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What Do you use for Health?

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Harcourt puts out some really colorful health textbooks for early elementary.



They and the workbooks can be bought pretty cheap from Amazon. (I have the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd listed over on the swap board ;))



I've never done an official health curriculum with my dc, but they enjoy reading the texts.

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We use Abeka. I pick them up used for their grade level.


It's a snoozer but gets the job done. :lol: (the kids like it but I'm bored.)



eta: sorry, I missed that you said you didn't like Abeka. I will drink more coffee before posting.

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Being that we are going to study life sciences this year, which includes anatomy, I ordered "newpapers" for health this year. They will span about six to eight weeks. From this point, we will jump off to enrich with readng from the library or internet resources.


Health includes eating, anatomy and physiology, development, hygiene, and a few other good topics that need covered.


This is why we study health, even if in a minimalist fashion like we will for the fifth and sixth grades. :)

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Secular and does not include any sexuality- Current Health Kids & Current Health Teens magazines. They are published by the Weekly Reader folks. My kids really enjoy them and are happy to read them with no prompting from me.


A sexuality newsletter is option for those receiving Current Health Teens.



Current Health kids grades 4-7



Current Health teens grades 8-12


For younger than 4th - Staying Healthy Series:


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We used "Prudence and the Millers" (along with the student book) with my children last year and they loved it. The stories are about a Mennonite family so of course there is religion in them. It is told in story form with some excercises and extra information in the student workbook. Just another option.

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Health is probably the only thing I've been able to keep up with my kids!


DS has asthma, so both kids have a decent understanding of the lungs and how they work, how the meds work, how asthma can mask anaphylaxis, and what to do if he has trouble breathing.


DD is getting a little chubby, so we're talking about healthy food choices and she's learning to cook.


Both have a basic understanding of what to do is someone is choking, has a seizure, passes out, etc.


Safety is constantly talked about since DD has Asperger's and doesn't have "gut feelings" about some situations.


We have 3-4 human anatomy books. DD has the american girl body book.


I use injuries as lessons (DS fell on his face on the cement one day, and while looking in a mirror, we talked about why it needs to be cleaned, and why this will be checked out by a Dr [wasn't sure if he fractured his cheek bone], I used it to to discuss head injuries, and why we do NOT need to call an ambulance).

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We use daily life to really study health. However, our state requires heath every year, and to avoid writing a page explaining our "family health curriculum" in my yearly paperwork, we also use Rod and Staff. It's just a short lesson once a week. I like that it includes manners too.

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