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I need a kick in the pants regarding weight loss.

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I've lost 21 pounds since November. I'm about halfway to where I want to be. The last month or so, though, I've been at about the same place. I've gone up and down around the 20 pound mark.


I cannot seem to get motivated again. I find myself slipping into old habits. I bought a candy bar at the store yesterday! (and yes, I ate it) WHY would I do something like that???


I'm doing Weight Watchers and am still attending the meetings. I'm exercising pretty regularly, although life has interfered a bit more than I'd like. (dental surgery was the latest thing)


What do you do to get refocused after getting off track for awhile?

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Remind yourself how much better you feel with the 21 pounds off, and how much more energy you have when you are exercising. There is no magic bullet. When you hit that point, you just have to force yourself to power through it. BTW - an occasionaly candy bar is not the end of the world - if you are doing all of the rest appropriately :)

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:grouphug: Been there. Done that. And a box of chocolate more! :grouphug:

Here's what pulls me through:


1) change into workout clothes, including runners and heart monitor if you use it.

2) grab a glass of water.

3) sit at the computer and read inspiring stories on Sparkpeople or BeachBody or whichever site you find motivating.

4) wait for motivation to kick you in the pants, but really, it's probably going to be a little feather nudge. Listen to it and get busy! Usually within a half hour I hop up and start a workout.


As you're sitting there, frame this slip-up. Frame it with borders and move on. It had a beginning, now give it an end. It won't spread unless you let it. It's okay if you slipped up yesterday; it by no means dictates how you will live today.

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I've lost 21 pounds since November. I'm about halfway to where I want to be. The last month or so, though, I've been at about the same place. I've gone up and down around the 20 pound mark.


I cannot seem to get motivated again. I find myself slipping into old habits. I bought a candy bar at the store yesterday! (and yes, I ate it) WHY would I do something like that???


I'm doing Weight Watchers and am still attending the meetings. I'm exercising pretty regularly, although life has interfered a bit more than I'd like. (dental surgery was the latest thing)


What do you do to get refocused after getting off track for awhile?


Well, it can get dull. LOL. Try a new exercise or activity so that you have something to look forward to, something to excite and encourage you. Set a physical challenge such as run a mile, do a race, swim for an hour straight.

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No kick in the pants, but :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:.


I lost about 50 pounds with WW back in the 80's, about half what I needed to lose. I also reached a plateau and eventually gave up and gained almost all of it back. In 2009 I went back to WW and lost over 60 pounds in about a year and a half and reached goal. The rate of weight loss definately slows during the journey (and as we age).


This time I researched weight loss plateaus, and guess what I found out? Weight loss reaches a plateu at about 6 months (for you - Nov to May is about 6 months!), so this time I expected the plateau and did.not let it defeat me - please don't let it defeat you! You can google 6 month weight loss plateu and see what you come up with.


Here is a link to a WW article about pleateaus:


By 6 months, a weight loss plateau is likely to occur



What do you do to get refocused after getting off track for awhile?



Be kind to yourself.

I go back and reread all my materials - pretend that I'm a newbie and starting out for the 1st time.

I track every bite I put in my mouth. I weigh and measure everything.

You can also take a break from losing by adding in maintenance points (6 I think) for a few weeks.

If you are counting points, try simply filling; if you are using simply filling, try counting points.

Focus on power foods.

Don't set time goals (don't say I will lose x pounds by y date). It will happen when it happens.


Best wishes.

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I have lost about 10 lbs. I am eating, and need to do it again today, pretty well. I have made salads, sometimes in flat bread wraps (whole wheat) with a huge amount of salad... small amount of this raspberry vinagrette and an egg either in or on the side. (Boiled) I at this 2x a day for 2 weeks with nothing "extra and fun" and saw a dip in weight... Now, I get in kicks of eating better... and do it for a few days... I allow myself one "treat" a day if I want... A square, or maybe 2 of dark chocolate. A few chips with a meal. I try to not go over the "1 small treat" and so far... it's going ok. I'm also thinking that when we go to "cold drinks"... maybe I can do iced tea without cream (yuck with milk, right??) instead of hot with cream. (I've been doing no sugar, so....more cream:))

I start trying to wear tighter clothes so I remember that I'm losing... not gaining.

My next step is to stop just "thinking" about walking, and actually start to walk!! ;) My dog and son would like this too :)

Good Luck!!

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Check the glycemic index on foods you eat regularly. It might be a few of your regular items that are causing you to not lose.


I got on a chai tea kick and started eating bagels and cream cheese over the winter. It wasn't long and I couldn't get my pants buttoned... I even went to half bagels. Extra pounds still there. Dd and I looked up glycemic index. That was the problem. Bagels are with donuts.... very high. You can even eat small amounts of high glycemic index foods, and you will not lose. (The chai tea needs a lot of sugar to taste good, so it is high as well). I got rid of both, and went back to my regular weight in no time.

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Our WW leader told us that for every pound of weight you lose, you take 4 pounds of pressure off your knees. So when I hit a milestone or get unmotivated, I'll go to Wal-Mart and get weights from the fitness section. I'll find the amount I've lost and walk around the store for 10-15 minutes and remind myself, "Look how it feels to be carrying all the weight, aren't you glad you've been working hard! Keep it up!!":D


I've lost about what my 2 year old weighs right now, so sometimes I'll pick him up and walk up and down the stairs a few times and tell myself how much better it is on my knees to not be schlepping a toddler around on my belly.

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I find after about a month or so I start to slide back into my old habits. I have to remind myself (again) to go for the orange or banana for a snack instead of skipping it and eating too much at dinner or choosing something processed. BUT the occassional candy bar and Dr. Pepper are necessities in my book!

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Great thread! I've lost 30 lbs of my preg weight (the easy 30) and now need to lose the last 20 to get to my nursing weight. It's good to see all of these ideas as my weightloss has slowed significantly.


I signed up for a 5K in July and a half marathon in Nov to keep me motivated. I gathered two friends to do it with me to keep me accountable. We all want to lose between 10-30 more lbs which means watching what we eat. We don't like it but we're doing it.


I find after about a month or so I start to slide back into my old habits. I have to remind myself (again) to go for the orange or banana for a snack instead of skipping it and eating too much at dinner or choosing something processed. BUT the occassional candy bar and Dr. Pepper are necessities in my book!


Eating too much at dinner has been my downfall lately even though the food is healthy. I think I'll take your advice and have some fruit around 5.

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Instead of getting wound up about where you're not and so start going back to the patterns you had before can you concentrate on what you've accomplished and work at maintaining that for awhile? If you're not losing more weight right now then maybe that's fine and maybe it's just something to live with for a bit.


Keep your diet healthy, get enough exercise and when you next get motivated to lose some weight then you're 20 pound ahead of where you were before.

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