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Would you buy a set of "Great Books?"


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There is a set of 40+ "Great Books" consisting of various classics at our library book sale. Not sure of the publisher but each spine is topped with "Great Books" and then the title is under that. I can get the set for $30. I've been debating about it because

A. they take up so much room (but I could make room)

B. I can check them all out of the library when needed and already have various editions of a few of them

C. DH freaked when I mentioned buying the set ;)


They are very good shape. I know we'd use them over the years but they are all books that I can access other places too. But they idea of having the set is so temping to a bibliophile :tongue_smilie:


What would you do?

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Do they look like this?




If that's the set, it could give you an idea of whether or not it is what you want. I've thought about grabbing a set of these or the Harvard Classics, but we already have two (or 8) copies of some things.


I think so but now I'm not for sure because it's been 2 weeks since I saw them.

But I RUN the book sale so I know they aren't going anywhere until I'm there again :D


Yes, it's a dangerous thing for a book lover to run the book sale room LOL

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I have an older version of that set that I got for $80. I felt like I was getting a great deal. If we're talking about the same set, it's $1000 new. I've heard complaints that the text formatting isn't all that great, but...they just look so beautiful sitting on my shelf. :001_wub:


I wouldn't hesitate to buy it for $40.

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I'd buy them.


I am in the process of collecting all the books that are "worth having" (in my opinion) or the books that are good for me to have right now... that I may end up getting rid of when we are done with them.


I blogged about this (if you are interested).


Here's the link:



I also use the library constantly.


And that means I constantly pay late fines (even though I try to get them back on time... I really do.;))


It's nice not to pay fine on the books I own.


You can check every book you'd ever need out at the library, yes... but some books are just great to have.


I tried for years to avoid collecting books (AKA spending money) but I found that it was much nicer to have books (the ones you read over and over or the read-alouds that take you a few weeks to get through) because then I could just go the shelf and get the books when I needed or wanted them, rather than stressing over finding them at the library and having them when I needed them or when it was convenient for me, etc. or finishing them by the time they were due.


Note: I hardly ever buy books new, though... I go to thrift stores or used book stores, etc. This saves tons of money and there is a "thrill in the hunt." :D

Edited by VBoulden
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Thank you for asking this question! Because oddly enough, I saw a set of these (Britannica's Great Books for the Western World) for sale in a local bookstore too. There were (I think) 50-60 books though.


The price was $187 and I debated over getting them during their 50% sale, but I held off for the same reasons - space and $.


I'll go with the others though - if the price went down to $30, I'd find a way to make room. :) Then again, YMMV since you may have dupes of the set.

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I don't think it's possible to have enough books, only not enough shelf space.


I would absolutely get the set. For texts I want to share with my kids, I find the old fashioned book to be the most convenient format.



(Wishing I could go buy them.)


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OK, I looked again at the set. They are the Britannica Great Books set-50+ books in all. The title of the book is first on the spine and then it says "Britannica Great Books" smaller print at bottom of spine. They are all the same color-dark brown. Good to Very Good condition, a little dusty but not moldy or anything. Spines seem tight on the few I looked at.

They look like this (minus the library tag)


I meant to look at the copyright date but forgot.

I really want them but they take up so much space. And will we ever really read about Freud? There are quite a few that I just don't see ever reading......


Hmmm, will probably cave though ;)

Edited by Ann in IA
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OK, I looked again at the set. They are the Britannica Great Books set-50+ books in all. The title of the book is first on the spine and then it says "Britannica Great Books" smaller print at bottom of spine. They are all the same color-dark brown. Good to Very Good condition, a little dusty but not moldy or anything. Spines seem tight on the few I looked at.

They look like this (minus the library tag)


I meant to look at the copyright date but forgot.

I really want them but they take up so much space. And will we ever really read about Freud? There are quite a few that I just don't see ever reading......


Hmmm, will probably cave though ;)


OK, now I am serious. Buy them for me. I'll pay you back. Seriously.

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OK, I looked again at the set. They are the Britannica Great Books set-50+ books in all. The title of the book is first on the spine and then it says "Britannica Great Books" smaller print at bottom of spine. They are all the same color-dark brown. Good to Very Good condition, a little dusty but not moldy or anything. Spines seem tight on the few I looked at.

They look like this (minus the library tag)


I meant to look at the copyright date but forgot.

I really want them but they take up so much space. And will we ever really read about Freud? There are quite a few that I just don't see ever reading......


Hmmm, will probably cave though ;)


Are you kidding? I have fond memories of reading Freud from that series when I was in 7th grade. In MS I HATED picking books (if you can't judge a book by its cover, how the heck are you supposed to pick one, all the info's on the cover?!?! :lol: ) -- my parents had these and I ate them up. I definitely plan to make my kiddos read them as well. Esp Freud. :D

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The best thing about the Great Books sets is the index and the reading plans. Because it is a set, page numbers can be listed and the books can be used as a REFERENCE set like encyclopedias.


The 1st edition sets have less volumes than the 2nd edition sets. It doesn't matter so much the copyright date as the edition.


A Great Books set vs single copies of Great Books is like the difference between a set of encyclopedias and a bunch of science and history books. The strength of the set is in the fact that it is a SET.


EDIT: added link



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I don't think it's possible to have enough books, only not enough shelf space.



:iagree: Definitely buy them, even if you have to store them under the bed!


Libraries have been disappointing lately in the Great Books area. Many are missing. Many are newer (edited) reprints. Don't rely on what the library will have in 10 years - it may have gone all digital (or just be gone! :eek:)

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If you prefer a physical book then I would buy them. It's hard for me to resist a beautiful set too! But I much prefer being able to quickly download a book from gutenberg right to my phone in minutes. It takes up so much less space that way :)


I'm afraid this is me. I love books. I love reading. My kids love books and read a lot. We have all grown to love reading on the iPhone, iTouch, and iPad. I probably have all of those titles already downloaded from Project Gutenburg for free taking no space at all and they are with me wherever I am so I actually read them.


It is a great deal and if you still love touching books instead of just reading them, go for it.

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