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Question about TWTM editions


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I'm currently reading TWTM third editon that I bought on the FOR SALE forum on this site. I like what I'm reading as far as all of the suggestions, etc. I'm wondering if I should fork over the money and buy the latest edtion if I end up following TWTM approach next year as we begin our 1st year of hschooling. Could someone please explain the major differences between each edition of TWTM.



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I think before you buy the other editions, you should check your library to see if they have them. Then you can see if it's what you want! I have read the 2nd edition and own the 3rd and the major differences are just updated curriculum (that's what I noticed ;)).

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I'm currently reading TWTM third editon that I bought on the FOR SALE forum on this site. I like what I'm reading as far as all of the suggestions, etc. I'm wondering if I should fork over the money and buy the latest edtion if I end up following TWTM approach next year as we begin our 1st year of hschooling. Could someone please explain the major differences between each edition of TWTM.




Isn't the third edition the most current one?

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  • 3 months later...
Does anyone prefer one of the older editions to the 3rd edition?


I read the 1999 edition a long time ago, but can't remember what it was like. I have the second, and recently read the third. I like the third's logic stage outlining instructions MUCH better than the ones in the second, but that was the only thing that stood out to me. And, I am considering buying a first edition online, because I have read here that it's the best as far as getting the philosophy of teaching across - something about more geared towards actual teaching than recommending resources? That appeals to me. My library doesn't have it anymore, so I can't go look to see what the differences are. But I might buy it if I can find it inexpensively online.

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I just bought the second edition and almost bought the first. The 3rd recommends so many resources published by the author and I'd prefer to see other recommendations. Back when I was homeschooling my boys, I don't remember whether I owned the 1st or 2nd, and then got the other from the library, and don't remember which one I preferred.


I don't remember Apologia for high school recommended in the older editions. Is it?

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The 3rd recommends so many resources published by the author and I'd prefer to see other recommendations...




I haven't seen the 3rd edition but I was concerned that they mainly just recommend their curricula. I have the 2nd out on the loan from the library, it's the only one I've ever read. I had a copy of the 1st but I can't find it. I was wanting to look through it to see the curricula they recommended before they started published their own. I love a lot of the authors materials but would like to see some other options as well. ;)

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I haven't seen the 3rd edition but I was concerned that they mainly just recommend their curricula. I have the 2nd out on the loan from the library, it's the only one I've ever read. I had a copy of the 1st but I can't find it. I was wanting to look through it to see the curricula they recommended before they started published their own. I love a lot of the authors materials but would like to see some other options as well. ;)


I seem to remember that they recommended several different curricula for each subject, including their own. It wasn't only Peace Hill stuff.

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It's been a long time, but I thought I remembered one of the editions only recommending the (?) guides and concentrating on Great Books about science. Sorry I can't remember the name of the guides. I could be wrong though. When did Apologia come out? I know they were newish in the early 2000s and were the hot new thing, but am not sure about the exact dates.

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I borrowed the second edition from the library and recently purchased the third edition. They do recommend their own programs in each area, but the also list a couple of other curriculum programs for each subject. I think they do provide good explanations of why they would or would not suggest using a certain product.

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I've never seen TWTM as being a sales platform for Peace Hill Press products; in fact, in the earlier editions, many of their products hadn't even been published yet.


The way I see it, Peace Hill Press has published what it's published because, in the course of writing and updating TWTM, SWB saw a need for curriculum that accomplished the goals in TWTM better than the current recommendations. So the PHP materials that are now recommended are an outgrowth of TWTM, not the reason for its existence.

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I own the 1st edition and recently checked the most recent from the library and read through most of the grammar and logic stages. I thought the new ed expanded and clarified some things which was helpful and I'm glad I looked at it and would like to own it. But I still use many of the recommendations from the 1st. The main thing that stood out to me was how much more expensive the new recommendations are. For us, on a fairly tight budget, the earlier recs are much more doable and, I think, still really good resources.

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Thanks! You have been really good the past few days filling in my missing memories :-) We'd make a good team playing Trivial Pursuit :-)


Glad to be of service! :D The bits and pieces of your life story have intrigued me over the months. And I wanted to help you along in the other great thread you started. I'll hopefully have a chance tomorrow to have a good read of all those posts, and come up with questions or comments.

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To the OP, the third ed is the most current. There isn't a new one.


I own the first and the third. I prefer the third, no doubt. Things like the notebook system are much simplified, the materials mentioned are up to date, the outlining section is great, the grammar stage science is better explained.


So, if an old edition falls into your lap, then great. It is nice to have around to see what was recommended at different times. But, I think that SWB does really listen to what homeschoolers say they need and she incorporates those things into each new edition.

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