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6/7 year old girls.

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My DD6 is about to turn 7 on Friday. She's always been quite moody and stubborn. But within the past 2 weeks, she cries at the drop of a hat. If I look at her wrong, she breaks down crying and runs to the back of the house. :confused::confused::confused:


Oh my word, I feel like I'm living with a teenager already.


I'm not even sure what to say to her sometimes. She gets an attitude, which results in her getting in trouble, and then she tells me "Mommy's being mean!" and runs off in tears.


Tell me I'm not the only one. :bigear:


Would you punish for your child exclaiming "Mommy's being mean!" in a very haughty voice? In one breath, I know she's expressing her feelings....but in another breath, I feel like she should do it with less attitude.

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My dd who is now 14 started that at about 7. She did mature early and began menstruating about two weeks after she turned 11. The attitude really did not improve until she was about 13. It was a rough few years. I tried really, really hard to be patient with her when she was so emotional and angry, but there were times when she went too far and was punished.


My 2nd dd who is almost 12 now has not had any of the attitude issues her sister had. Thank God! :001_smile:


Try to be patient with your dd, but let her know there is a line that crosses over into disrespect and that is not okay. When I could catch my dd at the beginning point of an emotional tizzy, I would send her to her room until she could get herself together. Another thing that helped was spending more time with me one on one. Good luck - girls at that age are so much harder than boys IMO.

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It must be a conspiracy. Our DD (7 in May) is like that. Yeeesh. Emotional and the oddest times, but mostly because she didn't have a balanced diet or little sleep. :001_huh:


On the other hand, I do find that DD is much more patient with her younger siblings, and is wanting to help more in the kitchen... I like that part!:D

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My dd7.5 or so makes me want to scream sometimes! She gets very focused on things that are (to me) very small (ie, "What if I can't find my ball, Mama?") and can't let them go. She will well up with tears at odd times but especially around school stuff that she doesn't understand completely. (And seeing how school is supposed to get you familiar with new stuff, that's unfortunately often!) She can be very thoughtless - not too surprising but still annoying - around dd4 even though she is at heart a very loving person. She is very quick to take offense with friends and feel hurt and have to come inside. Her self-focus is not a selfish, greedy thing - more like an analytical total lack of confidence - but it's extreme sometimes. I've also wondered if she's already in her pre-teen stage because of the mood swings.


Example: Last fall our plans for a Sunday afternoon changed. I was in the kitchen prepping something when I told her she couldn't go play on the nearby playground. She dissolved into tears and the whining voice that goes with them and began lamenting her fate before I had a chance to finish my sentence. When I got her attention again, I stated that this was because we were going to take a picnic dinner to the neighborhood park and eat it near the lake. Instantaneously she began to jump up and down and exclaim in a high squeaky voice, "The park? The lake? Oh, I love going to the lake . . ." <whew> Whiplash mood-swings! And why does it all have to be so high-pitched? :glare:


The funniest part of this is that I took the girls to the local Convention's curriculum fair and we passed a booth for a homeschool theatre organization. I found a brochure, handed it to dd7 and said, "Here, look at this." She said, "What is it, Mama?" I responded, "It's drama. You get up on stage and act out plays and such." She looked at the brochure doubtfully and softly (so as not to offend the boy in the booth) confided, "I don't think I like drama, Mama."


I was speechless. :lol::lol::lol:


I hope things smooth out for all of us!!!


Mama Anna

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I am very glad to see this thread because I was beginning to think there was something seriously wrong with my 6.5 year old.


She has been very vocal about how mean I am lately. Any time she is corrected it is immediate tears and stomping off to her room.


I have decided to let her get away with a modified version of "your mean." We sat and talked about it and agreed that I am not actually mean, she just thinks I am being mean. The compromise we came up with was that she can say "I think you're being mean" without any consequences but she may not say "you're mean." This was okay with me because the first is a true expression of her feelings at the time, the second is simply a statement made out of anger in an effort to aggravate me.

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My 6 1/2 year old is the same way and it's driving me to drink.


If even the most minor of things go wrong, she starts to cry and exclaim "This. is. the. WORST. day. of. my. life!"


I've gotten so tired of hearing it that whenever she says it I reply "Really? Is it worse than the day you puked all over yourself four times?"


Surprisingly, she usually says "Hmmm... no. That was way worse." and quits the histrionics. :lol:

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Oh, this thread is a God send!!! I am having the same issue with my dd7(8 next month). She has always been my sensitive one, but this crying over every. little. thing. is driving me nuts!


Today, after church, we went with friends to eat lunch. After that, we went with the same friends to some caverns near our home. She was with her friends ALL DAY (from Sunday school on till 5:30pm). When it was time to go home, she got in the car and cried her eyes out because she didn't want it to be over. You would have thought they had died and we would never see them again the way she was carrying on. We'll see them again on Sunday, if not before!


She exhausts me.

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My DD6 is about to turn 7 on Friday. She's always been quite moody and stubborn. But within the past 2 weeks, she cries at the drop of a hat. If I look at her wrong, she breaks down crying and runs to the back of the house. :confused::confused::confused:


Oh my word, I feel like I'm living with a teenager already.


I'm not even sure what to say to her sometimes. She gets an attitude, which results in her getting in trouble, and then she tells me "Mommy's being mean!" and runs off in tears.


Tell me I'm not the only one. :bigear:


Would you punish for your child exclaiming "Mommy's being mean!" in a very haughty voice? In one breath, I know she's expressing her feelings....but in another breath, I feel like she should do it with less attitude.


That is 7. Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I'm going to eat some worms (Sing along!)


Seriously, it's like clockwork. My friends are mean. I have no friends. Mommy is mean. Mommy likes Sister better. I can't do this. Everything is too hard. I don't understand. I don't feel like it. Nobody loves me anyway.


I took my oldest to a child psychologist when she was 7 because I was so worried about her, but it turns out she was just 7. The good news is, it wears off. Don't buy into it and don't take it seriously. 8 is much better :)




Here, buy this: Your 7 Year Old: Life in Minor Key

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Both of my girls have hit this stage at this age. Think of it like when they are 2ish discovering that they are a separate person. They are going through a large emotional and physical growth.


I'd treat it like you do other growth spurts - make sure they're getting a little more sleep, a little more protein, a little more understanding. Early on, I try to teach my kids to send themselves to their rooms when they need to regroup. This has no penalty. We give hugs and ask if she's feeling better when she reemerges.


To the "Mommy is mean comment," long ago I embraced my inner "mean-old-hag." I don't let my kids speak disrespectfully to me, but I understand an inarticulate idea when I hear one.



They grow up way too fast. Don't just see the frustration your kids are causing you; look at the unique person that is trying to emerge. When the tears start and my frustration rises, I do just what I did at 2. I get down on my knees and look this little person in the eyes until my frustration leaves and my heart softens.



This will pass and when it is over, your child will be a bit bigger in every possible way.

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All my girls were like that at this age. The oldest and the youngest (who is now seven) were the worst. I have nicknamed my youngest daughter 'Hysteria'. When we went through Lively Latin and we had to choose Latin names our whole family participated. DD7 chose 'Ordealia', I think she meant 'Aurelia' but it was hilarious. We still call her Ordealia.


I have worked with her on slowing her breathing and taking deep breaths when she feels her emotions getting out of control, and that seems to help sometimes. DH teaches a group therapy on mindfulness and he has talked to her quite a bit about reframing in her mind what is going on around her so she doesn't have such an emotional reaction to everything. But, she is still seven........


Mine all got better for a few years, then they became adolescents and were way worse for years and years.

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