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I don't care what they paid me, I would never act

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She agrees to it because it makes her the center of attention. She should just leave off the 'plus 8' part of the name at this point. I stopped watching anything with her after I saw the episode of her running down a NY sidewalk in a mini and spiked heels, while leaving her kids in the dust to be tended to by someone else.


Honestly, I feel sorry for her. She seems to thrive off of drama.

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Oh brother.


I haven't ever been able to watch her, even when she was part of the Jon and Kate deal. She is a train wreck.



I know honestly and sometimes train wrecks are hard not to watch.


I did watch the last 2 weeks, probably won't anymore, but the austrailia stuff was intriguing to watch, Well at least when Kate wasn't whining or complaining.


She is crazy.

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I thought you meant Kate Middleton!


LOL :lol: :lol:



I never watched Kate's show before (don't have cable), but I did see her when she was on Dancing With The Stars and I was appalled by her behavior and temper tantrums. Is she always like that?? I don't know the whole of her story, but I heard that she and her husband are divorced. Does she have the main custody of the children? I would feel so badly for those children if she is their only role model based on the behavior that I saw. :eek:

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LOL :lol: :lol:



I never watched Kate's show before (don't have cable), but I did see her when she was on Dancing With The Stars and I was appalled by her behavior and temper tantrums. Is she always like that?? I don't know the whole of her story, but I heard that she and her husband are divorced. Does she have the main custody of the children? I would feel so badly for those children if she is their only role model based on the behavior that I saw. :eek:


She does appear to be always like that. Unless she just likes to play that persona, which is hard for me to imagine, but she's a fame junkie. I did once enjoy the show before the divorce, when the littles were around 2 or 3. I got tired of the endless fabulous vacations which inevitably would end with her freaking out about something.


I don't normally watch the show anymore because I don't like her, but I'm on vacation and there aren't a lot of TV channels here. We were chillin' and watching TLC and I thought the footage of New Zealand would be cool, so I watched.


There was a part of the show where the older girls and her Nanny were going on a "skywalk" - a little tour around the outside of a tall building, hooked to a harness. First, she acted like a horrible prima donna about this, vacillating between wanting to prove that she could do the skywalk and badgering the employees to give her more time to work up to it. She was almost verbally abusive to the employee; fortunately, he sassed her back. :D In the interview later, she chuckled that she was a beast to the employee, like, "Hee hee, sorry I was a bi*ch! Hee hee." :ack2:


But the true spectacle was when the older girls and the nanny decided to do a sort of bungee-jump off the building. (It was more controlled than a bungee jump, but that's still the basic idea.) The others went first and then it was her turn. She was a sobbing, hysterical mess! Clinging to the cords and freaking out. Now - I ask you: If you're deathly afraid of heights, why do this? Especially with a film crew there? So, anyway, she finally lets them shove her off and she screams hysterically down and lands on the ground in a crumpled ball, sobbing. Yeah. Quite the example of strength and fortitude. :001_huh:


It was truly dumber than dumb. Also, she is hounded by paparazzi and constantly complains about it (I wouldn't like it either), but SHE fuels her target-worthiness for the paparazzi. She chose to do a show that exposes her every moment with 8 kids, but then she is surprised when zoom lenses follow them around. And in defense of the paparazzi, if she wasn't bound to go into a rage at any given moment, I don't guess she'd be so followed and tracked.

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I watched a few of the early shows. Even then it was apparent that Jon was biting his tounge almost constantly. The main entertainment for me was waiting for him to lose it on camera and go into a rage and kill her.....never happened, though. Poor guy, glad he got away from her. Hope she hired good nannies, she isn't mother material.

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I don't know what to say. I don't think I'd appear to be the world's best mom with so many young kids....... I don't know enough about her to know whether or not she's an attention seeker, but I can almost understand her doing the show for the financial security of supporting all those kids.


The very few times I HAVE seen the show I definitely can't say she was a bad mom. I thought she did VERY well having so many kids! When I saw it I don't recall seeing any hired help either.

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I thought she did VERY well having so many kids! When I saw it I don't recall seeing any hired help either.



Even in the early years, she had LOTS of help (a lot of it was family) and I was turned off by the way she treated the people who were generously giving their time and labor. Sort of "oh well, people just love to fold my socks, so I let them".

These days she always has a "second" around to help out (I would too if I could afford it)---

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I don't know what to say. I don't think I'd appear to be the world's best mom with so many young kids....... I don't know enough about her to know whether or not she's an attention seeker, but I can almost understand her doing the show for the financial security of supporting all those kids.


The very few times I HAVE seen the show I definitely can't say she was a bad mom. I thought she did VERY well having so many kids! When I saw it I don't recall seeing any hired help either.


Well, as a matter of contrast, I watch the Duggars sometimes, too. Michelle has a fair amount of children ;) and, while I don't agree with everything the Duggars do, I've also never seen a spectacle like Kate Gosslin displays in many episodes over the years.


I don't claim to be the World's Most Patient Mother, but I can't think of many times I've gone on benders like that in private, let alone if I was doing a show for a million people to view! I know my limitations. I'm deathly afraid of drowning, therefore I would not do a show illustrating me on a cave dive. I'd rather have my eyes pried out with a rusty spork. :tongue_smilie: There have been numerous shows where she's put in a difficult situation and then, apparently the entire point of the show is to film her having a tantrum about the difficult situation.


I'm not saying she is a 100% rotten mom all the time; I doubt there even is such a person. But unless the shows she does are all part of her playing a persona and she's actually nothing like that IRL (which would be strange - why would you agree to look like an unhinged beast?), I think it's safe to say she's not a very nice person and doesn't mind looking like a kook.


As far as financially, if she had used the shows to provide a secure life for her family:

1) that wouldn't be reason to act like a fool; there are shows where the mom is not a screaming nut; and

2) she would long since have earned enough to provide a normal secure life.

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well it's certainly true that she's made enough money at this point to be secure and raise the kids out of the spotlight. I can't deny that!


As far as the contrast to the Duggars - there isn't one! That Duggar mom is as darned close to perfect as anyone portrayed. She SO reminds me of me.






LOVE the buddy system, though. That makes Michelle's life MUCH easier. I did something similar when all my kids were younger and I was homeschooling the boys, too. Oh see! I do have something in common with Michelle Duggar!:D

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