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We left the garage door open and someone stole some stuff.

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I'm so ticked.


They stole a wallet from the glove compartment. I wish they had even looked, since it only had all of my museum and zoo membership cards.


They stole 2 sets of golf clubs.


I know it could have been worse, but it's still infuriating. And it was my fault the door was open.

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I'm so ticked.


They stole a wallet from the glove compartment. I wish they had even looked, since it only had all of my museum and zoo membership cards.


They stole 2 sets of golf clubs.


I know it could have been worse, but it's still infuriating. And it was my fault the door was open.[/QUOTE]



:grouphug:I am sorry. We were burglarized and it took a long time to lose the sense of being violated.


It may have been your fault the door was open, but it isn't your fault that things were stolen. The thief is responsible for that.


We went to town on Monday. My ds6 left the van door open when we went into a store. When we came out, I was very happy to be living in a small town with a low crime rate.

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snickelfritz, I have been robbed soooo many times. The last time, I pretty much locked myself in the bathroom and cried. They tried to steal my car, they stole my wedding ring and ALL of my kids' birth certificates and social security cards...they stole my kids' baby jewelry...stuff that can't be replaced. It also scared the ^%%$ out of my kids and they still tell me that they're scared someone's going to come into the house while we're sleeping.


I don't know why people rob and steal. They probably got maybe a hundred bucks for my wedding ring at some pawn shop. It's upsetting.


I'm sorry that happened to you.

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I'm so ticked.


They stole a wallet from the glove compartment. I wish they had even looked, since it only had all of my museum and zoo membership cards.


They stole 2 sets of golf clubs.


I know it could have been worse, but it's still infuriating. And it was my fault the door was open.


Hate it when something happens and it's my fault. Sorry this happened to you.

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:grouphug:I am sorry. We were burglarized and it took a long time to lose the sense of being violated.


Yeah. It's impossible to get over stuff like that (especially if it happens more than once).


I forgot to add that we have a really scary dog (he just looks scary :tongue_smilie:, he's a Boxer-mix) and we have never been robbed with him in the house. However, that last time we were robbed, the scary doogie was at Grandma's house and they wiped us out. My kids were saying, "If Odie were here, he would've protected us!" and they were peeved at me for leaving him at Grandma's that week. :glare:


Get a doogie. :D

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I have a doggie. But no one is scared of a 5 pound Maltese, who got shaved yesterday and looks like a rat.


He was comfortably asleep in my bed.



:lol: We also have a Shih Tzu. She's basically a dog toy for the Boxer. My 6 yro and 3 yro insist that she's his baby. :tongue_smilie: Um, yeah.

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The police officer was very nice. Told me to check Craigs list and pawn shops.


Ironically, we have 2 neighbors who are police officers. Next door neighbor and across the street. Both bring their cars home and I know at least one of them was definitely parked out front last night.


Ah well. I know it really could have been so much worse. Dh was out of town lady night, so it was just the kids, me, and our Maltese guard dog.


dh wants a mastiff. Today, he could probably talk me into one.

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Dh tends to leave our garage door open during the day when he's home. I prefer to have it closed. We always park our vehicles in the driveway and lock them. The garage is full of stuff, most of it waiting for our next yard sale. I think it not only could look tempting to someone predisposed to theft, but it shows the neighbors how messy we are. ;) When I find that he's left the door open, I make sure he's in the house and then close the door (maybe I should close it when he's out? ha! Payback for when he locked me out a few of years ago--the kids were napping, I was gardening in the backyard, and he left to go to the store. He thought I was inside.)

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The police officer was very nice. Told me to check Craigs list and pawn shops.


Ironically, we have 2 neighbors who are police officers. Next door neighbor and across the street. Both bring their cars home and I know at least one of them was definitely parked out front last night.


Ah well. I know it really could have been so much worse. Dh was out of town lady night, so it was just the kids, me, and our Maltese guard dog.


dh wants a mastiff. Today, he could probably talk me into one.


Um no. It is the cops job to work to find the stolen stuff by checking various places, not yours. What are you supposed to do even if you find it? Rebuy your own stuff? We never had a cop tell us to do that.:001_huh:


We have three cops in our neighborhood and one sheriff car parked two houses down. Makes no difference.


It isn't how big the dog is. It's how much ruckus he makes. Our miniature poodle is awesome about barking like mad if anything or anyone comes near our house. Which is crazy annoying except for when it is a great warning.:tongue_smilie:


You could have a great Dane, but if he is a comfy and relaxed guy who appreciates his naps - he'll be just as much use as the rat Maltese. Because ideally, the barking warning is what the burglar hears and he never gets close enough to SEE the dog in the house.


Still stinks. We have never had any theft until we moved to this much nicer neighborhood. Twice we have had dh's car broken into and last time they opened the garage.:glare:

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Um no. It is the cops job to work to find the stolen stuff by checking various places, not yours. What are you supposed to do even if you find it? Rebuy your own stuff? We never had a cop tell us to do that.:001_huh:

I know someone who's teenage son golfed and used left hand clubs. He left his golf bag outside the clubhouse before he went in, and they were stolen. After they made a police report, his mom started checking the pawn shops and found it. They did not have to buy the clubs back. I don't know all the details, but I'm sure she let the police know where she found them and they got them back for her.

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I did wonder about that. :). Well, stink.


The cops that came out to our place found almost everything for us and brought it over to the house. The first time they did finger printing and everything. The second time they caught the crooks, but oddly enough they didn't do any finger printing that time. Weird. We figured they would for sure just to be certain to have that much more evidence, yk?


Now before we moved, in our previous town the cops sucked. They wouldn't even bother to come out to investigate. Just told us to come to their office and fill out a report so that if we wanted to file with our insurance we could.:glare:

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The police in our city won't even come to the house for a theft like this. You phone in the report and they mail you a copy.


This happened to us once while dh was in the yard mowing the lawn. He was at a place where he couldn't see the door and someone stole some tools including his mitre saw. He never leaves the door open anymore. I am sorry this happened to you.

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How awful! :grouphug: There are a couple of big reasons for petty theft like that---number one being drugs. I think there is also a statistic out there that shows that a lot of petty theft happens by someone who knows you or lives close enough to know your routine. Troubled teenage neighbors come to mind.


Either way----the sense of violation is awful. It sure would be nice if you got your stuff back too ;)

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