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They're arriving!

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You've got to love the smell of next year's curriculum! I have boxes of books stacked up waiting to be sliced and bound. Yeah! I get to go to Staples again!


I have been looking at binding machines on the internet again. Please talk me down! I don't have the space. I don't really need one. The combs are a pain to store. Come on, there have to be more reasons NOT to get one.

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I spent yesterday afternoon clearing out space for all next year's goodies that I purchased in Cincinnati! So much fun to look at everything again and start the mental planning!


Don't buy a comb binder. (I don't have anything against them, but you did have some good reasons for not buying one.) Save the money for something else.

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I placed a huge Rainbow order last night! I cannot wait for it to arrive (hopefully soon and hopefully with all ordered items :lol:)!



Don't get the binding machine. You don't have the space to store it. You don't really need one. The combs are a pain to store. ;)

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You ladies are hilarious!


Why do I look longingly at the new stuff, when we're slogging through the old stuff? Is it the perfect future unopened curriculum provides? The current stuff is stained, dog-eared, has skipped pages. It's not perfect anymore.


But the new stuff is wonderful and shiny new knowledge!

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My postal worker wears a long-suffering look this time of year...


A LOT of my purchases came from amazon this time around.


I used to feel sorry for mine. Now I feel he should be grateful. With what I spent on shipping I am providing him with great job security.;)

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Funny, I was so discouraged with how our current year was going and even considering cyber charter school until I started talking to my SIL about curriculum for next year. (DH's pep talk didn't hurt though)


I now can't stop thinking about what we'll be using, ordering, and planning. I'm even contemplating trying to put together a writing class for the fall. I think maybe I've lost my mind. :lol:

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Fun!!! This is my favorite time of year, tied with Christmas :)



We just got our math books in, and now I'm waiting on a big Rainbow Resource order, an Amazon order, and few stragglers from publishers :) I do love bright and shiny new books!!


Now I've got my stack started for Staples as well :lol:

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We're contemplating how and what to order for next year. ((sigh)) Usually I wait for July-ish, and then scramble to finalize my plans. I'd like to be more ahead of the game this year. Of course, as soon as I decide something... something more fabulous comes along!! I am so jealous of those of you who are getting your books in.

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I received some of our books from amazon yesterday. More will come today and the rest of the week. And, still more will come next week. Singapore, Rainbow Resource, Amazon, oh my.


I'm giddy!


Oh, and Proclick is totally on my list. Do I need it? No, but I love office supplies. :lol:

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Last Spring I was talked down from purchasing a bunch of curriculum (DD just turned 3). This year I can't be talked down - but I actually have most of what I need. OPGTTR, Mudpies to Magnets, BOB books, and many many read-alouds. Now art supplies - look out!!


But is 4 too young to start Math-U-See Primer???? Manipulatives!!

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LOL, I love the stains and dog ears. All of the scribbled pages are great too. I go through and pick out the best sections and .....




I take the history and science notebooks to the office store. Usually, this requires a great deal of punching and really large combs. :-/ They were after all in a 3inch 3ring notebook. :) LOL


I combine books and guides and curriculum so mine better get here so I can plan some things for summer. (We school all year.)

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Is now the best time of year to buy new materials? (I'm new at this.) Are they cheaper at different times of the year? Say, a month or so after the traditional start of the school year?


I share your excitement. Our first math program is suppose to show up next Monday :party:but I wondered if we could have gotten it cheaper if we had waited? It said it was down to $100 from $145. Is that just a ploy, or is it really that high at other times of the year?

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There are genuine sales going on right now, but I've seen them other times, too, just depending. "School supplies" (as opposed to curriculum) go on sale in accordance with the public school year, but homeschool curriculum purchasing, in my experience, aligns itself with tax refund season.

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Different publishers have sales at different times. Personally, I got our math curriculum so early because Alpha Omega (we use their Horizons Math) had a 20% off sale starting April 1 (earlier for those on their contact list) and their prices won't go lower than that during the year, nor could I find it cheaper elsewhere.


If you are interested in a particular curriculum, you could try asking around here if anyone knows when the publisher puts it on sale, or you could always try googling.




(Also, that is a really good point about homeschooling sales aligning with tax refund season. I'd never thought about that before!)

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My postal worker wears a long-suffering look this time of year...


A LOT of my purchases came from amazon this time around.


So does mine. And most of my purchases (the bibs and bobs I get for "school," then all the birthday and Christmas presents) are from Book Depository and they have an annoying habit of packing everything individually. This means the poor parcel lady can be at my door for 8 days out of a fortnight if I've placed a large order...


I'm just glad my stuff has stopped coming and I won't have to start buying again until next semester!



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Don't tempt me, don't tempt me, don't tempt me! I have put my beautiful new stuff away in the (gasp) garage. I want to focus on finishing what we have and not planning next year!


But I may just allow myself a day during spring break to puruse some of the reallly yummy stuff!

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Miss Moe, I hear it calling you ....



"Come and get us we need to be planned and filed, " says the curriculum in the garage.


And get out your comb-binder, LOL


I have been around the kids tooooo long today!



LOL! Too bad I'm not really sure where my dh put it and I'm too lazy right now to dig around! But then again.....

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