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nursing question?

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I hate to ask, but you ladies always have the answers.


I am nursing a toddler (2yo). He still nurses A LOT. I am not anxious to wean at all. I have been nursing and/or pregnant for 7.5 years and have never had a problem. A few day ago my hair started falling out by the handfull. Within a day or two my milk supply drastically decreased and now for over 48 hours there is nothing. I have a very upset baby and I am perplexed! Any ideas or advice?


Thanks so much.

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Wow, that stinks! Have you had PPAF? If so, when was your last AF? Is it possible you are pg?


Maybe check www.kellymom.com .


I never learned what PPAF and AF stand for. LOL. But, I don't think there is really any possibility of being pregnant. Although that would be great! I will check Kellymom right now. Thanks for the reminder.

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Any issues with your thyroid? Both things happen with hypothyroidism (underfunctioning.)


Thanks Erica. I've never had thyroid issues. Could that be something that would happen suddenly? One minute I was fine and the next...not so much. I am feeling tired and have indigestion. I really, really, do not think I could be pregnant!


I don't really have a good doc that would know anything about milk supply.

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Get your thyroid tested. That's the first thing that comes to mind. I'd probably run a battery of hormone tests, tbh.


ETA: My grandma and I both developed thyroid issues after pregnancy. Its easy to put the initial thyroid symptoms down to being post partum.

Edited by Impish
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I hate to ask, but you ladies always have the answers.


I am nursing a toddler (2yo). He still nurses A LOT. I am not anxious to wean at all. I have been nursing and/or pregnant for 7.5 years and have never had a problem. A few day ago my hair started falling out by the handfull. Within a day or two my milk supply drastically decreased and now for over 48 hours there is nothing. I have a very upset baby and I am perplexed! Any ideas or advice?


Thanks so much.


Go get your thyroid checked ASAP. It sounds like a thyroid issue. Alternately, could you be pregnant?



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While it probably wouldn't manifest "overnight", many of the symptoms are general enough to write off as other stuff. Fatigue, dry skin, constipation----you think maybe you aren't getting enough water or the baby is teething and keeping you up. It takes something drastic, like hair falling out or milk supply drying up to make you take notice.

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I'd check with a doctor and LLL.:grouphug:


I have a LLL friend that I will give a call. Thanks for the hugs. I am pretty sad for the little guy. I don't think he will ever fall asleep without nursing.


While it probably wouldn't manifest "overnight", many of the symptoms are general enough to write off as other stuff. Fatigue, dry skin, constipation----you think maybe you aren't getting enough water or the baby is teething and keeping you up. It takes something drastic, like hair falling out or milk supply drying up to make you take notice.


Thanks so much for this info. I have been "tired" for years. LOL.

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After #2, I was walking around WalMart one day and this wave of tiredness suddenly hit me. I was dizzy, tired, lightheaded....I had to sit down in the middle of the check out lane! Talk about embarassing!


After weeks of my hair falling out, feeling very tired, having heart palpitations, being too hot or too cold, and feeling a brain fog, I finally went to the doc for blood work. Turns out my thyroid was off.


So I second (or third, or fourth, or tenth LOL) the thyroid recommendation. Also, I'd grab a pregnancy test in the meantime....just to ease your mind.

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I just weaned my 20m old and my hair started falling out by the handfuls too! I can't remember if I lost a lot postpartum or not...tired much:confused:, but I would think I would remember it if I did. It has finally started to slow down a little but thank goodness I have thick hair or I'm sure I would be bald by now:tongue_smilie:. I also have PCOS and have a Dr appt in the morning for that and I will ask about weaning and hair loss. FWIW I had my thyroid levels checked and they were fine but I may ask to have them checked again!

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While it probably wouldn't manifest "overnight", many of the symptoms are general enough to write off as other stuff. Fatigue, dry skin, constipation----you think maybe you aren't getting enough water or the baby is teething and keeping you up. It takes something drastic, like hair falling out or milk supply drying up to make you take notice.


I am soooo tired. <yawn> That makes total sense. That is actually how my thyroid issues were discovered. A little of this, some of that, and finally, I was like "What is wrong?!" But it was a series of rather over-lookable (my own word! :lol: ) symptoms.

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After #2, I was walking around WalMart one day and this wave of tiredness suddenly hit me. I was dizzy, tired, lightheaded....I had to sit down in the middle of the check out lane! Talk about embarassing!


After weeks of my hair falling out, feeling very tired, having heart palpitations, being too hot or too cold, and feeling a brain fog, I finally went to the doc for blood work. Turns out my thyroid was off.


So I second (or third, or fourth, or tenth LOL) the thyroid recommendation. Also, I'd grab a pregnancy test in the meantime....just to ease your mind.


Wow!! That is awful. So sorry you went through that. I love the advice to stop on the way for a preg. test. I wish it was pregnancy, but the timing doesn't work out at all.


I just weaned my 20m old and my hair started falling out by the handfuls too! I can't remember if I lost a lot postpartum or not...tired much:confused:, but I would think I would remember it if I did. It has finally started to slow down a little but thank goodness I have thick hair or I'm sure I would be bald by now:tongue_smilie:. I also have PCOS and have a Dr appt in the morning for that and I will ask about weaning and hair loss. FWIW I had my thyroid levels checked and they were fine but I may ask to have them checked again!


:grouphug: My hair is very fine, so I really don't want to lose a strand of it. lol.


I am soooo tired. <yawn> That makes total sense. That is actually how my thyroid issues were discovered. A little of this, some of that, and finally, I was like "What is wrong?!" But it was a series of rather over-lookable (my own word! :lol: ) symptoms.


I had my thyroid checked a year ago and it was fine. But, I guess it can't hurt to test again. I am surprised how many people have thyroid issues.

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I really appreciate all of your advice. I guess I will make an appointment--I really don't like going to the doc.


But, after two days of no milk, do I give up or is there still hope of starting to produce again?


I wouldn't give up. Not if you don't want to. If your body had been nursing for that long and with three, you should be able to reestablish milk supply once you get to the bottom of the problem.


World Breastfeeding Week two years a go was all about BFing in emergency situations and I remember reading that grandmothers have been able to re-lactate in order to provide milk for grandkids during natural disasters.


I had a horrible misdiagnosis with my third (terribly long story) but my milk supply was completely compromised for a month when he was just 3 mos old, but then I got him back on the breast and after a couple months my supply returned and he's still nursing now too.


So, all that to say there's hope.

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Could you be pregnant? My milk dried up when I got pregnant for number 4, and dd2 was still nursing, she was 13 months old.


I really, really, really don't think so. TMI but, I just finished menstruating a couple of days ago. I'm feeling sorry for the little guy. He's a talker--and just told me he was "sad there was no more milky." I am trying to stay hydrated and up the protein to see if that helps at all.

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I wouldn't give up. Not if you don't want to. If your body had been nursing for that long and with three, you should be able to reestablish milk supply once you get to the bottom of the problem.


World Breastfeeding Week two years a go was all about BFing in emergency situations and I remember reading that grandmothers have been able to re-lactate in order to provide milk for grandkids during natural disasters.


I had a horrible misdiagnosis with my third (terribly long story) but my milk supply was completely compromised for a month when he was just 3 mos old, but then I got him back on the breast and after a couple months my supply returned and he's still nursing now too.


So, all that to say there's hope.


Thanks for the positive story. I don't think either one of us are really ready for weaning, especially not in such a dramatic way. We'll keep in trying!! Sorry you had to go through that.

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As you try to figure out why this is happening, maybe Kellymom will have some good tips for getting the milk back and upping the supply. Maybe eat oatmeal, take fenugreek, drink Mother's Milk Tea... There are also some tinctures you can take, too. (I think they are blech but they helped me.)


Is your little one opposed to "dry" nursing? Are you? (It really hurts some women and seriously frustrates some wee ones.) But maybe the continued stimulation will help your body realize there is still a baby needing milk.


I hope you get this sorted. Weaning is hard enough (emotionally) when we are ready and wanting to do it. It is really heartbreaking when it is yanked out from under us unexpectedly and suddenly. :( :grouphug:

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