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Bad Mom Award (or nominee)- just in time for mother's day.

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I have forgotten my dd's tooth fairy visit three nights in a row.


I have made up very creative excuses about moving, needing to address the note to the correct regional tooth fairy, etc.


I don't make a big deal about the tooth fairy, and I'm not sure she really believes anyone other than me puts the money under the pillow, but I think her feelings are hurt. Bad mom!


In our defense, our week has been insane, my dh has been working 16 hour days and during his waking time at home we have had important paperwork to address. Still....



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I have forgotten my dd's tooth fairy visit three nights in a row.


I have made up very creative excuses about moving, needing to address the note to the correct regional tooth fairy, etc.


I don't make a big deal about the tooth fairy, and I'm not sure she really believes anyone other than me puts the money under the pillow, but I think her feelings are hurt. Bad mom!


In our defense, our week has been insane, my dh has been working 16 hour days and during his waking time at home we have had important paperwork to address. Still....




Here's what you do. Plant the money. Go into her room, sit down to be Very Sympathetic, and ;)d i s c o v e r ;) the money wedged "over there...do you see it?" A little glitter on the money helps, too.


*I* have gotten so good I can slip the $ in there right in front of the kid.


I hope that important paperwork is leading to a sold house for you!

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Aww, (((Jo)))...some days can be so hard. You are not a bad mom!!!

Take care,



I have forgotten my dd's tooth fairy visit three nights in a row.


I have made up very creative excuses about moving, needing to address the note to the correct regional tooth fairy, etc.


I don't make a big deal about the tooth fairy, and I'm not sure she really believes anyone other than me puts the money under the pillow, but I think her feelings are hurt. Bad mom!


In our defense, our week has been insane, my dh has been working 16 hour days and during his waking time at home we have had important paperwork to address. Still....



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The first time I forgot I felt so bad, I left an extra dollar the next night. When DS lost his next tooth, he put it under his pillow and said, "I sure hope she doesn't come for a few more nights so I can get extra!!"

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Here's what you do. Plant the money. Go into her room, sit down to be Very Sympathetic, and ;)d i s c o v e r ;) the money wedged "over there...do you see it?" A little glitter on the money helps, too.


*I* have gotten so good I can slip the $ in there right in front of the kid.


I hope that important paperwork is leading to a sold house for you!


I agree, this is what I do. Palm the money and find it under the bed or in the pillow case or some such.

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I hope that important paperwork is leading to a sold house for you!


You remembered! See, you are nice!


Yep. Contract paperwork.


And some Navy cr**...... I mean required Navy paperwork--lots of it. :glare:


Then there is all the termite smashing....


you see? our evenings are very busy ;)

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The tooth fairy here takes the tooth. Last time she was late and arrived after ds woke up. The tooth fairy slipped some $$ under the pillow while he was out of the room...he was so excited. He has no idea who the tooth fairy is...probably thinks it's that ugly guy from the Santa Clause movie!

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Well, this has me questioning tooth fairy etiquette.


Don't your tooth fairies take the tooth with them when they "visit"?





Well...LOL...she started that way, but my oldest once left a note asking if she could please keep her teeth, because her grandma had given her a little keepsake box for them. (shudder) So, then the other two wrote notes, too, because if their sister was going to have a gross box o' teeth, by gosh, they were, too. :001_rolleyes:

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You are on the right track about moving and the tooth fairy not knowing where you moved to...I forgot once (okay, twice now) but I made up a story about how the tf didn't know where we moved to so we had to write a note, attach it to a balloon, release it and hope she gets the message.


We went to the dollar store and I let ds choose any mylar balloon he wanted. Then I wrote a note to the tf in a language only the tf and parents know. We tied it to the balloon and we released it. You know what!? It worked! The tf showed up that night!

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I forget all the time, and this past year has been the worst. We've had "rain-out" nights when the tooth fairy was delayed a day or two by rain...and the last visit, after 2 or 3 missed nights, the tooth fairy came while they were eating breakfast. DD6 was just amazed by that and was impressed at how fast she was...oh, we all decided that the cat must have kept the toothfairy away until breakfast that time...


they seem to get over it, kids bounce back.


our tooth fairy gives guilt money too...a little extra if it has taken her a few nights to make it...

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Okay -- do any other tooth fairies here KEEP the teeth?


I did, but when we moved about 5 years ago the moving man obviously thought we were cannibalistic or something -- you should have seen his face when he saw the pile of teeth in a ceramic widgit on a shelf. He looked pretty shaken! :D


So I threw them all out -- and since my kids are older now only have 5 or 6 teeth.....


I have a friend who has ALL the teeth all her kids have ever lost -- sorted by child in ceramic containers. (At least her containers are covered so the moving men won't freak out!)

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I have forgotten my dd's tooth fairy visit three nights in a row.


If that's all it takes to be nominated for the bad mom award, I was in years ago.:tongue_smilie: My guys just set the tooth on a shelf by the kitchen sink and wait for me ~ ahem, the tooth fairy ~ to leave a silly note and a little something in its place. They know full well it may take a few days!:)

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I have done this more than once.


When the tooth fairy finally showed up, she left a note of apology on a card I printed from here:




Other times, I go into the kids room and voila! I find the money on the floor next to the bed or wedged between the bed and wall.


I am so glad my kids don't believe in the tooth fairy any more.


I have forgotten my dd's tooth fairy visit three nights in a row.




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I've tried to get my kids to believe in the tf. They asked my dh point blank if the tf was real on the first occasion of a lost tooth and dh said "no." So I spent all night making a certificate from the tooth fairy along with glitter only to hear my ds say, "I know you made this mommy!". Oh, and the first 2 lost teeth actually became lost in our house/couch cushions so the tf couldn't have taken them anyways. DS #2 just recently forgot about a tooth and I found it on the kitchen windowsill and I kept meaning to leave a note and some money there before ds found it. Well he found it and w/o my knowing put it under his pillow. He told me the next morning that he had tested to see if I was really the tf by sneaking the tooth under his pillow and now he knows for sure that it's me because there wasn't any money there. He says, "I don't need the any money from the tooth fairy, I've got my allowance." TOO Funny!!:lol: I told him not to tell his sisters!

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I have forgotten my dd's tooth fairy visit three nights in a row.


I have made up very creative excuses about moving, needing to address the note to the correct regional tooth fairy, etc.


I don't make a big deal about the tooth fairy, and I'm not sure she really believes anyone other than me puts the money under the pillow, but I think her feelings are hurt. Bad mom!


In our defense, our week has been insane, my dh has been working 16 hour days and during his waking time at home we have had important paperwork to address. Still....




:smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5:


We did this too a couple of months back! I felt so bad for ds. I am glad I am not the only one!

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