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Standardized Testing in VA


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We are new to Virginia and we're about to take the Iowa Basic test so we can submit test scores. I had heard from a couple homeschooling friends that we are only required to submit Math and Language Arts scores. A few other friends said they just do the entire test and submit everything. I emailed the contact person for our school district and she replied to say there is nothing in the "state code" that states only Math and LA are required. So I think I goofed by even asking the question?! (Just didn't want to have to pay for another test to do the entire thing if they said Math and LA was not good enough?!) Can anyone give me the real scoop for VA? I really don't want to take more time away from our regular curriculum than I have to.


Thanks for the help.


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We are new to Virginia and we're about to take the Iowa Basic test so we can submit test scores. I had heard from a couple homeschooling friends that we are only required to submit Math and Language Arts scores. A few other friends said they just do the entire test and submit everything. I emailed the contact person for our school district and she replied to say there is nothing in the "state code" that states only Math and LA are required. So I think I goofed by even asking the question?! (Just didn't want to have to pay for another test to do the entire thing if they said Math and LA was not good enough?!) Can anyone give me the real scoop for VA? I really don't want to take more time away from our regular curriculum than I have to.


Thanks for the help.


Well, according to HSLDA, you're supposed to submit the scores of "any nationally normed standardized achievement test." I would take that to mean the results of the whole test. ITBS is a nationally normed standardized test, so it would seem logical to me that as long as your dc "attained a composite score in or above the fourth stanine" then you're ok.


This is not legal advice, however. I'm just saying what seems logical to *me*.

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Here is the link to the actual law...


Here is a link to the testing section of the HEAV website.


The law states that you may administer any nationally normed standardized achievement test. A lot of us use the CAT test. It only tests math and language arts but it is acceptable. I've used it the last 2 years just fine :) I am thankful i don't have test science and history especially being that the WTM rotation does not follow public school rotation.

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Guest momk2000

We are in VA, and use the CAT. It tests only Math and LA. I have submitted this to the school district for the past 4 yrs now and never had a problem. :)

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Thank you for the info. Looks like we'll be switching to the CAT next year! Already have the Iowa Basic in hand so we'll just do that this year. So bummed that we have to do every section. My kids are SO not prepared for the social studies questions that are asked. We may end up on "probation" for the next school year if they bomb that section?!?! Mamma Mia.


Thanks again!


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Don't worry about the scores for social studies or science, I've never had them even look at those. Last year I did the whole ITBS and they only cared about the math and LA composite scores.


Have you checked about sending back the ITBS for a refund, I know some places will let you do that if you didn't use the test. Then you could get the CAT test from Seton (they are in Front Royal VA) they are really quick about turn around times for getting the tests to you and getting the scores back. Usually they mail the test out as soon as you order and they don't give you a time limit to get it back to them. When you decide to test and are done you send it back and usually I get my scores back within a week to 10 days.

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If you kids don't do well on the Iowa just because of the social studies and science sections, you could retest them this year with the CAT and submit those scores instead of going on probation.


Also note that the "Survey" version of the CAT is shorter than the "Complete Battery" version (which includes social studies and science sections).

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Only the math and language arts scores count, no matter what you send in. No need to worry about being on "probation" if they meet the requirements in those two sections. :)

(bold mine)



Your kids only have to score 25th percentile or above. Even if they don't, you still get a year to bring the scores up.


We do the whole ITBS. It gives ME more info than the CAT E, and I like it better. YMMV.

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We have a local evaluator (and homeschool mom) give the WRAT, which is a one-on-one test. This fits my daughter's style well, and it keeps me out of the equation, which helps her and me.


Most people I know do the CAT or the Standford. CAT also has an online option now. The HEAV website would have a link.

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I wanted to confirm a pp comment too. We also test through the county school system and they only test Math and LA. It was the Iowa test! If you don't file as religious exemption, the school system will send you a letter that allows you the opportunity to test through the school system if you should choose to. It is freely given and proctored through the school system. The results take longer to get back (4-6 weeks), but it is free and you don't have to worry about sending your results in. The down side is that you only get the final results, you don't know what questions your child struggled with. I believe though, once the children are testing for 6th grade they then have to test science and social studies, but I am not clear on that yet as we only have a 4th grader and under.

Edited by 4 Gifts
I forgot to mention grade level!!
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I wanted to confirm a pp comment too. We also test through the county school system and they only test Math and LA. It was the Iowa test! If you don't file as religious exemption, the school system will send you a letter that allows you the opportunity to test through the school system if you should choose to. It is freely given and proctored through the school system. The results take longer to get back (4-6 weeks), but it is free and you don't have to worry about sending your results in. The down side is that you only get the final results, you don't know what questions your child struggled with. I believe though, once the children are testing for 6th grade they then have to test science and social studies, but I am not clear on that yet as we only have a 4th grader and under.


This must only happen in certain districts because our school district has never contacted us about testing. In fact just trying to get speech therapy services was like pulling teeth. The area I live in follows the "We don't serve your kind" attitude.

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I wanted to confirm a pp comment too. We also test through the county school system and they only test Math and LA. It was the Iowa test! If you don't file as religious exemption, the school system will send you a letter that allows you the opportunity to test through the school system if you should choose to. It is freely given and proctored through the school system. The results take longer to get back (4-6 weeks), but it is free and you don't have to worry about sending your results in. The down side is that you only get the final results, you don't know what questions your child struggled with. I believe though, once the children are testing for 6th grade they then have to test science and social studies, but I am not clear on that yet as we only have a 4th grader and under.


I don't think that is in every county. We've been in VA (Fairfax County) for 2 years and never had an offer for dd to take the test at the ps.

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