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Question about boarding a dog

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If you were going to go on a trip and had to board your dog - how long would you feel comfortable leaving him? (Provided it was with a reputable kennel)


DH is considering the possibility of us taking an extended vacation this summer, but that would mean boarding our 1 yr old yorkie for up to 2 weeks.

The kennel is very nice, and they have playtime for the dogs during the day so he won't just be sitting in a cage - but I still get a lump in my throat at the thought of boarding him that long. (Will he feel that he has been abandoned?)

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We left our 13 or 14 year old dog in a kennel for 2 weeks because flew home (from Alaska to the East Coast) over Christmas. We were afraid that he would not survive the flight. He stayed in a kennel with a crazy old man that just loved dogs. He slept in a loft above the kennel. He did just fine and was happy to see us when we picked him up.


If it is a good attentive kennel you shouldn't have a problem.

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Can you work up to it?


We boarded our dogs for the first time for 4 days last year. They seemed good, and one dog even went back to the kennel owner (a great guy) and seemed to say thank you or one last goodbye before we left. Next time was only for 2 days. Now I'd feel more comfortable leaving them for up to 10 days. But that's just an arbitrary amount of time that my mind seems ok w/it.


I worried a lot for those 4 days. But it was unnecessary.



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I would try to find a housesitter to stay with your dog. Or a home for your dog to go to. When we leave town, our dog goes to a friend's house. We have a friend whose dog comes and stays with us. Our son dog sits and housesits, for about the same price as a kennel but gives far more personal service and companionship than a kennel could give.

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To me, a special vacation with family takes priority over a dog. That being said, I'd make sure it was a reputable place, where he could get out and exercise a bit. We left a dog for a month once. He was in a big kennel (they probably could have fit 10 of him in his kennel) with an inside/outside run, plus they let him run out in the corral with the horses twice/day. I knew the owner personally and knew he got lots of loving attention. :)

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My dog has been boarded for up to 4 weeks at a time since she was 6 months old. She has coped just fine. The place where I take her has an inside/outside run and a big yard where they are let out everyday. She always loses a little bit of weight because she doesn't have three children feeding her whatever they are eating all day long. :rolleyes: I think 2 weeks would be fine.

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We live in Brazil and spend 3-4 weeks in the US per year (all at one time). We've boarded our golden retriever for that time, as well as a few separate 1-week vacations.


She does fine, and has never come home any worse for the wear, still in good spirits, etc. Very happy to see us, but honestly, no difference in her behavior from coming home from that vs. when we leave her home alone and go to the grocery store, returning an hour later, ya know? Both times she acts like she's not seen us in ages.


One thing our kennel allows is for us to bring any kind of comfort toy/blanket/whatever if we want to. That helps her, to have her own "bed" (she takes a blanket with her) I think.


I think 2 weeks would be fine if it's a top-notch kennel and you're comfortable with the care they'll give your dog.


(oh, our golden is just now 1 year and she's been boarded 3 times so far, 2x for 1 week, 1x for 24 days)

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