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I just checked the My Child Will not be returning for the 2011-12 school year.

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Yes, you will. Homeschooling is so much fun :)


How old is your daughter? You should be prepared for a little bit of initial "school sickness" (you know, like being home sick, but not).


My daughter was in third grade when I pulled her out of public school in March of that year. She was thrilled to not have to go back to school, she was thrilled to be homeschooling, but there was still some initial "I miss my friends" mopey kind of stuff going on for a bit- (even though she only ever saw one or two of them outside of school and did have those girl's phone numbers).


It did pass though. We've been homeschooling just over two years with no regrets, no looking back, and she says all the time how much more fun homeschooling is than public school was.

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She is finishing up 4th grade. Her only push back with homeschooling is not seeing her friends daily. I told her she would get over it once she realized she would never have homework, was finished with school by 1pm [mostly], and school was only held for 4 days instead of 5 and we could travel to Florida or Arizona for long periods if we wanted to-to visit the grandmas...b/c school was portable.



I'm sure she will get over it.



Yes, you will. Homeschooling is so much fun :)


How old is your daughter? You should be prepared for a little bit of initial "school sickness" (you know, like being home sick, but not).


My daughter was in third grade when I pulled her out of public school in March of that year. She was thrilled to not have to go back to school, she was thrilled to be homeschooling, but there was still some initial "I miss my friends" mopey kind of stuff going on for a bit- (even though she only ever saw one or two of them outside of school and did have those girl's phone numbers).


It did pass though. We've been homeschooling just over two years with no regrets, no looking back, and she says all the time how much more fun homeschooling is than public school was.

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Have a party on ps's first day of school - because you can. :D Her life will be different from her friends and you all will appreciate it. I would work on finding some home schooled friends this next year.



my neighbor homeschools her kids so we already have that covered :)

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On the first day of public school this August my crew and I will be at the local splash pad! It will be empty except for us and a few of our hs friends!! That is the very best way to celebrate the first day of public school!! We will have already been in school 2 months by that point since we school year round here.

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Plus there are plenty of other ways/places for her to make friends and be around other kids.


My daughter goes to library book club meetings, weekly Judo classes, and still goes to Girl Scouts. Those are the things she does on an ongoing basis. Then there are various temporary things like the homeschool bowling league, swim lessons, art classes and so on.


Plus we belong to/organize a homeschool group that has field trips and various get togethers.


And she still sees her neighborhood friends and cousins and so on.

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I was in your shoes this time last year :D My dd sometimes misses seeing school friends during the day but doesn't miss the waiting around, the silly work, and the general wasting of her time. She definitely doesn't miss homework! She still sees her friends at Girl Scouts twice a month, on playdates, at ballet three times a week and has made new friends through homeschooling activities :)

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do they live close by so she can still visit some of them? my younger ones wished they were in school so they can see their friends and play (at school). I tell them school is for learning and not hanging out and once that bell rings they can go off to see their friends at the park, and other after school activies that we are involved in. happy homeschooling

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I was in your shoes last year when I blew off Kindy registration and informed the school that my 1st grader would not be returning.


It will be fine!


You may stay in contact with some old school friends, but you'll make new ones too. Chances are that she would have had a completely different group of friends within 1-3 years anyway. Kids grow apart, they get different teachers and different lunch/recess periods, they move away with their families.


And I have to say that this year has been good for *me* socially. I tend to be an introvert who would rather stay inside with a good book. This year has really forced me out of my comfort zone and I've met some really great new friends for myself AND my kids!

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She can retain her friends. We have opted for Girl Scouts to retain some connection to the public schooled kids. Also, the neighborhood kids are all in the public school, and they play over at our house every day after school. It's OK, she won't loose all her friends.


Stay confident, Mommy. You know what's best for your dc. :D

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:thumbup: She'll be fine! Pretty soon all her friends will be jealous of all the things she can do in her free time!


Yep. One time my daughter was talking to a school friend on the phone and the friend started telling my daughter about this big field trip she was going to miss out on, and I heard my daughter tell her, "We go on field trips all the time." LOL.

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