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s/o of laundry thread - How often do you make your bed?

How often do you make your bed  

  1. 1. How often do you make your bed

    • Never
    • Sometimes
    • Only when company is coming over
    • Every day

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I guess I am dense, but I don't understand how two people could get into an unmade bed and sleep. At some point don't you have to make the bed, so that the covers will be straight and equal? I understand that when kids play in your bed, you might wait until bedtime to make the bed, but that still counts as making it every day!

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Every day, and I insist the kids make theirs too. I cannot stand an unmade bed.


DH is not a bed-maker, alas. On the very rare occasion I am gone he may or not make the bed. If he does, it is a gesture of love, and I appreciate it as such and would never tell him that he does an inadequate job. :001_smile:

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We all have feather down doonas. It takes 10 seconds to make the bed. I like walking into my bedroom to a tidy room and a made bed- it feels peaceful. I am the only one in the house that makes their bed daily though. It is something i do for myself that makes me feel good.

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I voted every day, but that is not completely true. I straighten it every day, but it isn't made up nice and neat unless I feel like it or company is coming to sleep over (in which case my bed is the guest bed, so I make it look nice).

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