the guy for $60 worth and I told him it wouldn't cost that much. Well, it did. Unbelievable.


Does anyone here remember paying .85/gallon for gas? Anyone? Anyone?

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We just filled up our Town and Country and it cost $60. We pulled up and dh asked the guy for $60 worth and I told him it wouldn't cost that much. Well, it did. Unbelievable.


Does anyone here remember paying .85/gallon for gas? Anyone? Anyone?


I DO!! When dh and I got married almost 11 years ago that's what the price of gas was in Bremerton WA.


I now own a Town and Country and it does ok on milage usually close to 20 in the city and costs me $50 bucks a couple weeks ago to fill it. It needs another fill and I'm worried about how much it will be because gas has gone up .25 a gallon since the last fill up.


I really wish we would have fit in my old Subaru Forester but the 3 carseats just wouldn't fit. My dh owns a '05 civic hybrid and it does great cost's him about $30-35 to fill up and he drives a long way to and from work. I think when he goes on deployment or is out for the month long work ups we'll switch to using his car instead of the van. The only thing is the kids like the DVD player in the van, maybe I'll just have to work a little harder at driving less.

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I have always been curious why folks with relatively small families drive such big cars.

I am a tall-ish woman (5'10" or so) so I understand not wanting a mini-whatever, but what were the deciding factors for you smaller families who bought behemoth vehicles?

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What makes me sad is that I could now, at these prices, go through this much in just a week of our regular running around. I'm glad school stuff is almost over for us. I'm beginning to think that all that stuff I've accumulated over the years for just-in-case-we-can't-get-out-and-about-for-some-reason, is going to come in very handy next school year.....

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We just filled up our Town and Country and it cost $60. We pulled up and dh asked the guy for $60 worth and I told him it wouldn't cost that much. Well, it did. Unbelievable.


Does anyone here remember paying .85/gallon for gas? Anyone? Anyone?



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