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I need to lose weight...fast...

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Personally, I would just recommend counting your calories, and then you can decide for yourself how nutritious (or non-nutritious) you want those calories to be.

I've been using the LoseIt calculator for the past 12 days. I believe it only lets you set a goal of up to 2lb/wk (which would be within your range), but I've lost 6lb in the past 12 days (though I have more weight to lose than you do), and I've had a mix of very healthy days and junky days, but always within my calorie limits.


(I have thyroid issues by some people's standards, but not by others'.)

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I took DHEA and it really messed up my mental outlook. I would be very leery of hcg.


The Curves level one plan is 1300 calories per day, high in protein so that you don't lose muscle or have cravings. It is working better for my overall health than some other things I have tried.


The other diet that really worked for me and I actually had more energy was GR2 Control. I didn't exercise or anything with that.


I also read somewhere that eggs contain all the nutrients you need with the exception of vitamin C. So if I have crash diet days I go with eggs and dark green leafy things that contain vitamin C and calcium. Strawberries also do not mess up the low carb effect.

Edited by Lovedtodeath
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Shots or a pill? I don't think I have the money to go to a clinic for shots.

Homeopathic pill. :)


I second the hcg. I'm on it now and went from 177 to 157 in 30 days! It has been like a miracle to me after failing on every other diet.

Great job on your loss! :D


I posted about hcg in several posts on this thread. HTH. :)


If you or anyone else needs more info, let me know.

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hcg, hcg, hcg - I love the homeopathic and it works. :D

If you're interested, dDo a search on these boards for past threads, or I can just copy and paste my tips.

I would love the info for this diet. My doctor suggested it to me, but I don't know enough about it. Is this the actual hcg hormone? This was my wonder because I really do not want to feel like I am pregnant or have any of the symptoms that come along with that hormone!

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I would love the info for this diet. My doctor suggested it to me, but I don't know enough about it. Is this the actual hcg hormone? This was my wonder because I really do not want to feel like I am pregnant or have any of the symptoms that come along with that hormone!



Look for my post saying that I ordered HCG - Negin added some great links there.

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I didn't read all the pages, so I don't know how fast is "fast," and I'm probably stating the obvious here, but to loose weight the plan is simple, but it's super hard:


  • NO SUGAR! of any kind whatsoever! (white flour, white rice, corn, potatoes, fruit are all on the "no-no" list). Only eat nutrient rich foods - NO EMPTY CALORIES!
  • WORK-OUT like CRAZY as much as you can - HIGH INTENSITY (NOT walking, RUNNING!) weights too, total of 1 hour per day MINIMUM!
  • COUNT CALORIES - It takes 3,500 calories DEFICIT to loose 1 pound. So, 3,500 x 15 = 52,500 calories DIFICIT to loose 15 pounds! YEAH! I KNOW, IT SUCKS!

OK - now I've convinced myself that I should work out tonight, and I shouldn't have eaten those Coco-Krispies for an afternoon snack. "Bad me!"

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Isn't Hcg the hormone you make when you are pregnanat? The Hcg must make you have morning sickness and throw up all day. Is that how you lose the weight? I never had morning sickness when I was pregnant and gained lots of weight, so with my luck, I'd be the one it didn't work for. :lol:


Seriously, I would love to lose some weight before a trip in 3 weeks. I don't think I'm willing to try hormones, though. Off to research the others.

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Isn't Hcg the hormone you make when you are pregnanat? The Hcg must make you have morning sickness and throw up all day. Is that how you lose the weight? I never had morning sickness when I was pregnant and gained lots of weight, so with my luck, I'd be the one it didn't work for. :lol:


Seriously, I would love to lose some weight before a trip in 3 weeks. I don't think I'm willing to try hormones, though. Off to research the others.


I don't think the levels are high enough to make you sick. You have Hcg when you are pregnant but you dont' get morning sickness until you are at least 8 weeks because your hormone levels are higher. Just my thoughts anyway.

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Guest absovlit

Your absolutely right when you say weight loss is not meant be done quick. Given your current situation, your going to have to exercise every single day and make sure you watch your diet as well. One thing I would like to suggest doing is trying to find a weight loss pill that works.Don't use one with actual drugs in them as they usually tend to have negative side effects but try finding a natural weight loss pills that will help you achieve your goal. NO weight loss pill will lose weight for you, your best bet is to honestly just watch your calorie intake and make sure you exercise every day so you can look your best on your trip.

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Your absolutely right when you say weight loss is not meant be done quick. Given your current situation, your going to have to exercise every single day and make sure you watch your diet as well. One thing I would like to suggest doing is trying to find a weight loss pill that works.Don't use one with actual drugs in them as they usually tend to have negative side effects but try finding a natural weight loss pills that will help you achieve your goal. NO weight loss pill will lose weight for you, your best bet is to honestly just watch your calorie intake and make sure you exercise every day so you can look your best on your trip.


I was thinking about this the other day, but the OP mentioned thyroid meds. I take 5-HTP for mood purposes, but it really, really helps with hunger and cravings. If you have cravings for sweets or carbs in general, this will help. I don't know the the repercussions of taking it with thyroid meds though--that would take more research.

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I was thinking about this the other day, but the OP mentioned thyroid meds. I take 5-HTP for mood purposes, but it really, really helps with hunger and cravings. If you have cravings for sweets or carbs in general, this will help. I don't know the the repercussions of taking it with thyroid meds though--that would take more research.



I know that I can take Hcg with thyroid meds, but I am not sure about 5-HTP, I think that was on the no-no list. I will check though. Thanks!

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go to my fitness pal and start recording your exercise. it will set you up with what you should do to lose the weight.


also, i do atkins. they have an online community to help you.


drink 60 oz of water a day so that your kidneys will function and your body will not reserve fat in your body.


good luck.

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It's not a good idea to loose weight quickly. If you start exercising and eating proper, you will loose a little bit of water weight and in the long run, it will be better for your body. Sorry, but I'd never do the quick diets, it's not really good for your body.


You may be right, and I could have written your post several months ago. But sometimes one needs to for social reasons or wants to, anyway. ;)

And for me, anyway, and I know for many others, there are times when one needs to give their weight loss a kick-start. Slow losses, or, as would often happen to me, no losses at all, can be very non-motivating for some. I did the whole 30-Day Shred, eating less, moderation stuff for years and years ... I was strong as an ox, but the losses were just not happening. The older I've gotten, the more difficult it has been to just exercise and eat right. In my teens, 20s, and up to mid-late 30s, that approach worked. Now, in my 40s, it doesn't really work anymore. My body has changed.

I never, ever thought that I would be in favor of the occasional quick diet. I was the poster girl for anti-diets and moderation in all things.


I second the hcg. I'm on it now and went from 177 to 157 in 30 days! It has been like a miracle to me after failing on every other diet.

I use homeopathic pellets I bought online for about $60. I think that is very affordable for the results I have been getting.

I have had nearly zero hunger so don't let the low calorie diet part scare you too much.

:hurray: Brilliant! :D


Isn't Hcg the hormone you make when you are pregnanat? The Hcg must make you have morning sickness and throw up all day. Is that how you lose the weight? I never had morning sickness when I was pregnant and gained lots of weight, so with my luck, I'd be the one it didn't work for. :lol:

Seriously, I would love to lose some weight before a trip in 3 weeks. I don't think I'm willing to try hormones, though. Off to research the others.

I thought the same thing at first. And read up on it. No, you don't feel sick or nauseous.

The homeopathic is really not hormones at all.

hcg works for most people that I know.

Losing weight on most plans work if one sticks to it.

It's the keeping it off later that's the true challenge. ;)


Remember: for those who want to do hcg, remember exercise lightly and in moderation. Nothing strenuous whatsoever. See my previous posts if you wish.

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I would do extreme low carb (eggs and something for vitamin C)

I can never lose without Sang Ji Sheng tea: http://www.healthcareherb.com/weightloss.html Besides helping with weight loss it is so good for me. Definitely nourishing. Most definitely add this and perhaps some of the other products.

This looks interesting.

How long have you used this and/or their other products?

I assume that you had no horrible side-effects, etc.

Thank you. :)

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Sang Ji Sheng is a tea made from Mulberry Mistletoe that my doctor prescribed as part of my cancer regimen. It provides many health benefits including:



  • Lubricate and provides moisture to the body's internal organs
  • Strengthens the liver and kidneys
  • Helps suppress appetite naturally
  • Provides nourishment to help maintain an adequate energy supply within the body
  • Effective at reducing high blood pressure by tonification
  • Has mild demulcent laxative properties for the relief of constipation
  • Soothes and relaxes the nervous system
  • Contains herbal calcium for strengthening tendons, bones, back and legs



It is not risky like herbal supplements that mess with the body's hormones or metabolism. I also find it nearly impossible to lose weight without it, and relatively easy when I drink it. I drink 1/4 to 1/2 gallon per day and it can replace all of ones water intake.

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I know that I can take Hcg with thyroid meds, but I am not sure about 5-HTP, I think that was on the no-no list. I will check though. Thanks!



I took hcg two years ago with my thyroid meds and my blood pressure meds and it was fine. I am going to begin it again as soon as it arrives.


I am SO looking forward to it -- I felt so empowered - like I had finally taken back control.

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