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Royal Fireworks Press mini-convention w/ SWB and MCT

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Hello All,


While most know about this, there are a few who may be coming late to the conversation so I'll post this email which was sent out by RFWP today. If you have a local homeschool group, feel free to post this email there. Unlike many homeschool conferences, this one will be focused on academics. Susan Wise Bauer will be giving four talks on writing for elementary, middle school and high school as well as a wonderful talk on homeschooling the "real" child. Michael Clay Thompson will be talking about writing, grammar, poetry. In addition, given that the missing component is the ability to look at curriculum, many of the attendees are bringing their fav curriculum for a curriculum sharing/discussion evening. I think this will prove to be an informative two days. If successful, this type of venue will be repeated through out the country - more smaller, more intimate meetings where you can really get your questions answered!


Capt Uhura


The email follows:



A special get-together to enable home-educators to meet these amazing speakers and writers in a relaxed friendly and intimate ambience.


Friday 24 and Saturday 25 June 2011

at Valley Forge Christian College, 1401 Charlestown Road, Phoenixville, PA


When the North-East Great Homeschool Convention in Valley Forge, Philadelphia this June was canceled, a homeschooler posted a message on our Support Forum asking whether Michael Clay Thompson, with Susan Wise Bauer, would consider a “mini-convention†if it could be organized. Both Susan and Michael were agreeable and finding a venue at short notice was solved thanks to the Valley Forge Christian College who is freeing up a presentation space for us and providing dormitory accommodation and meals.


The result is an exciting opportunity to meet and hear these popular presenters, discuss curriculum, and meet with others.

Other curriculum people will be there. We expect Laurel Dodge, who is developing a nature studies curriculum, and Shelagh Gallagher who will talk about problem-based learning and other curriculum approaches for homeschoolers. If we have enough presentation rooms, one or two other popular speakers are interested in attending.


We are pleased that the college could offer us a venue this weekend; most of their facilities have been booked already by other groups, so the space is limited. The nice thing about the venue is that the air-conditioned dorm rooms and meals are inexpensive. One downside is that we may not be able to take walk-ins as the maximum number of places is 200.


We will have more information about the program soon which will be posted on the Support Forum and on the Royal Fireworks Press website. Meanwhile, you can follow discussions on the Well Trained Mind Forum and on our Facebook page.


To register, go to the Royal Fireworks Press website: http://rfwp.com/valley-forge-convention.php

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Here is a copy of SWB's post here at the general forum.


Here's the plan:




The Well-Prepared Student (High School): How to Get Ready for College


In this session, learn what and how to teach your child in grades 9-12--before they fill out those applications and head off for the freshman year. What expections should you have for high school? How can you teach those subjects that stump you? How should you personalize the high school curriculum for your student, while still making sure that the basics are covered? What skills will your student need to develop in order to thrive in college? As a college instructor, Susan Wise Bauer has taught scores of college freshmen and knows what they should have learned before the freshman year; as a home educating parent, she has graduated one high school student (now at UVA) and is in the thicket of high school with two more. Also covers transcript preparation and other important steps in getting ready for the admissions process.



A Plan for Teaching Writing: Focus on the High School Years


This seminar covers all of the types of writing that high school students should learn before entering the freshman year of college: response papers, summaries, and critical essays across the curriculum. Students in grades 8-12 are encouraged to attend.



How to Read a Book (With Apologies to Adler)

Offers specific training in the three levels of reading, explaining how they are applied in different genres and how they lead to the development of skills in literary criticism. Includes suggestions for writing about each genre. For high school students and self-educators.





Homeschooling the Real (Distractable, Impatient, Argumentative, Unenthusiastic, Non-Book-Loving, Inattentive, Poky, Vague) Child


High academic achievement (and particular the book-centered kind of achievement recommended by classical educators) often seems designed for one kind of student: the mature, self-directed, disciplined child who loves to read. In this workshop, learn how to deal with the other 90% of students. Includes practical strategies for dealing with roadblocks in the way of academic achievement, as well as time-tested advice for teaching to your child’s strengths while still addressing weaknesses. Susan Wise Bauer, classical educator, college instructor, and author, was home schooled herself and has homeschooled her own four real children, now aged 10-19 (the oldest is now at university).



What is Literary Analysis? When, Why, and How Should I Teach It?


You know that your children should read—but what else should you be doing to teach them skills in literature? After teaching literature at the college level for over a decade, Susan has seen the results of many different methods. This seminar will guide you towards the most effective way to teach literature. Offers a foundational explanation of what literary analysis is, a list of skills that need to be covered, guidance in how to teach them, and resource recommendations.



A Plan for Teaching Writing: Focus on the Elementary and Middle School Years


This workshop explains how to guide your student through a simple progression (copying, dictation, narration,

summarizing, outlining, short critical essay) that will develop both writing and thinking skills in a systematic, stepwise manner. Also offers very specific guidance in how to teach the skills of constructing an argument, outlining and writing from an outline. Includes training in outlining, writing from an outline, basic Socratic dialogue, and evaluation and grading.

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I emailed RFWP about this, but I thought I'd post a request here too that the sessions be recorded and offered for sale as mp3's after the conference. I'd love to go, but my location makes that impossible as I'm sure it does for others. I'm also sure that there are others out there who would love to purchase the mp3's if they are made available.

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I emailed RFWP about this, but I thought I'd post a request here too that the sessions be recorded and offered for sale as mp3's after the conference. I'd love to go, but my location makes that impossible as I'm sure it does for others. I'm also sure that there are others out there who would love to purchase the mp3's if they are made available.


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