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Treadmill or Elliptical?

Elliptical or Treadmill  

  1. 1. Elliptical or Treadmill

    • Treadmill
    • Elliptical
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I enjoy ellipticals more than treadmills, but to BUY one for your home... you can get a really nice treadmill for about $800 but you would have to spend far more than that to get a really nice elliptical. The ellipticals that cost around $1000 or so just aren't as nice as the ones you see at the gym. They tend to have smaller... circling things... the pedal part... and therefore not as effective or enjoyable to use as the ones at the gym. It's been a while (6 years or so) since I've looked at both and compared prices though....

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If you want to lose some serious weight or get into shape, buy the old fashioned nordic track ski machines. They are great. Not much that you can break with it. I lost 30 lbs after my first baby on this machine (with diet). You can buy it on craigslist or a thrift store for $35-65. LOL, if it is not used,it makes a great coat rack too :) The best machine is the one you will use regularly.

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I belonged to a gym for months and was able to try both. The elliptical just wasn't as comfortable for me. After dh and then dd joined the gym, we decided it would be worthwhile for us to purchase a treadmill and skip the 3 memberships.


A friend of mine agreed with our choice. She said, "The treadmill holds me accountable."



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So far I am in the minority but I have a definite opinion.


I bought an elliptical for $550 at Sam's a couple years ago. I love it and I think it is great quality. I compared high end machines and consumer articles. While it is not the SAME as commercial machines it is very heavy duty and great quality.


I spent this last week traveling and stayed at a brand new Hampton Inn with great workout equipment. Every day I used both their elliptical and their treadmill. For me, the treadmill was MUCH harder on my knees than the elliptical. My elliptical has programs, will vary resistance or can just be adjusted manually. While I do think the machine at the Hampton was more commercial duty compared to mine, I was very pleased that mine still feels very good compared to this one.


I was originally concerned about not getting a good enough machine if I didn't spend at least $1000 but this machine has turned out to be well worth the money.

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I actually own both (yes, I'm spoiled but dh is military and deployed all the time with the dc were little....). Treadmill keeps me accountable for speed, as a pp mentioned, it's also a much better/more intense cardio workout. I have knee issues (hence buying the elliptical when I already owned a treadmill:tongue_smilie:) and the elliptical is much easier on my knees. I spent $800 on the elliptical and no, it's not as high quality as the gym, but it works great for just me, not constant use by tons of people all day. However, the dc aren't tall enough yet to use the elliptical and it's an awkward motion to get used to.


The bottom line, assuming you have no knee problems to worry about: the best machine is the one you will actually use on a regular basis.


Also, whichever you choose I'd get one with some preprogrammed workouts just to vary it up a bit. And, if you get a treadmill get the widest belt you can afford, it makes it easier to run on. Also, if someone else is going to use it to (like dh) have them try it out also. My treadmill (even brand new) was never strong enough for dh to run on, even though he's never been overweight.



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I just bought an elliptical last fall. I was originally planning on a treadmill, but the articles I read said that


  1. Ellipticals are simpler machines and so have fewer maintenance and wear-and-tear issues
  2. Given the same amount of money, you can buy a higher-quality elliptical than treadmill
  3. Ellipticals are better on your knees


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I get motion sick & found that doing an elliptical made me motion sick. :ack2: (Perhaps because they have more of a rocking motion???)


I'm fine w/ treadmills.


Obviously, I vote for treadmills. :lol:


See, I'm just the opposite.:lol: I can do the elliptical just fine, but I get sick after doing any time on a treadmill. I also find the elliptical to be lower impact than a treadmill too.


I think you should go to a gym a few times and try them out to see what works best for you before investing. Looks pretty obvious it's a pretty split reaction.

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Try both.


I love my elliptical -- a Costco purchase, has a true flywheel in rear. For me: no-impact, lower perceived effort for the same workout; and uses many more muscle groups. Also, I'm busty so I can't run on a treadmill (or elsewhere). Not an issue with the elliptical.

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