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How involved are your kids in activities?

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Um, extremely. But it is the social life my kids crave, and I get it to cover some school stuff as well!


Scouts for both. That's a lot just on its own, but inexpensive for what they do. Lots of camps and extra activities. Dd is passionate about Scouts, and a patrol leader.

Gymnastics for both.

Drama and Sport coop with other homeschoolers for both.

Science class for both (highschool level, with other homeschoolers).

Musical instrument lessons for both.

Watercolour class and sewing class for dd only (walking distance).

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Just horses and 4-H. We also do nature hikes once a week with another family.


If the kids were enrolled in anything else, we'd have to give up the horses... we can only justify keeping them with all these rising costs because they are the only sport the kids are involved in.


The kids could choose to do something else, but they'd have to give up their horse to do it.

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The older 3 boys take piano and Judo, and we attend an enrichment co-op 1 morning a week.


We've chosen not to go the route of baseball, soccer, football, etc. because the boys would be on different teams and that would mean different practice times and game times. With Judo, we all attend the same classes and tournaments.

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Let's see.


Dd8 - Dance 3x per week, horses 1x per week.

dd7 - gymnastics 1x perweek, horses 1x per week.


I want to get them into piano lessons, and dd7 would really like to play the violin. We watched a Barbie movie (:ack2:) that had a video at the end of all these amazing young women who will be professional musicians, and she took away from that a desire to learn to play the violin. I would like to start with piano, but I'm fine with whatever instruments she'd like to try.


We don't have a lot of social activities; school this year is taking up a lot more time, and their evening activities make it hard to schedule very many play dates. We have a bi-weekly co-op, which we love, and some other family things that we do.


I feel a bit like we're running around like crazy people, but one of the best things about homeschooling, to me, is that the girls have time to do these things that they enjoy. If they were in school full time, I would think it was WAY too much.

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The array of options boggles the mind - I'm trying to find a good balance between enrichment and unstructured, imaginative play.



One child--ds8

Swim-- 3- -45 minute lessons per week--

Piano---1 lesson a week (30 minutes)


That is all. Except for our religious studies which by some standards is intensive....but as far as extra-curricular...this is it. I am about to drop from the load of it all...I don't know how some families do multiple kids with multiple activities.


This is all we can do.

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We aren't invovled in much right now. We live 45 min from town so it's not just the expense of activity, it's the expense of getting there and the time involved. We do a once a week co-op as well as particpate in a drama camp once a year and the older kids particpate in a One Act Play Festival each winter.


In the past we've been involved in scouts, Awanas, soccer, softball, etc.

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We try to keep it to one instrument and one sport per child, but it doesn't always work out that way.


The problem is that both the music (violin for the boys, piano for the girl) and the sport (taekwon-do for all) are year round. There is no "off season" to try new things. So, for the most part I stick to the basics, but the kids also do one session of swim lessons per year and they usually also do a short session (4 or 6 weeks) of something they'd like to do for fun - like tennis lessons, homeschool PE, soccer at the community center or whatever.


And with four kids - the one music one sport thing is still really busy.


The boys have group violin class on Monday afternoon, private classes from 11 to 12:30 (3 boys) on Thursday morning. Then we have a 1/2 hour break before the littlest one starts his Pre-Twinkle group class, then dd has piano at 2:30 and we've got to be back at the music school for Jr. Strings Orchestra at 4. Yikes. That's just the music.


Dd's a red belt in taekwon-do and, ideally, she'd be doing 6 hours a week of classes. I try to get her there as often as I can. The boys do at least two hours a week, but they could be doing more.


Oh, and they also have Italian classes on Saturday mornings, but that's only for half the year.

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My teen hser does riding, xcountry, & guitar as extras. Music & riding are year round, the running on a team is not.


The 9 yr old does riding and music lessons. She's been asking for gymnastics and ballet lately, but I have been 'gently' putting off those requests. I personally don't want to drive more.


In summer, they've done summer-y activities. Town tennis & baseball, sailing, swim or art camp etc, depending on interests. The teens are mostly aged -out of that now.


My hsers have down time daily and lots of it. It's our sanity.

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