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Little Women


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I've noticed that on quite a few booklists, Louisa May Alcott is recommended, but not Little Women. Is there a reason for this? It's been a LONG time since I've read Little Women, so I think I must've forgotten something. We're working our way through the reading lists for AO, and in Year 5 they recommend it, which is where I'm hoping to be sometime next year, and I want to be prepared.

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My dd loved it also. It does have a higher reading level than some of her other books and short stories. There is also that death that brought my dd to tears, but it is a great book. Eight cousins is shorter so that might be a better one to read for a younger child. My friend read that one with her son instead of Little Women.

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Little Women is one of our favorites....even the boys love it. Little Men is the sequel geared towards boys.


The Pilgrim's Progress and a bit of character training is a theme in Little Women.


We have been inspired by Little Women to have our own Pickwick Newpaper and a mailbox in our yard for secret messages to each other.


I am currently reading aloud Little Women and With Lee in Virginia by Henty...a great Civil War combo.



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because of: http://www.keepersofthefaith.com/category/LouisaMayAlcott.


I don't agree with many of their reviews (they are agains C.S. Lewis, too). But maybe that's why it's off some lists? My daughter is reading it now, we don't have a problem with it personally. :)Gina



Well, huh. After scanning over their book reviews, I'm wondering if there's any book they do like? :001_huh:


Thanks for the clarifications. :) My DD isn't quite there, yet, I'm just putting book lists together for the next few years, and kept seeing that particular title pop up.

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because of: http://www.keepersofthefaith.com/category/LouisaMayAlcott.


I don't agree with many of their reviews (they are agains C.S. Lewis, too). But maybe that's why it's off some lists? My daughter is reading it now, we don't have a problem with it personally. :)Gina


:blink: And Anne of Green Gables is another Evil Influence. L.M. Montgomery is out to get your daughters.

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That KotF review is interesting. Their material is very pro-traditional gender roles (and I *do* like their traditional skills/Bible memorization books -- I like the encouragement for traditional crafts and skills), so I can see why they were concerned about girls wanting to be like Jo. I always thought Jo was un-exciting -- I always thought Meg, with the twins, husband, and cute little house was the coolest! LOL. Oh, and they didn't care for the Little House books either, but I think they completely missed the parts where sin and repentance are discussed.


Anyway, my 9yo is reading LW now. She likes it, but she says there are some boring parts. I suspect a lot of it is going over her head (hence the parts she thinks are dull); I know a ton of it went over mine when I read it at about the same age. I think it is a great book (and actually, while LMA's Christian beliefs may be in question, I don't think the book's are -- in contrast, I think there are a lot of great Christian themes, plus encouragement for daily Bible meditation, in it), but I also think that it's fairly grown-up, and there is no harm in waiting until closer to the teen years to read it. (I did suggest to DD that she wait, but she wanted to read it.)

Edited by happypamama
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That KotF review is interesting. Their material is very pro-traditional gender roles, so I can see why they were concerned about girls wanting to be like Jo. I always thought Jo was un-exciting -- I always thought Meg, with the twins, husband, and cute little house was the coolest! LOL.


LOL That's what I thought, too, when I read LW as a kid!! I never particularly liked Jo, but I adored Meg, and I cried over Beth. Jo was like every other girl in every other book I had read at the time.

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because of: http://www.keepersofthefaith.com/category/LouisaMayAlcott.


I don't agree with many of their reviews (they are agains C.S. Lewis, too). But maybe that's why it's off some lists? My daughter is reading it now, we don't have a problem with it personally. :)Gina

After reading the review, I have two words: oh please.


I evaluate a book based on what I read in it, not on the character or life experiences of the author. If I judged the authors' lives, the Brontes and Dickens would probably be off my reading lists, too.


I'll tell you what's off my list: Keepers of the Faith.

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Are you kidding me:001_huh: I think my head will explode after reading reviews on that sight. I consider my self to be a pretty conservative Christian, and this KOTF thing is blowing my mind. These people have no imagination at all. For what it's worth pretty much all the books they bash are my personal favorites.:glare:

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After reading the review, I have two words: oh please.


I evaluate a book based on what I read in it, not on the character or life experiences of the author. If I judged the authors' lives, the Brontes and Dickens would probably be off my reading lists, too.


I'll tell you what's off my list: Keepers of the Faith.





That review is insulting. I don't even know what else to say.


Of course we all have different views and beliefs, but how terribly close-minded to only read books which reflect only our beliefs by authors with only our beliefs. :001_huh: Gosh, I think I'd only have 1 or 2 books available to me if that were the case. :lol:

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My ds 8 likes Little Men. I just think Little Women is too long to read.


Originally, Little Women WAS two books. LMA wanted to end it when everyone was all safe back at home, but her public clamored for her to get all the Little Women married off.


She wrote the second part because of that public outcry, but she said she would NOT marry Jo off to Laurie.


She was feisty, wasn't she?

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I also want to point out that much of their info if not all about the authors themselves is false, and they have no actual references for the claims.


Well, actually, in the article about LM Montgomery they used direct quotes from her journals. I did not read every line of each of the articles, but I do know from my own research that both LMM and Louisa M Alcott had very ideas that are far from being know by the public they wrote for.


I knew about LMM's strange (to us) ideas from reading The Annotated Anne of Green Gables. While articles like the two referenced in this thread won't stop me from reading these books I think they can be helpful in pointing out beliefs the authors held. These articles give you their (kof) take on these works and authors and provide info that may not be popularly known. You can explore the info more if you want to, or ignore it if not. I find it is always helpful to read a work of fiction keeping the author's view in mind.


I picked up on many things I hadn't paid much attention to in Anne after reading all of the introductory material in the annotated version--which is not written by Christian authors. There are quite a few undercurrents that most kids won't pick up on if they aren't aware of LMM's ideas. Not that they need to...we can just read the book for enjoyment and discuss the obvious themes.


I also had a different feeling about Little Women after watching a PBS documentary (I think earlier this year?) about Louisa May Alcott. All of the wonderful lessons I see in the book she seems to have despised writing.


I suppose I have mixed feelings about articles like the KOF. ON the one hand, I'd like to be clued in on author's worldviews, otoh, sometimes the books are just a little less enjoyable once I know.

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"No one blames Miss Alcott for any evil intention in writing Little Women."




My dd 7 and I started a Christmas Eve tradition of watching the movie Little Women. I also purchased a very nice illustrated version for us to read together. Oh, my evil intents!

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I guess I would be in the extreme minority on this. I feel it is very important to know the lives of the authors that are influencing my children. I read through some of the other reviews on the site and I would have to say that I agree with much of what is written. I don't consider ourselves ultra conservative, but I definitely want my girl growing up knowing that there is no greater honor for a woman than to be raising the next generation of godly children. It is for that very reason that I am discouraging my dd (who is an avid reader) from reading "Little Women" or "Anne of Green Gables". (Books that were favorites of mine as a young girl. And, yes, Jo was my favorite.) :001_smile:


If she really wants to read them, I would let her but I would be sure to discuss those negative aspects with her and try to steer her to other books.


Just my opinion but I feel like there is value in a site like "Keepers of the Faith." But obviously not for everyone. :001_huh:


Hopefully, I don't come across as judgemental. Every family has their own standards. The other day I had a family over for supper (one I had never met, new to the neighborhood and to our church). She was going over my bookshelf, saw the book "Black Beauty" and wondered whether I should be letting my kiddos read it. I have no idea what she saw wrong with it, but I am certainly not going to think less of her for it.



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