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Now that I've added the poll, Please help me pick a personalized plate for our truck

Which do you like best?  

  1. 1. Which do you like best?

    • Bus4_3 (Bus for 3)
    • RBUS43 (our bus for 3)
    • NGHTBS (Knight Bus)
    • FENXBS (Phoenix Bus, because of our mascot)
    • Other (feel free to make a suggestion)

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I want to get a personalized plate for our truck (which the kids call our homeschool bus) and want to take advantage of Virginia's Home Education plate so I'm limited to 6 characters.

Our school is named Fawkes Academy after Fawkes the Phoenix in Harry Potter, thus some of the choices.


Please wait for the poll

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How about SKLBUS ? or would someone think it said skull bus?

This is already taken as is RSKLBS

I doubt you will be able to get BS on a license plate. I know in Virginia, they do censor these things.

actually since RSKLBS is already taken as well as many others that had bs on them in the so apparently VA doesn't have an issue with it.


I wasn't crazy about the BS for bus thing, but on a plate that says "Education Starts At Home" it may be more obvious.


I do like

FNXBUS as an alternative.


Just in case anyone thinks of it. BUS4US is also taken.

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(these were all caps but for some reason as soon as I post it, it gets changed to lower case.)


Fawkes and Phoenx might not be taken but I know the others are. I was shocked at home many variations were already taken because I almost never see these plates, but then again VA is a big state.

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I picked Fenxbs because what happens if Rbus43 becomes Rbus44? It seems like it might be a pain to change your license plate if your family size changes.


I probably should have mentioned that if our family needs a "Bus for 4" then either we have grounds to sue the Dr (dh had the big V 3.5 years ago), or someone dropped a baby on our doorstep.

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in Latin 'to transfer' is delego.


travel thru is 'peragro'


turn around is 'verto'


put to flight is 'fundo'


a beginning is 'orsus'


be bright = "mico" or "niteo"


school = ludus


success = laurus


swiftly flying = citivolus but I don't know how to make that one fit the plate.


fly away =evolo

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How about SKLBUS ? or would someone think it said skull bus?


I first read it as "skull bus," and I'd just read her post!


I find the last two choices hard to read. If I were following you on the road, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't figure out "knight bus" from those letters. In fact, I'd probably think it was just a random license plate combination.

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