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Newbie from Australia

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I thought I'd better introduce myself before I start bombarding everyone with questions.

We live in Australia and have just started our third year homeschooling. I have DS12, DS8 and DD4. I also have DD14 who attends a local middleschool.


We initially started as very "school at home" then drifted to unit studies. We've slowly evolved to becoming more classical, since starting SOTW1 last year, continuing with SOTW2 this year. We're finishing Life Science this semester, then will start Earth Science for the 2nd half of the year.

I've introduced Latin, and I've been researching what all this Logic/rhetoric thing is about. I've only just managed to borrow a copy of TWTM and have read and reread sections, copied lists and more lists.....

We've begun dictation & copywork this last term, and I'm also going to put more effort into getting the boys to do narrations, and ultimately (for DS12) outlining!

It's going to be an interesting term :lol:


I've been reading a lot of threads in the last month or two, so I'll quit lurking now, and become more involved!


~I'd better go update my sig now~


Looking forward to more chats soon!

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Welcome from another Aussie! I am have finished my homeschooling journey (although sometimes helping with homework feels like I am still homeschooling), but I am addicted to these boards anyway. They were such a lifeline during my years of homeschooling.

It's a great community here and there are a few other Aussies here too.

So dive right in!

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Another WA Aussie welcome!! :001_smile:I've also finished homeschooling, but still hang out here!

We homeschooled for 9 yrs, and I loved it when we found classical homeschooling, and the WTM - thankfully it was reasonably early on. I didn't fulfill all the things I would have loved to in our hs years, but it gave me an outline, and I'm sure we wouldn't have got so far if I didn't have that outline.


My one piece of advice would be to get a copy of the WTM of your own!:D

You may find yourself needing to go back to it quite often.

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