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Has anyone ‘moved’ somewhere warm for a few months in the winter?

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DH does not want to permanently move somewhere warm, but he said he would consider going away for a few months next winter.

I’d love to hear about experiences of others who have done this. How did you find a place to rent? Did you meet up with other homeschoolers? How did your kids like it? Did you rent out your primary home. Any tips?

I’m not thinking of this as a vacation, but more of a way to escape winter and live somewhere warm for 2-3 months.

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Buy an RV! Here in AZ it can be tough to find a family RV park though. Many RV parks in the Phoenix area are for only adults 55 and older. When we left Oregon for Arizona, it was supposed to be for only 4 months. We knew a college kid from our church that stayed in our house. We didn't pay him but we did pay the electric bill, garbage bill, etc. He needed a place so he was happy to get to stay somewhere for free and we were happy to have someone watching our house.

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No, but I think of escaping the summer every single year! I fantasize about winters in Winnipeg (where I lived as a child).


Here in Australia we have heaps of "grey nomads" - they're retired people with RVs who travel north in the southern winter, and south in the northern summer. We did some RVing with the kids a few years ago, not chasing the sun, but just having a holiday. It was great.



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We're heading to Chicago for the summer, so basically the reverse. Dh works up there now and we only see him once or twice a month, so we're making the drive out there for the summer. Not looking forward to the 4 days on the road, but am stoked about missing the three months of triple digits! I'd love to rent our house out, but I can't imagine anyone wanting to spend the summer out here on purpose. We'll save about 500-600 a month on electricity though, so that's something.



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DH does not want to permanently move somewhere warm, but he said he would consider going away for a few months next winter.

I’d love to hear about experiences of others who have done this. How did you find a place to rent? Did you meet up with other homeschoolers? How did your kids like it? Did you rent out your primary home. Any tips?

I’m not thinking of this as a vacation, but more of a way to escape winter and live somewhere warm for 2-3 months.


Wait...does your husband work from home? How will that work otherwise?

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Barb, I think 4 days on the road would be well worth it to get away from the heat. We've just had a vile summer, though, so maybe that is colouring my view! I was just excited when I could hang out a load of laundry without having to have a shower afterward!



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In our previous economic life we've taken a month off for 3 consecutive years and went to Florida, Hawaii, and Florida. (Florida is cheaper, we preferred Hawaii). There weren't many youngsters around us. Hubby and I lowered the average campground age in Florida! But it was worth it!!! In Hawaii we rented condos and that was more of a vacation with some work instead of the other way around.


At the time, hubby could work from the road, so he didn't have to take time off. It still costs a little bit more than just having one household to maintain though.


I'd do it every year if we could afford it.


Attached is one of our "winter office" photos from one of the Florida years.



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We live in NC, so the winters are pretty moderate (although that is relative since I moved from SoCal where the weather was fantastic year round!)


I don't think we would be able to do what you are proposing because my kids are so involved in their activities here and would hate to miss several months of their friends and events.


However, I think it would be a great experience.


Florida in Jan, Feb, and March would be off-season for tourists so touristy things would be easy to do.....Kennedy Space Center, all the theme parks, Sea World, beach, all sorts of things. Rentals may be cheaper too. We often rent a condo for a week or two when we go down there.


Arizona, on the other hand, would be pricier. I have looked into a week long rental in January and the prices were horribly high.



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We spent 6 weeks in CA one winter (coming from MA). We stayed with relatives part of the time and rented from a University the rest of the time.


DH was able to work remotely most of the time and traveled for his work the rest of the time. It was really life-giving - we were able to completely skip the flu that year and we didn't get winter depression. On the other hand, I felt really out of step with my friends when I got back. Maybe if we did it more reguarly it would help and I could handle it without losing touch with friends.



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Barb, I think 4 days on the road would be well worth it to get away from the heat. We've just had a vile summer, though, so maybe that is colouring my view! I was just excited when I could hang out a load of laundry without having to have a shower afterward!




Australia, I'm guessing? It isn't quite that hot here yet. We're in the 90's but it's a DRY heat :D

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My parents bought a 5th wheel several years ago and now spend winter months in AZ. They love it. Their RV park seems family friendly, we have visited them and so has my brother with his son. A 5th wheel is a cheaper option than an RV and then you have a truck to drive around after you set up. If you decide to do this, you can e-mail me or PM me for the name of their RV park.

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We live in the Mid-west and my parents live in the South-west. There are literally thousands of snow-birds where they live, and one day I hope to be one or better yet...a local.


(Dh's job is here and we are pretty much tied to the area and four seasons... for now.)

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Australia, I'm guessing? It isn't quite that hot here yet. We're in the 90's but it's a DRY heat :D


Yup! We usually get a dry heat in my corner of Australia and we get a cool breeze over the ocean in the evening and it cools things down. Usually. With the La Nina this year it was awful, humid, no cool breeze.


Now we're in our autumn, which is beautiful. I love our winters too - cool and wet. Spring is wonderful too, it's just summer that does me in.



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